
Eva's glasses flew off as she was being attacked. She scrambled around, reaching for her glasses, as the screams rang in her ears. She had accidently apparated in what seemed like a lady's dressing room and the lady was thrashing at her with a robe.

"Get out! Get out! GET OUT!"

"Stop it! I'm going! I'm going!" She had finally found her glasses and started to dash out of the room. Looking for the door out of the shop, she had bumped into people who were gasping and jumping back in surprise. "Sorry....excuse me....sorry....." She could make out a blur that looked like a door and fled out.

Gasping for air, she stopped and put her glasses back on. Eck. One side of her glasses were cracked. Great. She turned around to see where she had apparated to and was able to make out the sign on the shop.....

"Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions...." Eva remembered this store. "This is Diagon Alley! I really made it!" Well sort of.....she grinned as she dusted herself off. She did pretty well on her first Apparition... considering it was close enough to where she wanted to go and she didn't leave half of her body behind either.

Then suddenly she stopped. People all around her had stopped chatting and was staring at her. Eva started to blush but then forced out a small laugh. "Ahaha....darn those little kids and their these days...sheesh....haha...." Eva looked around to see if they approved the reason why there was screaming in the shop. The crowd just gave her a weird look but then shrugged it off and continued on with their daily lives.

"Whew....." Guess kids set off fireworks in shops alot. She turned around and started to walk when..."OOF!"

Eva had bumped into someone and fell on the ground. She heard a deep, grumbling voice. "Sorry 'bout that!" Eva shook her head then looked up. "Hey!"

A giant loomed over Eva, his beetle-black eyes glimmered as he smiled. "You must be Eva!" He took Eva by the shoulders and helped her to stand back up. Eva dusted herself off. "Thank you. You must be Hagrid! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Pleasure's all mine! Oh dear...what happened?" Hagrid carefully snatched Eva's glasses and took a look at it. "Oh it's nothing...I just had a little mishap on my way here."

"Well nothing that can't be fixed!" With that, Hagrid took out a small pink umbrella and tapped her glasses. Slowly her glasses started to fix itself and looked brand new. He handed it back to her. "Thank you! I had a hard time seeing through them."

"Well then we better start getting all your supplies now! Pity your parents couldn't make it with you."

Eva frowned. " parents are awfully busy and they're muggles so they probably wouldn't be too fond of this place."

"Well Professor Dumbledore told me to take you back to Hogwarts, after we are done, to see him. Reckon he has something to tell you before you start your classes tomorrow."

Eva couldn't wait to visit all the shops of Diagon Alley and started to head for the Flourish and Blotts Bookstore when she suddenly realized something. "Hagrid! I almost forgot! I didn't bring any money with me!" She knew she had forgotten something.

"Well that's why we're going to Gringotts!" Hagrid started to walk towards a snowy-white building that was towering over the shops in Diagon Alley. Eva had a hard time keeping up with his strides. "But...But Hagrid! I don't have any money there!"

"If you didn't, then why would Professor Dumbledore give me this key to your vault?" He dangled a tiny, golden key. "My..My vault?! I have a vault?!"

They had approached the bank and walked up the steps. She noticed a goblin garbed in scarlet and gold which stood guard in front of huge bronze doors. Eva stayed close to Hagrid as his gaze followed her. He didn't look very friendly.

The doors opened to a vast, marble hall where goblins were sitting behind a very long counter, weighing coins and examining jewels. They reached the end of the hall and Hagrid handed the key to a goblin.

"Follow me please!" Hagrid and Eva followed the goblin towards a door, where it opened up to a place that looked like an underground railway. In the distance, she could hear small carts clacking against the railway. It reminded her of a roller coaster she went on last summer.

"This way please. Watch your step." Eva and Hagrid followed the goblin and hopped into a cart. The cart wobbled as Hagrid stepped onto it. "Please keep all body parts in the cart and hold on tight." Eva grinned. She loved roller coasters. This was going to be fun......


It seemed like the ride was faster than the speed of light! Eva could only see a blur of doors along the cavern walls as the cart flew down the tracks, turning this way and that.

Suddenly the cart came to a halt. Eva's whole body jerked forward. If Hagrid wasn't there to keep her seated, she would have flown off the cart.

Eva laughed. "Wow! That was so much fun!" The goblin gave her a weird look. "Ahem....sorry..." Eva, feeling embarassed, looked down and blushed.

"Vault number 568."

They got off the cart and followed the goblin towards a huge iron door. He took the key and placed it in the lock. The door slowly unlocked and clicked open. Eva looked at Hagrid. She was worried that there was nothing in there. She would have to go back home because she didn't have money to buy her school supplies!

"Go ahead!"

Eva slowly walked up to the vault door and opened it. Her eyes widen.

"What the......"

"How did all of this get here?!"

Galleons, Sickles and Knuts filled the room, shimmering in it's own light. Eva walked in, still in shock at all the money that was in there. She noticed a small envelope on top of a pile of Galleons and decided to open it.

