Chapter Three

Zowie, Krispie Kreme Donuts & GZ's Welcome Back Party


...Lookit Alla Monkeys!!!

thedemonsmonkey: Oh Yea...see you guys found the wine cellar last nite huh? Grey what's with the floor mop on yer head...? Space, quit with the pyro, okay hon? we're havin enough probs! ;-) Space Monkey...uh, forget the broom I think you'll need a shovel in here! lol

Greyzone: A HA HA HA HA LOL!! A shovel!! Did you hear that guys? Soooo true! hehehaha. What, this thing on my head?? Well space was trying to get me to do a Gene thing and fitted me out with a wig, but until you mentioned it, I had no idea it was a mop!

SPAAAACE!!!! I'll get you for this!! Space was teaching a hot latin tongue last night. Want to know what I learned? "Gosta banana?" Not bad, eh Space? I'll get you -----------------------> <------------------------------

spaceace1218: heeheehaahaahohohohehe!! gosta banana? HUH?
<---------------- ----------------->

thedemonsmonkey: Uh, I kinda knew GZ was gonna say that Space! lol ;-)

Christine15: yeah I'll-! HEY WHY AM I STUCK WITH DA JANITOR'S JOB!!! Anyways, I just calculated our hits this week, seems we have enuff to open up for breakfast? I GOT IT!

How about we have a Get all you can take breakfast buffet! And for those diet bunnies, you know who you are can opt for a little fruit. We can call it, lick it up's nothing to lose deal! And in honor for being an American even if yer not, try our new star spangled banner deal, complete with red and blue maple syrup with whip cream!

Whatta imagination for a spacey simian such as myself huh? LOL! Maybe I had way to much cold gin or was that the last bottle of destroyer? GG be a dear and order us a new keg of cold gn and Destroyer before we get sued! LOL!

Greyzone: YeeEEOOWWwww!! The monkey that roOOAAaaared!!! LOL Ummmm....Hang on to that thought C15!! Let's see what FG is going to do for us!! Love the ideas! If we get our jobs back I'll put in the word for ya! ;-))

Christine15: okay, a bottle of Dynasty on da house!

Greyzone: You got a quart of Dynasty on the house?? I wonder what else is left, ehhhh? hehe
I hear ECHOS.....ECHOS......Echos...........ech

spaceace1218: Ummm Grey, ya talkin to yourself again?

Greyzone: Why yes... I't's one of the ways I amuse modest little myself. This one is called "fun with echos"! :-))

spaceace1218: Ok then, didn't mean to interrupt your echo party, how about we rummage thru the place and see what we can carry out?

Greyzone: Are you suggesting a B&E?? Sure!! 8-)) Here's an idea! Maybe we should diguise ourselves as something, like sales couple, or.....ummm, 2 architects, or a nice couple from Iceland that have lost their way, or..what? I know!

We can get monkey costumes and disguise ourselves as Da Monkey and Spacemonkey!!! haha

Christine15: Great idea and me and DM can be you and Space! LOL!

Greyzone: LOL!! Can you get into an elephant costume?? Or maybe DM wants to be one, I think she was saying something like that. So you can be a CAT!!! So then Dm/elephant can pull off the door quietly with her trunk, and you can be a 'cat burglar' haha

spaceace1218: Sounds like a plan Grey!!

thedemonsmonkey: Sounds like HALLOWEEN ta me...! LOL!

Christine15: sounds like we're gonna have a lot of fun! LOL! *waves*

thedemonsmonkey: Uh huh! **waves back @ SPACE MONKEY!** :-)

Greyzone: OK we got a Halloween burglar, you can pull the door off now, and we got a fun-ny burglar, you can sneak in quietly and see if they hired any guards, and that disastrously cute monkey there can find a light somewhere, and me, fiendishly diguised as The Demon's Monkey, will stand watch by the sound system and computer that I have my eye on, then we can do the "a 1 and a 2 and a3..." The Lick It Up Shuffle and scuttle the stuff right out the door!! lol

thedemonsmonkey: Oh oh...Fiendishly disguised as The Demon's Monkey!??! Oh dear...ummm...ya might not wanna do that GZ! LOL! ;-)

Greyzone: How come DM?? Is that you or am I looking in a mirror?? My but we are impressive! >]:-)

spaceace1218: That was me Grey!!! Gosh, these costumes are really good!

