Open Filter Induction System...
or as I call it: FIPK on the Cheap...


The Goal:

The goal of this modification was pretty simple: allow me to have a high flow intake for under the $200-$300 Canadian dollars most retailers want. The reality is, this is not an FIPKTM, nor is it a copy of one, nor is K&N EngineeringTM in anyway involved, except for being my personal universal fit filter maker of choice. Many other makers produce intake kits, but quite frankly, they are all fairly expensive, and only the Apex'i and the K&N filter well, with great air flow. As I was unable to find a happy price medium at the time, I dove in and made my own.

While I'll admit that I had a lot of pride in making it myself, there are several flaws in my design. First was the filter selection. I made an error in the airflow requirements and selected a filter far too small for this car. It is fine for a very mildly modified car, but over 250 horsepower, the filter runs out of flow. Secondly, the hole of the flange where it meets the the AFM is too small. It needs to be the full area to flow enough air. Hence, this project's pictures and a description of the parts required to make your own remain, but I now see the benefit of purchasing the real deal in this case. BTW, in tests, the FIPK flows and filters second only to the Apex'i Power Flow intake system, and is readily available anywhere you find car parts. It just does not make sense to spend the time making this. If you do want to follow up on this concept, there are several EBAY companies that now sell very cheap intake kits that include the proper flange (shiny chromed too) and a cheap filter, and Supra Sport has genuine K&N filters on HKS made AFM adapters with a very reasonable price. Please note again that the EBAY ones come with very cheap filters, and switching to a real K&N is highly recommended. Ensure from the seller also that the opening to the AFM does not at all cover the square hole, as if it does, it presents a restriction to air flow as your horsepower increases. For this application, a filter from K&N should have the following dimensions (select the flange diameter to meet your selected adapter):

Always maximize at least 2 of these measures, and the filter should flow to around 350 horsepower. For the Supra Sport one, Ask Jeff what the filter dimensions are, and if they fit the above, you're probably good to go (the HKS adapter is long however, so I hope that the diameters are big enough...keep forgetting to ask Jeff when I speak to him what they use). You can also visit the K&N EngineeringTM site, where all of the various filters are listed, as well as the FIPK kit and a number of other neat products. Anyhow, here are a few pics of the completed project, and this is about how yours will look too (only a larger filter).


New Intake From Above New Intake From Passenger Seat Area Space available for other mods Intake Side Shot New Intake From Above Engine New Intake From Drivers Side


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