Episode 4B - Captured by J. Jonah Jameson


This fellow by the name of Henry Smythe claims that this robot the he's built can capture Spider-Man, and he's giving Jameson first crack at using it Peter didn't want to look at Jameson's face more than he already had to, so he decided to leave Robot Jameson can climb walls too. Spidey's going to have a toughter time outrunning this thing then he though Robot Jameson is almost as menacing as the real one Has Spidey really been captured by J. Jonah Jameson? What evil scheme is Betty plotting? A little kick of the plug of the robot controls privided enough time for Spidey to get away Captured again, and the blank screen is supposed to mean Jameson's on his way Jameson rips Spidey's mask off, but Spidey's lost his head Smythe sees that Spidey ripped out the "spider impulse machinery" which allowed him to get away, and he planted that dummy as a nice little present for Jameson

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