2005 2006 2007


1 6 7 14 18

Thursday September 28.2006

I am in the middle of some pretty important family issues right now. I am hoping to be making it back on tonight even to race.

As far as the news goes, I cannot reflect right on the past week to post anything, So keep watching for a proper update coming probably tomorrow.

Thursday September 21.2006

ChronicRcn are online and running, check them out. Stats/Races/Events and much more over there at ChronicRcn, Click Here.

Nascar 2007 is now 2 weeks old, and a few of our team mates have played and disappeared. HzzrdsFnst01 is working his ass off, catch ya when your not busy there 01. HzzrdsFnst07, he's yet to get hooked up with the game, HzzrdsFnst08, he's got the game, just not with a working headset. HzzrdsFnst18, the controller is working on his hands and he is looking to buy a wheel to race his game. HzzrdsFnst3&6, they have the game, and looking to come online soon.

As for the others, Me, HzzrdsFnst15 & HzzrdsFnst77 are waiting for you all to come online. The game is great, we are running anywhere and everywhere. The downside to this is, it's looking like me and the 77 are padding. We get on, our Allies, ChronicRcn are all online racing and we (me n 77) are then racing one another waiting for some open props to run with the Chronics, and or just go with it to test tracks. Come on Team, We all boasted "Wait till 07 comes out, then we'll be out in full force" !!! Nothing is transpiring.

I believe things will turn around, it has been 1 1/2 years this team has been online racing, it's a slump that always recovers. Until then, I am not taking points until we have more then a few racers online to get that rolling.

Catch Ya on the Track. top

Monday September 18.2006

Just added the ChronicRcn team page to our links. check them out. Click Here

Thursday September 14.2006

Nascar 2007 is now been out 1 week. I only see 3 of us so far with the game. I know that everyone will come on board, but I want to point out the highs n lows of the game so far from my point.

The Highs:

Every track is runnable, some are harder, some seem simple yet don't have that line and someone else who does will leave you far behind. All setups are equal on the ONLINE part of the game. Not one track is different from the others when it comes to what you can setup. You get Tire Pressure and Wedge change only!!! And I like it like that.

The Lows:

So far I have just one complaint, and that is it is simple to get your poles and or catch up and win a race by ridding that wall. The word is out that people are kicking, bad feedback, etc etc etc people who run them walls like that to win. So far in my races, I am not seeing people steal the race like that.

It's great game, I am not taking stats yet, and I am working it out to maybe more then just HzzrdsFnst taking up in our point system. That would be just as fun. Keep watching for them updates as well. top

Thursday September 7.2006

Today is the last day I take stats for the 2006 game. No word or idea on the HzzrdsFnst Champion. Nothing has been worked out on the title yet or how to get to it. At this time HzzrdsFnst77 has topped the points and is ahead in 1st. See the points section to see where everyone is at the end.

Nascar 2007 is to be released sometime today, and I hope to have it and be online with my team mates soon as I can. HzzrdsFnst77 has the game and says that the AI limit is now 27. Audio in the game is much better, and that Carl Edwards is missing from the game.

Keep an eye out here for the latest on the game and our 2006 leaderboard to see what will come from

Wednesday September 6.2006

No game out yet, at least not over here in my neck of the woods. Thats Canada for ya!!!

Friday September 1.2006

5 days and counting until the release of the new nascar game. Things have changed again with the web page as you can see. I liked it when you could keep the links on the side to click through the page instead of scrolling down. Seemed much easier to find what you were looking for no?

Ideas are floating (In my head & in the the forum) about the Season Mode online (Idea created by HzzrdsFnst01). I like the idea and I am working on the plans right now. This is what I think can work into it:
- 100% races, in the time frame announced of the real Nascar track being run that week.
- Points calculated the same way they are calculated in the real Nascar Races.
- Damage on normal unless other wise stated.
- Races are unlimited assists.
- You will have to pit.
- Cautions (if in the game) will be on as well.
- These points will not be added to the regular point system.
More to come on this when the game comes out and it appears we can work more things into it.



September 2005

Toronto Maple Leafs host Ottawa Again and Lose.
Ottawa came out and kicked some ass, again!!. Go Leafs Go.

Skill points no longer counts on here.

As of Monday Sept.26.2005 points are cal. the old way.
HzzrdsFnst77 has lost all his skill points.
As of Monday Sept.19.05 says he has zero skill points? Odd!
Toronto Maple Leafs open pre-season and Lose.
Ottawa came out and kicked some ass. Go Leafs Go.
Ryan Newman takes race 1, Waltrip a P.O.S.
Robby Gordon calls Waltrip a Piece of Shit. Read more.