
Eva felt someone tug at her arm. She groaned. "Is it time for class already?" She was so tired from all that had happened yesterday she could barely move.

"No, but are you coming down for breakfast?"

Eva rolled over. "Ugh...five more minutes....I'll catch up with you guys later...."

"Alright then......just make sure you get up in time! We have Potions first thing and you don't want to be late for that! Trust me!"

"Don't worry....." Eva heard the girls go down the stairs before she dozed off, back to sleep.

She felt someone tap her."Ugh.....what is it Hermione?" She opened her eyes to become face-to-face with a phoenix. "Oh hey Fiera....what are you doing here?" Suddenly Eva's eyes widen. She sat up with a start and reached for her alarm clock. "OH NO!" She quickly jumped out of bed and dashed to the washroom. She had overslept.

She ran down the corridor, half putting on her robes, half reading the map of the school. "Potions class....Potions class......Where are you?! Argh....There it is!" She headed down the stairs towards the dungeons, turned around a corner and bolted towards a wooden door. She swung it open and stood there, still gasping for air.

The professor stopped talking and the whole class turned around and stared at her. One side of the room started smirking.

The professor had greasy black hair, a hooked nose, sallow skin and cold, empty black eyes. He grinned. "Well...I see our new student has finally decided to join us....."

Eva knew she was going to be in big trouble.

"S...Sorry Professor Snape....I.....I..."

"Maybe detention will remind you to come to class on time.....5 points from Gryffindor! Now Miss. Chu, go sit down!"

Some of the Slytherins started to giggle.

She quickly sat in an empty seat beside Hermione. Hermione started to whisper to her. "There you are! I was so worried when you didn't show up!"

Eva frowned then took out a piece of parchment and a quill. She didn't want to get in any more trouble than she already had. She was off to a bad start.

"Now if there are no more interruptions, we will continue on with our lesson."

Everyone started to jot down notes.

"Ok Eva.....let's not screw up again......" Eva picked up her quill and dipped it into her ink bottle. She started to write but then stopped. It didn't work. She tried again. The quill wouldn't write. "Argh.....This is so stupid! Have they ever heard of pens?!" She gave the quill another shake. Still didn't work. She then started to flick the quill vigorously.

Hermione and some other people looked up. "What are you doing! Are you trying to get into more trouble?!" Hermione whispered loudly.

"It's this stupid quill! Doesn'!" Ink splashed out of the quill. Eva looked up. "Uh oh....."

A boy stood up and glared at Eva. He had a pale, pointed face covered in black spots, which was wretched with anger. "HOW DARE YOU!!" It was the worst person she could have hit. It was Draco Malfoy.

Eva tried to hold in her laugh. "S...Sorry..."

Seamus couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing."Hey Malfoy! You look a little sick there! You sure you don't need to go to the hospital wing?"

Ron grinned. "Nah...actually that look is an improvement!"

The Gryffindor students roared with laughter.

Professor Snape started to yell. "QUIET!"

Everyone stopped laughing at once and put their heads down, getting back to work.

"Draco, you may be excused to clean up.....and for you Miss. Chu!" Snape glared at Eva.

She quickly stood up. "I...I'm sorry! It...It was an accident!"

Snape's lip curled into a grin. "Of course it was......" He had a glint in his eye. "Since you have interrupted my class twice, you can answer this question. I don't think I need to tell you what consequences you will face if you don't know it....."

Eva got nervous. Snape would definitely give her a year's detention if she couldn't get this....but how could she possibly know the answer? She knew nothing about potions!

"What are the ingredients in a shrinking solution?"

All the Slytherins grinned. A new student couldn't possibly know that.

Eva shot a glance at Hermione. Hermione was trying to mouth the answer but she couldn't understand. She looked at the ground searching for an answer. Suddenly, she looked up. "Chopped daisy roots, skinned Shrivelfig, sliced dead caterpillars, a dash of leech juice, and the spleen of a rat."

Hermione sighed with relief and smiled. The Gryffindors errupted with cheers.

Snape's grin disappeared and in place of it, an angry frown. "10 points from Gryffindor!"

Harry bolted up. "What?! She got it correct though! Isn't that right, Hermione?"

Hermione nodded nervously.

Ron stood up. "You're being unfair!"

"Both of you sit down! Or would you like to join Miss. Chu for detention?!"

