The Beginning

Smeagol's original name was Trahald, the Anglicized equivalent of which is Smeagol.
Smeagol was born in the year 2430 in Eriador

to a fairly prominent family of hobbits of the Stoor strain.
Later his family moved near the Gladden Fields.
In the year 2463, the day of Smeagol's coming of age,

about twenty-five years old, he went fishing with his cousin Deagol.
While fishing, Deagol saw something glittering under the surface of the water,

dove in after it, and came up with a glittering gold ring,
where Isildur had lost it more than two millennia before.
Before even knowing the qualities of the beautiful ring,

Smeagol's desire to own it overtook him, and he murdered his cousin for it.