Sliding Doors

This film has a pretty decent story. In fact the whole premis rests on a fairly intreguing plot point. What happens to us depends a lot on twists of fate. What if we just caught that train or that elevator? Maybe it’s just simple fate that make things work out the way they do. This film asks that question and explores the two possible outcomes of fate as our protagonist Helen leads two very different lives after the simple difference of catching or missing the train home. The premis is intreguing, but really not anywhere near enough of a plot device to carry this film throughout. I think that’s why the first time I saw this film I was dissapointed. They markted it as this great philosophical insight, or at least that was my impression at the time of its release, when instead its really just a romantic comedy.

Actually, its as a romantic comedy that this film succeeds. Coming to this film again after a few years since its release I’ve got to say I really enjoyed the film. Maybe it was because I wasn’t concerned with the whole double life thing. I just watched this film as a lighthearted simple romantic comedy. And it was really fun. The jokes are funny, and the situations entertaining. This film will never win awards, but it does the job it was made for nicely.


This film looked film. Simple Unnasuming. Exactly as it should have been. Nothing really stood out, but nothing was poorly done. I did like Gweneth Paltrow with her short hair. Then again, she’s pretty beautiful no matter what they do to her.


I enjoyed the acting in this film. The strength of a romantic comedy lies in it’s actors, and our ability to believe in them. Gweneth Paltrow plays our protagonist Helen. And I must say pulls off a very nice British accent. Although, who really knows? Maybe it was a horrible accent and I just couldn’t tell. Regardless, I enjoyed it. She was as usual very good. She is just one of those actors that seems to radiate. She isn’t too beautiful to be belivablelike some actresses pertending to be regular people. She just has a fantastic elegance to her. Even when she pays regular characters she is fascinating to watch. Maybe that’s just me though. And it probably taints my view of her films. I pay attention to her characters, but I am also totally aware of her as Gweneth Paltrow. I know some people think that makes the death of an actor, simple leaving us with the residual “movie star”, but not me. I enjoy her films. And she plays the part to the best of her abilities in this one as I think in all of her films.

Ok, enough of my Gweneth rant. I also really liked one of the other main characters, James, played by John Hannah. This scottish actor, was really very funny. He was written fantastically, a great character, with some excellent dialogue. But it felt like the actor’s personality was coming through too. I wouldn’t be surprised if he really is an odd sort of likable, quirky guy. Anyhow, I enjoyed his performance quite a lot.

The direction didn’t really stick out in my mind. Romantic comedies aren’t known particularly for excellent direction, and this was no different. It seemed like a good film on the whole, and obviously the director helped to that end. So, good job.


Pretty good for what it is. Watch it if you’re in the mood for a decent romantic comedy.