Greyzone: Hey ya! These costumes are so good they'll fool anybody, they even fool myself!! Are you Da Monkey?? O who Da Monkey?? %-)
I da Monkey!!!


Greyzone: Hey!! You can't fool me!! I da Monkey!!! ]}-|

spaceace1218: Whhhhhatttttt????? I be Da Monkey!!! EEEEEE EEEEEE EEEEE!!!

Greyzone: I Da Demon Monkey!!!! You da spacemonkey cause you got arials behind your ears!! I can see them poking out!

spaceace1218: Whatcha talkin about, I am not no Space Monkey.......I am Da General Monkey.........EEEEEEEE OOOOO AAAAAAA EEEEEE!!!!!!

Greyzone: Da ground comes up quick to meet ma belly and I grovel at your feet!! Fearless one, I'm in need of direction! I only know one word and that is yes!!

spaceace1218: You could always be Space Monkey!!

Greyzone: Are you sure?? I mean those are real cool arials behind the ears. I'll bet you wouldn't need the drag of streaming audio jamming up the download of all this advertising so that I can respond to your command!

thedemonsmonkey: * ~** ZOWIE! LOOKIT ALLA MONKIES!!! **~ *
Awww...thanks guys!...hey Grey how'd ya get a costume big enough ta fit an elephant?! Heartsy make it for ya? ;-) Looks good, you too...Space Monkey 2!

Greyzone: Hey DM!! I'm beginning to think more seriously about getting a big barrel for us all!! HAHAHAhehe Well I checked around for the best price on monkey fur transplants, or implants or something, and did you know they have a 9 month waiting list?!? Besides they're nuttin but crooks!! You know they tried to give me an estimate of 9,583,973.992 folicles to plant!! Crooks I tell ya!! At 3 slices of bananas each that would be worth half the Monkey Zone!!
So I'm gonna have to give Heartsy a buzz... ummm thanks for the tip. 8:~)

thedemonsmonkey: And then what!!??? A roll down Niagra Falls? ;-) Uh, sorry I think I'll pass...yea, my Greyhound (Greyline?) bus pass is expired! %-)

Christine15: but who's gonna be YOU DM! LOL!

thedemonsmonkey: hey I got news fer ya kiddo...I CAN'T BE REPLACED! LOL!...ummm...oh sh*t! ;-)

Greyzone: I just had a big fight with Space about that very matter, but being a typical woman she pulled rank! LOL 8-)) She's gettin fitted for a DM suit!

spaceace1218: Being a TYPICAL WOMAN??? Grey!!! how could you??
Iam woman hear me ROAR, I mean......uhh....oh.....umm......forget it!! LOL. about EEEEE!!
...OH hell I think I will just go back to my Tigeress ways!!

thedemonsmonkey: Me thinks yer dead meat GZ! lol What a thing ta say to SPACE...Ya better apologize to her Greyzone, or somethin... 8-)

thedemonsmonkey: ## LICK IT UP CLOSED ## Yeaaa...The Restaurant will be CLOSED for apx 2 weeks for Renovations...and on accounta our only customer, Greyzone is outta town... Thanks For Yer Patience! lol ;-)

Christine15: DOH! but how will the rent to our treehouse be payed off!?!?!?!

thedemonsmonkey: Uh, we'll think of something Space Monkey! :-)

Christine15: okay then! wow I'm listening to the radio and this is the third KISS song they have played in a row! WOW!

Krispie Kreme Donuts

Greyzone: If you want to survive in the restaurant biz you have to stay ahead of your creditors...errr that is, competitors, and you have to be prepared to change. So! On the advice of the Building Inspectors, the Fire Marshall, the Health Dept., and the Insurance company, we thought long and hard, and in the end, decided to RIP IT OUT! The Demon's Monkey has once again out done herself, and has a totally new menu put together by our new Chef, Squirrel, and SpaceMonkey.

