

The story of "Wasabi" was fairly good. Albeit a bit contrived; I mean leaving the man you love without telling him you're pregnant so you can safely infiltrate the Yakusa… how many times have we heard that story.Actually the drama spun itself out quite nicely and nothing was too deep. I mean it is a comedy after all.
I was concerned that I wouldn't get the jokes given that the film was in French with no subtitles and my language skills are pretty laughable. I was presently surprised though to discover that I actually got most of it. Maybe I've just seen enough cop films, or enough zany comedies to understand where they were coming from. I was very entertained on the whole with the story.

The film looked very good. Especially the lighting. I often find that French films (not that I've see that many), especially ones that take place mostly at night are very underlit. I honestly believe that decent lighting is an important element to comedy. Everything was warm with a handful of good cinematic shots thrown in. Overall, a good look although not terribly complex.

This is a Luc Besson film, starring Jean Reno; need I say more. They've both had a lot of success sometime together, and rightly so. Jean Reno pulls off a smart, funny, and comically violent cop very well. He even looks like a cop just naturally. Very good job to all.

A very decent film, if I had understood it all I probably would've liked it even more. But considering my language limitations I was very impressed.