Book: Promethea
Story: The Judgement of Solomon

Issue: #2



This story picks up right after the last issue left us. Sophie/Promethea has defeated the Smee and now has to figure out what to do, and who she is. It's an interesting situation, Sophie feels like she has two people inside her. One, a shy young grad student, and the other a fierce warrior woman, acting on instincts ready for battle. And her new skills are about to be put to the test as an insidious businessman named Benny Solomon has been hired out by an organization called The Temple to take care of the new Promethea. So Solomon sends out two demons to track her down and kill her. Meanwhile Sophie/Promethea has gone across town to meet up with her friend Stacia who has been at a concert and try and figure out what to do. The demons arrive and an epic fight ensues. Promethea's powers are truly put to the test as she battles these demons of the underworld.

The Baddie:


These two guys are pretty funny. To most people they sem to appear (if they do at all) as two Reservoir Dogs rejects. But in reality they're pretty bad ass. Of course they don't really know what they're up against in Promethea. But then again, they're just demons. I'd definitely like to see them return for more mayhem in future issues. They've got some pretty funny banter, and are pretty cool baddies.

The Good Stuff:

The Not So Good:


Well, the story seems to be fleshing out a bit but I'm not too thrilled with the look yet. Elements are good, and I think the characters are nicely designed, but for god sakes have the next issue take place during the daytime! Anyhow, I'm getting interested in this Solomon character, and the demons were decent. This first story arc definitely isn't finished yet though.


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