They slowly sat back down while grumbling, Ron, cursing under his breath.

Eva would have said something but nothing came out. She was still in shock. How did she know the answer?

"That stupid git! He always picks on us but never on the Slytherins! That's because he just simply adores his lil pet Malfoy!" Ron was fuming at the end of class.

Harry laughed. "But good aim Eva! Did you see the look on Malfoy's face when he got hit?Priceless!"

Eva didn't laugh. It was her first day of school and she had already messed up and gained herself detention.

Ron put his arm on Eva's shoulder. "Oh come on! Cheer up! I would have a week's detention just to pull something like that on him!"

Eva smiled. She was glad she had friends by her side. She took out her schedule to check what class she had next. It had to be much better than Potions class.

Ron snatched the schedule from her. "Hey you have Herbology with us right now! But wait...."

Hermione took a look at her schedule. "Hey! You have the same classes as I do!"

Harry eyes widen. "So you must have a time-turner too?"

Eva smiled. "Yep! I'm so glad I won't be alone."

Ron grinned. "She doesn't have ALL of your classes Hermione, apparently she has one more class than you." He pointed to Divination.

Hermione grew red with anger. "And what is your point?!"

Ron stepped back. " don't have to get all mad about it."

Harry whispered to Eva. "Don't worry about them. They are always like that."

Eva giggled. Come was so obvious! "Well I think we should start heading to class. I don't want to be late again."

With that, the four of them headed outside towards the greenhouses.

"Both of you are mad! How can you possibly take so many classes?!"

They were in the greenhouse picking at Puffapods as Professor Sprout was inspecting a Hufflepuff who had got hit by one.

"It's not so bad Ron. You can learn a lot you know."

Eva sighed. "I hope you're right Hermione." She had never taken so many classes before and she knew she wasn't the brightest student either.

"Don't worry about it the way, have you heard that Hagrid is back to teaching Care of Magical Creatures?! Professor Grubbly-Plank made that class seem so boring!"

Harry smiled. "Yeah! Hagrid told me yesterday! Which reminds me...I wonder who the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor is. We haven't had that class ever since we started school. You think that they couldn't find another professor."

Hermione frowned. "I would think that's probably it. Everyone thinks the position is cursed! I think it's silly to think so, but if they can't find one, they'll probably result to Snape!" All four of them shuddered. That would be a nightmare.

Ron grinned. "Defence Against the Dark Arts? You mean Defence Against the Scary Snape!"

They laughed. That was probably true.

Eva followed Hermione to the rest of their morning classes. She was getting used to the time-turner and was enjoying her classes. They seemed so....easy. In Muggle Studies, Eva couldn't help but laugh when the professor was showing the students a microwave. One student asked, "Didn't they use fire for that purpose?"

It was lunchtime now and everyone had started to file into the great hall. Lunch was already set out on the tables. "Wow! Look at all this food!" Eva was starving. She had skipped breakfast and barely ate anything yesterday. She started to walk towards the Gryffindor table when someone had stepped in front of her. "Going somewhere?"

It was Draco and his sidekicks, Crabbe and Goyle.

"Hence the walking....I believe so."

"Trying to be smart with me?" Draco looked from Eva and then to Harry, Ron and Hermione. He grinned. "I see you've joined lil Potty Potter's fan club. You'll fit right in! The freak, the beggar, the mudblood, and the new girl who can't even use a quill. Seems like a great bunch!" Crabbe and Goyle laughed.

Eva was furious. "Nobody, but nobody! Insults my friends!"

"Ooh....I'm scared.....what are you going to do? Hit me with your quill?" The Slytherin table roared with laughter. Everyone was watching them.

Eva was shaking with anger now. She raised her hand, ready to strike, when suddenly Professor McGonagall came in. "Everyone sit down! Miss. Chu, may I have a word with you?"

She left with Professor McGonagall as she heard Malfoy laughing. "Did you see her? She was gonna curse me! With NO wand! And I thought a quill was the only thing she didn't know how to use!" The slytherins were still laughing as Harry and Hermione held back Ron, who had the look of murder in his eyes.

Now Miss. Chu, will you explain to me what you were doing?"

Eva kept her head down. "I...I...."

"What did Ms. Rowling tell you to do?"

"Be responsible with my powers....I know...I know....." Eva hated that rule. How was she supposed to have any fun?

