Shallow Hal


This is a comedy, with a kinda weird premise. Hal a generally speaking nice guy, with the one fatal flaw of treating women like garbage, gets trapped in an elevator with Anthony Robbins, self help guru and all around nice guy millionaire. After explaining his unlucky love life situation to Tony, Hal undergoes hypnosis and from that moment on can only see the inner beauty in women. This of course leads to awkward and hilarious ends as Hal falls for a real 'knockout'. Rosie may be a 300 pound woman, but she is seen by Hal as the uber-thin Gweneth Paltrow. Hal's friends think he's gone off the deep end, but the truth will of course eventually come out, and when that happens can Hal character overcome the physical shortcomings of others?

Not much really to say about this one. It's full of fat jokes, and I suppose it's the kind of thing that you'll either love or hate. Some of it's really pretty funny, but there are times when it seems good taste has been long left behind. Anyhow, it's a simple little comedy, that doesn't pretend to be more than it is. So for my money, it's worth it.



Hey, it's a comedy, what are you expecting??? The look is fine. The only surprising thing here is Jason Alexander's tail. Yes, tail!



Jack Black plays Hal. He's perfect for the role, smarmy, funny, cynical, and sort of cute and cuddly in a weird way. Paltrow plays the thin version of Rosie, I suppose the challenge if any in this role, might be acting fat when your really not, and I guess she does a good job of it. Anyhow, It was good casting all around. I especially liked Jason Alexander as Hal's buddy Wilson. Good work, not that I was really expecting any less. And Anthony Robbins is actually pretty good as himself.

This was written and directed by the Farrelly brothers. They're the guys who brought us There's Something About Mary and other such gems. That's not to say all of their films are great, far from it in fact. Did you ever see Me, Myself, and Irene uuggh… (shudder). But thankfully for me at least this was one of the good ones. The boys have made a very straightforward, if shallow (seriously) film. Whatever…


It's a renter.