The latest craze has been to use aftermarket supplies to detail your model kits. I guess I've gotten bitten too with the Aftermarket detail kit craze.

I just recently acquired my first two cockpit detail kits. They are for the F-4J Phantom II. I have one F-4J kit and intend to acquire another one. I'm looking to acquire Cutting Edge resin intakes for my first F-4J.

I have two F-4J Phantom II ideas that I'd like to work on. One being Showtime 100 flown by Randy Cunningham and Willie Driscoll, when they shot down three MiG 17s to become the only US Navy aces of the Viet Nam War. This particular 1/48 Hasegawa kit will be finished up with a CE F-4J/S Intakes Resin Kit (which I still need to acquire) and a Blackbox F-4J cockpit which was given to me by smithery.

The other F-4J will be from the VF-41 Black Aces during their time in Viet Nam for which I will have to acquire another CE resin intakes resin kit. This one will have the Aires cockpit that I have just recently acquired.

That being said, I have two resin cockpit kits.

Though rest assured I will be acquiring more. Including the Aires 1/48 F-14A Cockpit sets as I've wanted to do a few more Tomcats. Who am I kidding, I probably will want to do a number of them.