"Well I hope I don't need to inform you again. I'll let you go this time. You may go back to the hall."

Eva slowly walked back. Everyone had already sat down and started eating. Draco and the Slytherins looked up and started to grin. He was about to say something, but he stopped when Professor McGonagall walked in and shot a glance at him.

"So what did McGonagall want?"

Eva slumped into the seat beside Harry. He handed her a glass of pumpkin juice.

"Thanks....nothing much....just told me not to mess around anymore."

Ron was still mad. "Well it's not your fault! I would have beaten him to a pulp if you guys hadn't held me back!"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Oh Puleeze! All you'll end up doing is sending yourself to the hospital."

Ron glared at her and was about to say something when suddenly, a yell echoed throughout the hallway outside.


Two red-haired boys dashed into the great hall, laughing. It was Fred and George.

"Haha! Did you see the look on Filch's face?!"

Fred and George took a seat beside Ron, while giving each other a high-five.

Ron rolled his eyes. "And what did you guys do this time?"

"It wasn't our fault! We were testing out our new mud bombs in the hallway and well....." Fred and George looked innocently at them. "We accidently got one on Filch and it exploded in his face....."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Accidently?"

"Hey! Who do we have here?" Fred glanced over at Eva, trying to change the subject.

Ron reached for another sandwich. "She's Eva, a new fifth year student. Eva, this is Fred and George." He frowned. "My twin brothers...."

Fred and George stood up and reached over the table to shake her hand. "A pleasure to meet you!" George winked. "If you ever need help, just come to us! A friend of Ron's, is a friend of ours!"

Eva smiled. "It's nice to meet you too. Thank you."

"Hey George! Isn't Eva the new girl that made a quill explode on Malfoy's face?"

"Hey you're right! Brillant idea Eva! Just brillant! Not alot of new students pull pranks on their first day!"

Eva blushed. "'t really a prank......more of an accident...."

"Fred grinned."Sure...Sure....." Then he leaned over. "If you ever need any more accessories than come to us! We have the best joke props!" He winked.

Suddenly, the doors of the great hall slammed open.

"WEASLEYS!! Both of you come back here! When I get my hands on you two........" Mr. Filch was at the doorway, gasping for air and dripping with mud.

Fred and George both bolted up. "Oh look at the time! Sorry, but we have some business to take care of! Nice meeting you Eva!" With that, they dashed to the back door with Mr.Filch screaming and yelling after them.

When the had left, the entire hall broke out in laughter, while the teachers at the front just shook their heads.

Eva grinned. "Aren't they a lively pair?"

Harry laughed. "You can never get used to those two! They are always creating havoc everywhere they go!"

Ron frowned. "Especially since they are getting ready to open up their new joke shop....."

Hermione laughed. "And since they use Ron as a test subject."

After everyone was all filled up they headed for their afternoon classes.

"You should be careful Eva, Transfiguration is the hardest out of all the subjects and McGonagall is very strict."

Eva smiled. "Oh, I'm sure she's not that bad Ron."

"Good afternoon class! Today we will continue our lesson on transforming inanimate objects. Please take out your wand and wait until I hand out all the feathers. Do not begin till I give the order."

Ron groaned. "Not more of these transformations! We've done them a million times! What good is it for?!"

Hermione frowned. "If if wasn't good for something then she wouldn't be teaching it!"

Ron glared at her. "That's because you're so good at this that you wouldn't care if it's useful or not!"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Shh....quiet down you two!"

Professor McGonagall returned to the front of the class. "Ok class, use the incantation Cluckus Fowlero to change your feather into a chicken. You may begin."

Ron rolled up his sleeves. "Ok then....ahem....Cluckus Fowlero!" He swished his wand and gave his feather a tap. POOF! The feather changed alright....but not what he suspected. His chicken was green and had scales instead of feathers. It got mad and started to peck at his face. "OW! OW! OW! Help! Help!"

"Oh for goodness sake Ron!" Hermione gave the scaly chicken a tap and transformed it back into a feather.

Eva laughed and peered over at Hermione. Her feather had changed into a lovely golden chicken. No surprise there. Eva looked over at Harry. "Huh?" It had changed into a turkey.

Harry sighed. "Oh well....close enough."