Dear Eva,

I've provided you a vault with a small fortune for your personal use. ("Small" was an understatement) I hope it will be enough for the time being. Hope you have a great time in Diagon Alley!


She has got to be kidding! This was more than enough! Guess this was one of those privledges head witches get. Eva smiled. Guess she doesn't have to ask her parents for money anymore. She grabbed a handful of Galleons, Sickles and Knuts and stuffed it in her pockets. "This should be enough to get my supplies."

She stepped back out while the goblin locked the door. She looked up at Hagrid and grinned.

"Let's go shopping."

Hagrid showed Eva a piece of paper. "Here's the supply list for the Fifth Years."

"Fifth Year?" Eva took the piece of paper and read it through. How come she was placed in fifth year whe she hasn't even done any magic yet? "Well I need to go to Flourish and Blotts for my textbooks......the Apothecary for my potion ingredients..... and Ollivander's for my wand."

Hagrid gave her a weird look. "Strange....don't ya already have a wand from your previous years in school?"

Eva should have already gotten a wand in her first year, but she never attended first year....or the second, third and fourth for that matter.

" wand broke so I have to get a new one."

"Oh.....well we better get started then!"

Diagon Alley wasn't as busy as usual. Most of the people were working and students were in school. This was perfect since Eva hated crowds.

Their first stop was at Flourish and Blotts. The bookstore shelves were stacked from floor to ceiling with books ranging from as small as a postage stamp to as big as a paving stone.

The fifth years had needed alot of textbooks. "I need this one.....and this.....oh and this one......" Finally when she got all her textbooks, it had towered over her head and she was stumbling under it.

"Here let me get that for ya!" Hagrid, with one hand, managed to take the whole pile and held it as if it was just a pile of feathers.

"Thanks Hagrid! Can you just set them down on the front counter for me? I just need to grab one more book." Eva ran to the back of the store and came back with a thick, red book.

"Blazing Birds: A Guide To Raising A Phoenix?"

Eva smiled. "Yeah, I recently got a phoenix as a present from a friend of mine."

"Wow really? So that's your phoenix that I saw heading over to Hogwarts! I thought it was Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix. It takes a very talented person like him to raise one."

"Hahaha....I'm sure if you can handle a dragon or a three-headed dog, I'm sure a phoenix will be no problem!"

Hagrid's eyes widen. "Wh.....What? How did you know about that?"

Eva wasn't suppose to know. She hadn't been there when all of that had happened. She had to think of something quick

"Oh...uh...Professor Dumbledore told me all about you! Said you were an expert on care of magical creatures. Can't wait to be in your class!"

Hagrid blushed. "Did he? Well I'm not THAT good.....but I do know a thing or two." He winked.

"Well we better get going now!" Eva was relieved that she had managed to change the subject.

Next stop was the Apothecary. "Ugh....What's that smell?" The shop was filled with jars of....(Eva didn't want to know) with cauldrons brewing in the back. It was a very fascinating shop but it smelled horrible! They didn't stay for very long.

By then, Eva's and Hagrid's hands were full. She just needed to go to Ollivander's for her wand.

"You go ahead. I'll stay out here and wait for ya. Don't think all this stuff and I, can fit in there."

Eva nodded and handed all her things to him. "I'll be right back."

She stepped into the shop. It was very quiet compared to the hustle and bustle of the outside. The shop was filled with shelves full of long thin boxes....all covered in dust. It was very dark in here and she sneezed at all the dust. Nobody was there.

"H...Hello? Anyone here?"

"Strange.....I wasn't expecting anyone today."

Eva was startled. She turned around and an old man stood in front of her....Mr. Ollivander.

"Mr. Ollivander! I'm I intruding or something?"

Eva got nervous. Mr. Ollivander was eyeing her very suspiciously, but then started to smile.

"Of course not! It's just that all the children are in school right now and have already recieved their wands. It is peculiar that you have arrived at this time."

"Oh... well you see....I've just exchanged schools and am starting a little late at Hogwarts. My wand is broken and I need a new one."

"Ah...I see....Well let's start looking for one then! Hmm......" Mr. Ollivander went to the back of the shop and came back with a box. "Try this one." Eva took the wand out of the box and stared at it. this is how a wand looks like...

"Well give it a wave!"

"Oh...right....." Eva raised the wand and shot it forward. CRASH! "Whoops! I...I'm terribly sorry!"

Mr. Ollivander didn't seem to mind at all. He was still wondering which wand to let her try next. "Hmm....ah I know! Here....try this one." BANG! " try this one!"


Wand after wand, Eva just couldn't find the right one. She was awfully tired with all the wand waving and Mr. Ollivander was getting impatient. The shop was almost totally destroyed when he noticed a wand on the front desk.

"Now how did this get here?" Mr. Ollivander picked up the wand and examined it closely. "Strange.....I've never seen this one before......"

"Phoenix feather......Maple....12 1/2 inches....hmm....looks like my work...I must have forgotten about it...." This was very strange for Mr. Ollivander, since he remembers all the wands he has ever sold and made. "Hmm....this might, try this one." He handed the wand to Eva.

