A Poem for Grand River

I am thankful for the day that we

Moved to the River Grand

Cozy in our little home

Tucked nicely on our land.

I am thankful for the gift of sight

Each morning I glance outside,

To view the painting for the day

Whether of ice or the ebbing tide.

I have seen the beautiful Black River

In every mood it has shown

In sunshine, fog, mist, driven rain,

And covered with the whitest snow.

It calms my spirit, relaxes my soul

It inspires my deepest thought

As I look upon my steadfast island

That God's gentle hand has brought.

I am aware that God enticed us

To Grand River for a cause

It may be health, it may be love

And it surely has made us pause.

I must share with you this beauty

That God has passed our way

By displaying our special photos

Which enliven our every day.

Surely a place of such enchantment

Was meant for us to share

With all who care to notice

That Heaven begins right here.

Thank You God!

Flo MacDonald May 4, 2002

written for Aileen Moise