It was Eva's turn. " it's a swish and flick then....Cluckus Fowlero!" Her feather hovered alittle then fell back down on her desk. "Hmm....." She looked around. Everyone was busy holding their chicken (or whatever it was) down since it kept on trying to run away. The whole class was filled with the many sounds of chickens....and other assortments. When nobody was looking she decided to give her hand a wave. "Come on feather....change into a chicken!" POOF! "Uh oh......."

The whole room was drowning in feathers. Everyone was digging their way out, coughing and spitting out feathers.

Professor McGonagall had found her way out. "Pfft...Everyone calm down! Pfft..."

Suddenly a huge, plump chicken jumped out of the pile of feathers. Neville, who got caught in the blast of feathers, had backfired his spell and was now clucking around on top of all the feathers.

"Oh heavens! This is a mess! Everyone silent!" Professor McGonagall managed to grab her wand and with a blink of an eye, she made most of the feathers disappeared. She then tapped her wand on Neville, who changed back into a boy. He was still dancing around like a chicken in the middle of the classroom. Everyone started to laugh, then Neville, who noticed what he was doing, blushed and stumbled back to his seat.

Eva was brushing the feathers out of hair, when suddenly she noticed everyone staring at her.

"Miss.Chu!" Professor McGonagall shook her head.

"Uh...s...sorry...." Professor McGonagall must have known she tried to use her magic instead of using her wand.

"Since this is your first day of school, I'll let you off again but please! Use your WAND properly!" She dusted off her shoulder and walked to the front of the class. "Class is dismissed early! I've got to clean up this mess!"

"Wow Eva! I'd have never expected you to pull off something like that!" Ron was grinning as the four of them walked down the hallway.

Eva sighed. "I've been screwing up everything since I've gotten here!"

Harry smiled. "Don't worry Eva. You're just adapting to the new school. You'll be fine in a couple of days."

Eva smiled. He was just takes some time and practice. Everything will be just fine.

The afternoon classes seemed to go by slowly. Eva couldn't wait for Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures class. In Divination, Professor Trelawney kept on staring at Eva like she was some sort of freak. Ron told her that it usually happens.

By the time Hagrid's class started, Eva was perked back up, wondering what sort of creatures she would see today. The drawback was this class was teamed up with the Slytherins, but Eva was going to make sure that Draco wasn't going to spoil her day anymore.

"Good Afternoon Class! I'm so glad to be back and I look foward to teaching you all! "

The Slytherins frowned but the Gryffindors were all excited.

"Today weˇ¦ll start off learnin' about Hinkypunks. "

A few students started murmuring....Hinkypunks? What a ridiculous name....Wonder what it is.....

Hagrid walked over to a glass aquarium that was being covered by a tablecloth. He reached and pulled off the cloth.

The whole class gasped.

In the glass aquarium, there were wisps of smoke that seemed to be jumping around, trying to get out.

Draco frowned. "What the....we're not here to learn how to make a fire you know, and by the looks of it you haven't done a good job." Some of the Slytherins giggled.

Hagrid raised one eyebrow. "Forgot about them already? I was sure you would remember your third year with them. They are small, frail, one-legged creatures that seem harmless but be careful, for they can be tricky."

"Oh I remember now! We learned about them before from our Defence Against the Dark Arts class!"

" girl Hermione! So can anyone tell me what they do?" Hagrid grinned. "Anyone besides Hermione?"

Eva looked around then slowly raised her hand.

Hagrid smiled. "Ah Eva! I've just recieved the news you were in my class today! Well go ahead!"

"They used lanterns to lure wayward travellers into bogs?"

"Excellent! 5 points to Gryffindor!" The Slytherins frowned. Finally, Eva had done something right today and she couldn't help it but smile.

"Now for this class, instead of learning how to defend against them, we will learn how to take care of them."

"Why would we wanna learn how to take care of those nasty little things?" Ron whispered.

Harry sighed. "Well it's not very surprising...remember last time when he tried to make us take care of those Blast-ended Skrewts or those Flobberworms? What a nightmare!"

This class didn't seem to go very well either. They spent the whole class trying to keep the Hinkypunks from escaping their jars. They were very hard to catch since they were made out of...well...smoke. But other than that, Eva still enjoyed this class. At least it wasn't boring.

By the end of the class, everyone was exhausted from running around. When everyone started to leave, Hagrid sighed and sat down. Eva thought he needed some cheering up. "Hey Hagrid! I loved your class today! It was a lot of fun!"