Slowly, she reached for the wand and gave it a wave. Suddenly, she felt this warmth all around her, then red and gold sparks spouted from the wand.

"Wonderful! We finally found the wand that is destined for you!"

Eva was relieved. She didn't think she would ever find the right one. "Thank you Mr. Ollivander. It was nice meeting you."

Mr. Ollivander smiled. "Anytime.....oh by the way.....I didn't quite get your name......"

"It's Eva....Eva Chu."

"Ah...well Miss. Chu, I believe we can expect great things from you." He winked as Eva left the shop.

Mr. Ollivander sure is strange.....Eva thought.

"Hey Hagrid! Sorry it took so long!"

"That's alright! Here, while you were gone I got you some ice cream!"

"Why thank you!" Eva's smile faded. The ice cream was glowing. "Uh...are you sure this is....edible?"

Hagrid started to laugh. "Of course! Guess you've never tried wizard's ice cream before! This flavour makes your tongue glow! Come on! Try it!"

Eva glanced at the ice cream with a nervous look, but decided it was worth a try so she gave the ice cream a small lick. "Wow! This is really good!" It had a strange taste to it that she never tasted before...but nonetheless, it was still pretty good. She stuck her tongue out. "Ish it gowring?"

"Haha! Yes, a nice glow of green I might add!"

"Haha guess when I need light, all I gotta do is eat this and stick out my tongue! Wouldn't that be a strange walking through dark halls with my tongue sticking out!"

Hagrid laughed. "Thought you would like it! Well I'm bushed! We're finally finished shopping for the day! It's getting late so we better start heading for Hogwarts! Dumbledore will be wondering where we are!"

Eva had a look of anticipation on her face. "Great! I can't wait to get there!"

"Well let's go! Oh wait...." Hagrid took out his umbrella again and tapped Eva's school supplies. Suddenly, all of it had disappeared.

Eva was startled. "Wh....What did you do with all my stuff?!"

"Haha don't worry! I've just placed them in Hogwarts so we can travel easier. Come with me!"

With that, Eva followed Hagrid to the Leaky Cauldron.

"Are we going to take the Hogwarts Express to get there?"

"'s too late for that! School started two days ago! It's a shame you missed it. It's a great experience and you get to ride the carriages to school....but there is always next year! Besides....we're taking the fastest, easiest way!"

Before Eva had a chance to ask what that was, they had stepped through the archway in the wall and into a small London Pub, as the wall closed behind them.

It was sort of grubby looking, and was dark and musty, though the many witches and wizards talking and laughing together had lighten up the atmosphere.

"OY! Hagrid!" Eva and Hagrid turned around as a bald, old barman smiled at them.

"Tom! It's been a while!" They gave each other a great, big hug then Tom looked down at Eva.

"Well! Who's this pretty, little lady you've got with you?"

"Oh this is Eva! She's an exchange student that will be attending Hogwarts this year. Eva, this is Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron."

Eva smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Well I'm delighted to make your acquaintance! A great choice, Hogwarts! Can't find a better school! Well how can I help you two? Can I get you anything?"

Hagrid looked down at Eva. "Anything you would like?"

Eva wasn't familiar with the food offered at the Leaky Cauldron. "Doesn't matter."

"Ok then....we'll just get two Butterbeers please."

"Alright then! Just give me a sec!" Tom turned around and started to prepare the drinks. Eva couldn't wait to try it. "Here ya go! Enjoy! It's on the house!"

"Thanks ol' buddy!"

"Thank you!" She sipped it to try it out, then started to gulp it down. "This is delicious!"

"It's a very popular drink in these parts."

Eva and Hagrid got up and sat at an empty table by the fireplace to have a small chat about her classes at Hogwarts.

"Haha! I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to classes!"

"Yes, Hogwarts is a very unique and interesting school! By the was your former magic school? I've never really been to Canada before."

"'s's school!" Eva forced out a small laugh.

"Oh my! Look at the time! We're going to be late!" Hagrid dashed to the fireplace as Eva slowly stood up.

"Wh..Where are we going?"

Hagrid turned around. "Dumbledore's office! And we're gonna use Floo Powder to get there!"

He took a couple of Knuts out of his pocket and placed them in a jar on top of the mantle. He then took a dash of sparkly powder from a bag beside the fireplace and threw it into the fire. The fire bursted then the flames glowed a bright green.

Hagrid gestured towards the fireplace. "Okay now, you first!"

"Uh....ok...." Eva slowly stepped forward and stared into the emerald-green flames. She was trying to recall how to do this. She walked into the fire and kept her elbows close to her side. Closing her eyes, she managed to stutter out "P...Professor Dumbledore's office!" Breathing in the hot ash, she wasn't sure if she had said it clearly enough. There was one way to find out.....and that was when the rushing feeling had stopped.

"OOF!" Eva fell into a pile of ash. "Ugh....They really need to find a better way to travel." She got up and started to dust herself off, but then she noticed something. This didn't look like Professor Dumbledore's office. "Uh oh.....Where am I?"

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