The sights, sounds, and service is all brought to you by the magic of Heartsy, and is guaranteed to charm all your disposeable income, and then some. And TheDarkOne has a 'way' with making things.... interesting.

The entertainment? My God! You have to ask?? Well if you do, just ask Greyzone if he's conscious. All the pyro and F/X... you will be in for a surprise, what with the fair SpaceMonkey, and a show to bring an end to to the world as we know it!!! Truly RADIOACTIVE!

So if you're LIVING IN SIN at the Holiday Inn, or whether you're on your cell, or at home by your tel, or even sending off a carrier pigeon (if we use it in your meal, we will give you a deal), make your reservations now! Call "EAT-ATG-ENES" You'll wish you did!!!


thedemonsmonkey: 3 KISS songs in a row??...Gotta be lucky! lol ;-)

Christine15: LICK IT UP, R&RAN and SHOUT IT OUT LOUD and its not even two for tuesday! LOL! Are we still bankrupt DM? WHAT DO WE DO! WHAT DO WE DO!

thedemonsmonkey: Yes, Space Monkey we're still bankrupt! lol We might hafta go out and find temporary jobs, uh, it's only been a coupla days!...Prolly be better once the Restaurant has been renovated and we get a coupla customers!!!

Christine15: DOH! Nuts! mmmmmmmmm donuts! LOL!

thedemonsmonkey: Donuts is right...I been livin on em! lol Not ta worry, GZ has it under control...about the Restaurant I mean...yes, he's in charge of the renovations...well what can I say, he was cheap! LOL! ;-)

thedemonsmonkey: SPACE MOOOONNNNKKKEEEEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where are ya?? Ya musta done yer school report by now! Sheesh! ;-) ...Here have a donut...!

Christine15: DM! I'm right here! I came by for a quick stop! BTW are there any more donuts left? Personally I prefer krispie kreme donuts. YUMMY!

thedemonsmonkey: Oh Yea, we got lotsa Krispie kreme ones! lol Yes, I knew those would be your favorites too! :-)


Oh well you know I'm always watchin over you guys even if you don't see me }-) So welcome back and all that. Glad you didn't get lost or eaten or abducted or became a love slave to that female bigfoot you've been flirtin with (hey can't blame the guy it
gets lonely out there in the bush) Opps sorry GZ. I better go before I give away all your secrets }-)heeheehee

thedemonsmonkey: OhOh! Hey Dark...uh, should ya be insultin GZ like that!? I mean you know what can happen huh? ;-) That's right...he'll retaliate, uhhuh...well you do what you think is best! 8-)

thedarkone: Who? What? Hey somebody waited up for me! I should have known you'd
be here Monkey don't you ever go home?-)

thedemonsmonkey: **POOF** Is right! Hey Dark! I saw ya over there but hadta run over here ta make your excuses for ya! ;-) How ya doin guy!?... Stand still for a minute would ya!!? 8-)

thedarkone: Alright alright I'll stand right here and not move an inch.....hmmhmmmhmm.....nope not an inch......nothing could make me move from this spot! Nothing do you hear.........ohhh shiny........................................................
thedemonsmonkey: ...are ya still there? :-) Oh, okay...sorry I'm not as fast as you...I'll catch ya later DARK!... bye! ----------------------------------->

Greyzone: Hey! Nice to see ya surface Dark!! How's yer 'beloved', eh?? ;-)) Too bad about the sandwiches man but maybe you were only dreamin. I had no idea you were in the cake. What happened did the hatch get stuck? I'd complain to the chef about that. Careful guy, she's mighty sensitive about her feet, you know how they can get. She even tried doin that thing they did in old China, you know tying up their feet an all, but I think she read the book upside down cause I found her hangin in a tree an rescued her. I think she's in love… sigh…
Oh ya Dark, careful bending over around here, some folk, like that lil Space Monkey tell some hair-raising jokes! LMAO

thedemonsmonkey: Ummm...Whatcha tell em that for GZ!?? SHEESH! ;-)

thedarkone: Ok now you got me scared there Grey I'll have to remember that }-)
That's ok Monkey it'll be just between you, me and GZ...oh and the entire Kiss Army!!!
Boy that Greyzone I tell ya, nothin but trouble!

thedemonsmonkey: Yea, Greyzone likes ta cause Trouble! lol
... Like you don't Dark! :-) the whole KISS Army tuning in!?? Man, I hope not! J/K ;-)

Christine15: GZ YER BACK!!!!!!!! YAHOO!!!