Hagrid looked up with a glint in his eye. "Really? You really think so?"

"Of course! It was the best class I've had all day! Even Harry and them think so too! You know, you really are a great professor."

Hagrid smiled and wept a tear from his eye. He swept Eva off her feet and gave her a huge hug. "Oh thank you Eva! That means a lot to me!"

Eva squirmed her way out. "It's no problem! Well...I'll see you tomorrow then!" She waved then followed Hermione to their next class.

"Argh....can't believe they still haven't found a Dark Arts professor yet!" Ron flopped down on the couch beside Harry. The last class was Defence Against the Dark Arts and since they didn't have a professor, they spent their free period in the common room. Eva and Hermione were over at the table doing homework. "Will both of you stop doing schoolwork and try to relax! Honestly Eva! I think you are hanging around Hermione too much!"

"I wish I could Ron, but with all these classes, I need as much time as I can get to finish all this homework! Besides I'm almost finished." The homework was extremely easy for Eva and it was amazing how she knew every answer.

Harry suddenly sat up. "Hey! I have a quidditch practice afterschool and Ron's coming. You two wanna come?"

Hermione kept her head down, writing on a roll of parchment. "Yeah sure."

Harry glanced over at Eva. "How bout you Eva?"

Eva smiled. "I'd loved to! But wait....." She remembered she had training with Dumbledore afterschool. "I...I can't....I'm busy...sorry....maybe another time."

"Alright then." Harry turned back around, a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Suddenly Dean, Seamus and Neville came dashing towards them. "Hey you guys! Wanna play Exploding Snap with us?"

Ron bolted up. "Yeah sure! Well I think we'll leave the two bookworms to their homework! Come on Harry!"

Harry turned around. "You sure you two don't wanna come?"

Eva frowned. "Yeah...we still gotta finish our homework."

As Harry and Ron left, Eva looked back in envy. She really wanted to play.

Eva slowly walked to Dumbledore's office. She didn't like being head witch anymore. It was hard work and she couldn't do anything she wanted to! Suddenly Eva stopped.

"And where do you think you're going?"

She turned around and found Snape standing in front of her. He grinned. "Forgotten out little detention have we?"

Eva's eyes widen. She did forget about her detention! If she didn't go to Dumbledore's office soon, then she'll be late! "But...But I....But...."

"No buts!" He grinned. "I've got a lot of work planned for you."

Eva had no choice but to follow him to the dungeons, but then suddenly, they were stopped.

"There you are Miss. Chu!" It was Professor Dumbledore. "We better get going or you'll be late!"

Snape frowned. "I'm sorry Professor, but I believe Miss. Chu has a previous engagement with me."

Dumbledore smiled. "Well I guess you'll have to call it off then! It is of great importance that she comes with me!"

Snape was shocked. "But....but....."

"No buts!" With that, Professor Dumbledore gestured Eva to come, leaving a puzzled Snape in the middle of the hallway.

Eva was relieved that Dumbledore came in when he did. She didn't want to think about what would happen if he didn't.

"Thank you for helping me back there Professor, I'll....I'll try not to get detention afterschool again...." Eva blushed. She wondered what he would think if on her first day, she had already gotten a detention.

"Yes, I should believe you have no time for that." He smiled. Let's get started shall we?" He led her to a room in the back of the office. She had never noticed it before. It was pretty empty except for some shelves up against the wall, filled with jars, bottles, and bags, and a desk in the middle of the room.

"Professor Dumbldore, I have something to ask you before we start....."

He smiled. "Still wondering why classes are so easy?"

Eva nodded. "How is this so?"

"You see Eva, the more you learn about this world, the more you'll know. Soon enough, you'll pretty much know everything."

Eva's eyes widen. "Wow...everything? That's a lot of.....things."

He laughed. "It'll take time and effort but don't worry about a thing, you're not destined to be head witch for nothing. Well anyways, first thing's first..." He went to a shelf and pulled out a feather from a bag. "Professor McGonagall has told me about your mishap in class today."

Eva blushed. "D...Did she?"

He set the feather on the desk. "You must be patient. I know the wand can be a hassle sometimes compared to your powers but it is a very useful skill to learn. Now Eva, I want you to use your wand again to change this into a chicken."

