Enjoy some audio clips from the show ranging from the wonderful background music to the voices of the characters. All files are .wavs in .zip format.

Music samples

These are recorded right off the episodes. They are clean for the most part, but you may hear thumps and swishes and such from Spidey landing or swinging. These are categorized by the event when the cues were played and are listed in no particular order.

Background cues- Background cues heard throughout the episodes.

Background cue #1 Background cue #2 Background cue #3 Background cue #4 Background cue #5
Background cue #6 Background cue #7 Background cue #8 Background cue #9 Background cue #10
Background cue #11 Background cue #12 Background cue #13 Background cue #14 Background cue #15
Background cue #16        

Conclusion cues- Cues heard at the conclusion of episodes.

Conclusion cue #1

Conclusion cue #2

Theme cues- The main theme and any edits of the theme.

Theme (in .mp3 format) Theme edit

Title screen cues- Cues heard when the title screen was displayed..

Title screen cue #1

Title screen cue #2 Title screen cue #3 Title screen cue #4 Title screen cue #5
Title screen cue #6        

Swing cues- Cues heard while Spider-Man was web-swinging.

Swing cue #1

Swing cue #2 Swing cue #3 Swing cue #4 Swing cue #5
Swing cue #6 Swing cue #7 Swing cue #8 Swing cue #9 Swing cue #10
Swing cue #11 Swing cue #12 Swing cue #13 Swing cue #14 Swing cue #15
Swing cue #16 Swing cue #17 Swing cue #18 Swing cue #19  


Voice samples

Listen to what someone had to say in a particular situation or their comment on something. They are categorized by the chief character focused on in the clip.

Betty Brant

Betty wonders how Dr. Octopus trapped Spider-Man.

Betty makes the message clear, right?

Dr. Dumpty

Dr. Dumpty wonders why Bubbles is upset of Spidey's supposed demise.

Dr. Octopus

Spidey's right, Doc Ock should know better.

J. Jonah Jameson

Jameson apparently goes a bit too far with his opinion about women. Will Jameson apologize to Betty? Jameson came make use of bad news.

Master Technician

The Master Technician decides to threaten Manhattan and up his demands.

Peter Parker

Peter wishes he got this idea earlier. Peter must wonder this a lot. Peter's imagination runs wild thinking about Sonya.


Spider-Man give a clear warning to all evildoers. The most appropriate question about the Master Technician's demand list. Women aren't everything, Spidey. Apparently, Spidey is familiar with Dr. Dumpty How Spidey feels in these crazy adventures
There goes your Spider-Sense.        

More files to be added anytime.

Go back to the shrine.

All multimedia is copyright of their respectful owners, and no ownership is implied.