Welcome to

Donald John's House

Welcome to Donald John's house;
Built with joy and pride
For the lovely Ellen Matheson
Who was soon to be his bride.

She brought a daughter, Rhodena;
A friend for his own, Mary L.;
These two lonely widowed people
Would raise their daughters well.

Quickly, the family would increase
With births of Frances, and Kaye —
Becky, Margaret and Frank;
And Aileen filled the house in every way.

Farm life was not an easy one
With Ellen doing inside work and out;
And Sacrament Sunday, an open house
For anyone who was about.

Though Presbyterian in the beginning
The United Church became God's Home;
To this family, and several others
Who sought Union of God's own.

Welcome to Donald John's house
Now the local home of "Mary Frank";
And still more generations behind
For this, to you O God, we thank.

These days, sadly, a few are absent
When we are given the dinner call;
Children Margaret, Frank, Rhodena, and Mary L.
But with love, it is still full; from wall to wall.

Welcome to Donald John's House!

Written by Flo MacDonald, Grand River, NS                                                                           May 20, 2003