Eva frowned at the feather. "But last time I tried it, it wouldn't work. I swear this wand is broken!"

"Come on Eva, have some faith in yourself. Try again."

Eva sighed. She might as well get used to it. She gave her wand a swish and a flick then "Cluckus Fowlero!" The feather jumped then fell back on the desk. She frowned. "See, it won't work!"

"You have to believe in yourself Eva. Try again."

Eva pulled up her sleeves. She had to get this. How was she suppose to go through school not knowing how to use a wand? "I can do this....I can do this......Cluckus Fowlero!" The feather burst into smoke and then suddenly, a little chick appeared.

"Excellent! You're almost there!"

Eva eyes widen as she watched the little chick chirp and peck at the desk. "I...I really did it!"

"Ok now, try it without the wand."

Eva looked up. "Are you sure?" She remembered last time when she tried it. She didn't think she could control her powers yet.

"Of course. You've got to try everything."

"Uh...alright then." Eva closed her eyes and tried to concentrate. She tried picturing the feather turning into a plump, golden chicken. Suddenly she opened her eyes and with a wave of her hand, the feather went Poof! and in place of it was a beautiful chicken. Eva jumped up and down. "I did it! I did it!"

He smiled. "Execellent! You've improved greatly!"

For the rest of the class, she learned how to turn different objects into different things. By the end of the training, Eva couldn't help but smile. She felt like she was ready for anything.

"Whew!" Eva flopped down beside Hermione at the dinner table.

"There you are! Where have you been?" Hermione looked worried.

"Oh....Dumbledore just wanted to see me and check how I was doing in class."

Ron frowned. "How did your detention go with Snape? Knowing him he probably made you clean out all the cauldrons."

Eva smiled. "Actually, Dumbledore saved me just in the nick of time! He called off my detention!"

"Well don't get too happy yet. Now that he probably has a thing against you, he'll be watching you like a he does with Harry." Ron shuddered.

Eva looked down the Gryffindor table. "Where is Harry anyways? Didn't you guys go to Quidditch practice with him?"

"Yeah, but then he had a meeting after, so he told us he'll see us at dinner."

Suddenly, Harry came in and flopped down beside Eva. He took a glass of pumpkin juice and gulped it down. He then just sat there with his face down.

Eva noticed that his face was pale, as if he had seen a ghost. "You alright Harry?"

Harry looked like he didn't hear her, but then he looked up. "I'm....I'm going to be the new Quidditch captain....."


Everyone in the great hall had stopped eating and was now staring at Harry.

Eva's eyes shot open. "WOW! Are you serious?!"

Everyone started to whisper, then the whole Gryffindor table cheered. Harry couldn't help but turn bright red.

Eva hugged Harry. "Congratulations!"

Harry smiled. "Thanks..."

Ron was still shocked. "Bloody Hell! How did this happen?"

Harry was still a bit shakened up. "Well.....Wood had already discussed it with the other players before he left....and well....they all nominated me......"

Hermione smiled. "Well it's pretty obvious that they were going to choose you! You're the best seeker they've seen in ages!"

Suddenly Professor McGonagall stood up. "Ok students! Let's quiet down! You all have a dinner to finish!" Then she glanced over at Harry and winked before sitting back down.

Finally, the great hall had settled down and everyone went back to eating.

Ron laughed. "Did you see the look on Malfoy's face! He was green with envy!"

Harry grinned.

"And did you......" Eva was suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

"Congratulations Harry."

They all turned around as a bunch of Ravenclaws approached the table. Harry turned bright red again. It was Cho.

"H..Hey Cho...Th....Thanks..."

Harry was a bundle of nerves around her. Eva could tell why. Cho Chang was a very pretty girl and on top of that, she was the Ravenclaw seeker. Eva couldn't help but get a bit jealous.

Cho glanced over at Eva. "Oh, you must be the new student everyone's been talking about! It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Cho."

Eva smiled. "I'm Eva. Nice to meet you."

"Well, we better get going now. I'll see you around Harry."

"Al...Alright then! B..Bye!" Harry was still bright red as Cho and her friends left the Great Hall.

After they left, Ron started to burst out laughing. "Smooth Harry! Real Smooth!"

Harry punched Ron on the arm. "Oh, Shut up!" Suddenly Eva got up. Harry was puzzled. "Hey, where you going?"