Greyzone: Hmmmm. …if C14 is radioactive, what is C15!?!? Hey Space Monkey, my little piece of radioactivity!! How ya doin?? Did ya get my pressys over on the 'restaurant' line?? Ya, I missed ya whole bunches of grapes! Staying out of trouble? No? Too cool! LOL Just one little thing, I want you to be a good influence on some of the strangos that just showed up. I always tell everyone that you are one of the best examples of jungle ettiquette! LMAO So keep an eye on Dark and Monkey and let me know if they get out of hand, or there sneakin up behind me. OK? ;-))

thedemonsmonkey: Okay, well the party's still in full swing so not much point in cleaning up yet, you can go have a drink, and mingle about...

heartsy: Hehe, and poof DARK is back! Don't he just drive you crazy PJ?? Magicians always poofing in and out.. hahaha! And yeah do I get a Tee too?? Make mine an extra teeny sprite size?

thedarkone: Ah time for a drink now what did Heartsy do with that trophy??? Oh Heartsy where are you???... Oh there you are! I must say Heartsy for an angel you sure look like a lil-devil in that little red dress }-) So what do you think about guys with red eyes and rotting flesh???

thedemonsmonkey: Oh Dark, yer such a Charmer!...Uh, in 'Snake'...! You just behave...yer bein Baaaaaaaad! ;-)

Greyzone: Awww Dark. Is nothing sacred these days?? Geeze! Just cause Heartsy's showing me a little attention what with her cool T an all, I'll have you know that the 'poster ' lady an me have a plutonic relationship! It's all in the mind ya know! Well now that you leaked that, how's your love life? Haha And yer welcome Heartsy! It's nice to have a shred of respect sometimes...*snif*
And Dark it's OK you can drop that old fish in the garbage now. It's turning all our eyes red! And I think you were confusing that devil in the red dress as a customer, she's the new Programming Director, and besides she knows Kung Fu so I wouldn't mess with her.. she knows magic too! But you know what we are missing!? A barkeep!! Would you like to moonlight that job? Tell Monkey if ya do. See! Lots of career opportunities! Aw Dark, don't worry, you're not being insulting, I know that 's just your way of passing the buck. Blaming it on poor ol Doc Death. What was that book he wrote Monkey? 1001 something or other? Was there a video with that too? Hell of a deal if I remember! Muahaha... >}-))

heartsy: ummm rotting flesh and red eyes??? **breakz out the lysol** ehehehehe... well Dark, you know I'm taken, but I'll pull up a matchbook and has a drink with ya?

Greyzone: Dark! You met your match! Mind the kung fu, and she might buy the second round! muahahaha...

thedemonsmonkey: LMAO! Oh Heartsy, I just about spayed my coffee all over the wall! LOL! Ahem...uh, yea, sure Dark would have a drink wif ya! ;-)

Greyzone: LMAO Monkey!! You must be laffin so hard that you "SPAYED your coffee all over the wall!" That is too funny if you think about it! Are you a vet? And is coffee your neighbors pet?? ;-)
How are you for demolishing buildings, we could use a hand and a foot. But the catch is....ya gotta help put up "Gene's LICK IT UP Diner"!! Getting a real crew (?) together. Big party when it's done! ~@ <|%-)) @~

thedemonsmonkey: We seem to have been abandoned here, oh well, we're doin lotsa work on the new site for Gene's LICK IT UP Diner, should have something up there soon, right GZ!? :-)

Greyzone: Right Monkey! ;-)


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