About FLEE!

Explanation (to the best of my abilities)

FLEE! is about a group of dyslexic misfits living in an incoherent, medievil fantasy world. Times are rough, as technology begins to improve, empires begin to expand, and the economy is beginning to fall. As a result, people from all over the world (which is composed of five continents and one anonymous mass of land) are beginning to emmigrate from their homelands and immigrate into others, or leave their continent entirely. This mass-movement is known as the "Migration", and is putting a strain on the working person.

This strain is also effecting our main characters. Cloralplaste the Sorceress, a rather plain, unglamorous woman with an extremely bad temper, is finding difficulty making money, caring for her out-spoken, but simply adorable apprentice, Little Lady (and her freakishly large pet chicken, Clucky), and defending both of them from the new wave of monsters that are coming due to the Migration. Luckily, she has friends to help her out: Battlefox the Barbarian, a gentle giant and all-around nice guy (which contradicts his scary appearence). Lady VanVernon, the Amazon Queen, who flops back and forth between kicking ass and doing her hair. And Garrett, a witty, snide thief that enjoys nothing more than stealing shiny things and pissing off Cloralplaste (which isn't very hard to do.) Together, they are all very bad influences. Yep...that's about it on their part.

But!--little do they know, they are about to meet a ruthless enemy, who will stop at nothing until they find the person that they are looking for. And this person just happens to be...one of the main cast! But...I haven't gotten that far into the comic and don't want to give anything away yet. So, just follow along as I update.

FLEE!--A History

The origins of FLEE! actually run all the way back to the year 2002, at the beginning of Grade 7 (for me, not necessarily you). I was still experimenting with comic strips and the like, and could not draw very well, or spell. My very good friend, Vic, introduced me to games like Diablo and Thief, and it was around then that I began to watch and enjoy Monty Python-humour (another influence of Vic's). As a result, I began to draw comics that incorporated those things (and badly, at that) and make a long, ridiculous storyline about some spin-off Diablo and Thief characters and their various Monty Python-esque adventures. These comics went for about thirteen four or five-paged issues. They were...really bad, and I would know, since I still have them and read them from time to time. But the storylines weren't half-bad.

I was struggling to make a comic about some new characters I had made a few years afterwards, but I was never happy with the storyline, or the characters' personalities. I wasn't familiar with them enough, and I scrapped the entire thing. But I did want to make a web comic of sorts, and eventually turned back to my old Grade 7 comics. I knew re-making them would take too much work, so I left them alone as inspiration and began to write a more defined storyline and re-draw the characters. The name for the comic, FLEE!, was inspired by the fact that the characters ran away at least once in every single issue. There isn't too much running in the new comics though, FLEE! will have a better understanding later on. You must be patient!

Old Grade 7 Comic Dictation (to give you an idea)

Now I promised I would never show anyone else my old comics, except for Vic, because they were so incredibly bad. But what I will do, is dictate part of one of the thirteen comics to you. Just gonna pick one now, here are the titles:

The Killer Cows
Attack of the Chickens
The Phantom Sheep of the Cold Plains
The Giant Bird Guardian of the Blood Moor
Revenge of the Turkey (a Thanksgiving Special)
The Night of the Living Pumpkin (a Halloween Special)
The Origin of Little Lady
The City of Darkness
The Jade Frog (or Cloralplaste's First Theivery)
Backwards Day (or how Cloralplaste really met Garrett)
The Library of No Return--Part I
The Library of No Return--Part II
The Library of No Return--Part III

Yea, I was a f*****-up kid. But those "Library" ones were pure genious. But my favourite one was the "Chicken" one, so that will be the choice dictaction. Here we go!

Panel 1: [Okay, let's see, there's a poorly drawn gate, and a poorly drawn chicken, with two motion lines behind it. So, we can assume that the chicken is running out of the gate, even though it looks like it's sliding across the ground.]
Little Lady: "Get back here!"
Panel 2: [We now see Little Lady in a running stance with two motion lines behind her. She lacks joints and a forehead. She appears to be chasing the the chicken from the previous panel, who is now in a running stance, with motion lines. It looks like they're skating across the ground.]
Little Lady: "Come back Clucky!"
Panel 3: [Now we see Cloralplaste, who has no shoulders, apparently. She must be standing on the other side of the gate, as we can see a chicken in the background. So, we must also assume that the gate was actually part of the fencing around the chicken coop. Oddly enough, there is no more fencing in the background.]
Cloralplaste: "Little Lady! Come back!"
Panel 4: [There is a close-up of Cloralplaste. She has lifted her elbow-less arm into the air and opened her hand, which is larger than her entire head. There is a floating blob in her hand, with sparkly things around it. I believe the point being made here is that this sparkly blob is in fact a pre-spell casting.]
Panel 5: [The sparkly blob has become enlongated, and it appears to be shooting across the panel, judging by the motion lines. So, we assume that Cloralplaste just aimed and cast a "spell".]
Panel 6: [The elongated, sparkly blob hits the shaky silhouette of Clucky, who takes the effect of the spell and is engulfed in a sparkly blob.]
Clucky: "Cluck!"
Panel 7: [Clucky is now frozen inside a badly drawn pentagon with lines running through it. The pentagon is also sparkling, so this must be the after effect of the spell. Littly Lady is standing next to the pentagon, looking sad.]
Little Lady: "Clucky..."
Panel 8: [Cloralplaste is suddenly behind Little Lady, looking both annoyed and proud. Once again, she has no shoulders, or a chin. A bit of Little Lady's head can be seen in the corner.]
Cloralplaste: "It doesn't matter, we're eating him anyway."
Little Lady: "We are?"
Cloralplaste: "Yup."
[It appears that neither Cloralplaste nor Little Lady understand that chickens are only female, and therefore, the sentence should have read "It doesn't matter, we're eating her anyway." This is only a minor technicality.]
Panel 9: [Cloralplaste has now pressed her hands on the sparkly pentagon that Clucky is entrapped in, and she looks strained. Judging by her awkward stance, where her arms are longer than her legs, she is pushing the pentagon, which is also floating in the air, it seems. Perhaps she is pushing it into the background, but since my perspective and depth in Grade 7 was very poor, I doubt it. Little Lady is also standing behind her, looking very sad judging by her frown and the upward-slanted line above her eye, which must be her eyebrow. A single tear rolls down her cheek.]
Cloralplaste: "Come on, we'll thaw him out in the oven."
[Again, chickens are female. However, we now understand that, by the term "thaw", that Clucky is entrapped in a block of ice, and that Cloralplaste had cast an ice spell to stop the fleeing chicken in her tracks.]

In the end, they don't eat Clucky and some other shit happens. Involving many an angry chicken. But, that was a small sample of the older comics. Bet you're afraid of me now, right?