Eva turned around. "Oh, I'm just gonna head down to the library to do some reading. I'll meet you guys back at the common room kay?" With that, Eva started to walk out of the Great Hall. She knew that Dumbledore had suggested her to go to the library to research and learn more....but she couldn't shake the feeling off.

Why did she feel so angry?

"Oy Eva!"

Eva turned around. "Huh?"

Fred and George were dashing towards her. "Ron told us you were going to the library so we have to cut you off! Come!"

Eva was confused. "What? Where are we going?"

Fred and George grinned. "We're holding a surprise party in the common room for Harry and we want everyone there! We already got Ron to hold him back from coming into the common room! We gotta get there before they do! Come on!"

Eva laughed. "Ok I'm coming! I'm coming!"

The three of them dashed towards the Gryffindor tower and quickly entered the potrait hole.


"Shhh! He's not here yet! Come on everyone, get into your positions!"

All the Gryffindors quickly dashed this way and that, then stood with their wands ready.

"Ok everyone! We all know what to do when he comes in!"

Suddenly, they heard Ron's voice on the other side of the potrait hole. "OK HARRY! WE BETTER GET IN THE COMMON ROOM NOW!"

Harry plugged his ears. "You don't have to shout you know.....I can hear you!"

Inside, everyone started to laugh silently.

The potrait hole opened and Harry stepped in. "Hey Ron, why is it so dark in here?"

Suddenly red and gold sparks lit up the room spelling out "Congratulations to the New Quidditch Captain!"


Harry was shocked. "What the......"

Ron nudged him. "Congrats Harry!"

The girls of the gryffindor team went up and hugged Harry.

Harry blushed. "I....I don't know what to say...."

Fred and George came in wheeling a large cake. "TADA! We got the kitchen staff to make this just for you!" A mini version of Harry on top of his Firebolt was chasing the snitch around and around the cake. "Compliments from Professor McGonagall!"

Harry smiled. "Wow! I've never had this big of a cake before! I really don't know how to thank you guys!"

Fred grinned. "Just make sure you win us the Quiddtich Cup! Now come on everyone! Let's PARTAY!"

Everyone was having a blast. They were playing a record of the Weird Sisters and eating the cake. Eva went to the window and opened it for some fresh air. The night was beautiful with stars twinkling in the sky and the moon shining bright. She stared out into the night until she was interrupted by Harry.

"Hey Eva. You okay? How come you're not joining in the party?"

Eva smiled. "Yeah I'm fine. Guess a little tired from my first day. So how are you? Now that you're the new Quidditch captain!"

Harry looked out at the night with her. "You wanna know what? I feel so lucky right have such great friends....after that horrible incident during the summer.....I finally know everything's going to be ok now."

Eva looked at Harry. "Incident? In the summer?"

Harry looked down. "Yeah....with Voldermort.....I think it's finally over......."

The fifth book.....Voldermort was gone? And just in time for her to arrive..... She wouldn't have to deal with him Eva thought.

Harry smiled at Eva. "Haha...I don't even know why I'm telling you this...I know we're not suppose to talk about him anymore.....It's in the past. Everything is fine now." He grabbed Eva by the arm. "Come on! Don't just sit here by yourself!"

Eva laughed then followed Harry where Fred and George was. They had accidently lit Filibuster fireworks and it blew up in their faces. While everyone was laughing, Eva smiled to herself.....This was the greatest night ever.

Everyone had settled down and called it a night when Professor McGonagall came in and shooed everyone off to bed. Eva couldn't sleep and was lying in her bed staring at the ceiling. She couldn't stop thinking about what Harry had told her. What did happen over the summer and how come no one ever mentioned it? She got up and decided to write a letter to her parents to tell them how school was going. She had borrowed one of the school's owl and opened the window for it to come in. She tied the letter to the owl's leg then watched it fly into the night. Suddenly, she looked down and saw a dark shadow creeping along the Hogwarts grounds. Eva squinted to see what it was.

"What are you doing still up Eva?" Hermione had woken up and was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

Eva was startled. "Huh? Oh....just sent a letter to my family that's all......" She quickly turned around but the shadow was gone.

"Is everything alright Eva?"

"Yeah....Yeah everything's fine....." Eva tried one last time to see where it went, but seeing how it was too dark, she reluctantly went back to bed."I hope."

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