Halloween was just around the corner and the weather was getting chilly. Eva looked out the window as she waited for Dumbledore to start her lessons. She had greatly improved these past few weeks and today she knew she was ready.

Every night, she would look up at the moon and wonder about Professor Lupin. Somehow she had the strangest feeling that he was hiding something. Not that he was a werewolf, she already knew that, but something more...something darker.... There must be something she could do. She was determined to solve this mystery.

"Something troubling you Miss. Chu?"

Eva's thoughts were interrupted as she turned towards Dumbledore. "You said that I could learn anything right? But how can I learn everything, when all I learn are ordinary magic tricks that any wizard and witch can do? Can't I do better than that?"

Dumbledore smiled as he sat down beside Eva. "Is there something you wish to learn?"

Eva looked down. "I want to learn...." She looked up at Dumbledore. "I want to learn how to heal."

Dumbledore paused at her response. Eva could see the suspicion in his eyes. "Healing takes a great amount of skill. Magic that only you can do."

Eva frowned. "I've got to try. No matter how hard it is."

"I need not remind you then, the consequences of changing someone's fate."

Eva thought to herself. Werewolves are only suppose to change at the light of a full moon. She was only going to fix what's right. "I know the rules and stick by them."

Dumbledore paused. He was always thinking before acting. "You see Eva, since you're the only one who can do this sort of magic, I can not teach you, but only guide you. Only you can teach yourself. No else can."

Eva sighed. "No one?" She wasn't going to give up so easily. "I've got to learn someday and today's the day I start. I've got to try now."

Dumbledore smiled. "Now you're thinking like a real head witch. We better get started then. Hmm....." He got up and looked around the room, searching the many shelves. He paused, then reached out for a potted plant. It was old and shrivelled for it had no water or sun in days. He set the plant in front of Eva. "Go ahead."

Eva looked at the dying plant. That was it? Just go ahead? Her hands were shaking as she laid them on top of the plant. What now? She was so used to instructions that she just didn't know what to do next. This was harder than she thought.

Dumbledore smiled. "Don't worry, just concentrate, believe you can do it."

Eva nodded, took a deep breath, then closed her eyes. She concentrated and concentrated till her head hurt. She gave out a small laugh. She must look so stupid just sitting there with her hands over a withered plant.Eva was getting fustrated, nothing was happening. She decided why not and gave a quick wave with her hand.

"Oh no!" The plant had suddenly burst into flames. Eva quickly stood up, holding onto the plant and started to run around the room, trying to blow the flames out. Dumbledore tried to stop her but the plant almost burnt his long, silver beard.

"Wait! What am I doing?" She snapped her fingers and waited. "What the...." Suddenly, a large raincloud had appeared above her and started pouring down on her. The plant was extinguished but she was soaking wet. She put the plant down and with a wave of her hand, the raincloud disappeared.

What a sight it had been. She stood there in the middle of the room, dripping from head to toe. Eva looked at herself. "Yuck...."

Dumbledore couldn't help it but laugh. Eva looked up and grinned. "That went well didn't it?" She waved her hand once more and was back to her nice, dry self again.

"Hmm....that wouldn't go very well if you were trying to heal someone would it?"

Eva frowned. "I would kill them before I had a chance to heal them."

Dumbledore laughed. "Patience Miss. Chu! You cannot concentrate if you're not patient. Patience is of virtue! Try again."

Eva frowned. Again? Next time she might burn the whole room down. She sighed and sat down beside the drowned plant. It looked so pathetic now that it was beyond healing, but she might as well try. She closed her eyes once again and concentrated. Everything went dark and all sounds were blocked out. Suddenly, there was a small, tingly feeling in her fingers. She slowly opened her eyes and noticed the plant glowing blue. Everything else disappeared as Eva and the plant sat alone in the room. Eva's eyes widen as the plant started to move. The leaves were turning greener and rose up, reaching for the ceiling. Eva smiled. She had done it.

"Beautifully done Miss. Chu."

Eva was out of her trance as the room reappeared in front of her, with Professor Dumbledore beside her. "Thank you...." She looked down at the plant, that was blooming wonderfully.

"It will take a bit more practice though to heal something more complicated." Dumbledore smiled, then gave a wink.

Eva looked at Dumbledore, a shocked look on her face. Does he know? "I'll...I'll be sure to practice more."

Dumbledore smiled. "Practice makes perfect. Well now, I believe our lesson is done for today. You may head back to the commonroom."

Eva headed for the door. "Thank you again Professor!" With that, she headed to the Gryffindor tower with a smile on her face. First stage is complete!

Eva yawned as she opened the potrait hole to the commonroom, then stopped and looked around. A crowd of students were in the middle of the room chattering away. Being the curious type, she quickly headed towards the crowd. "Hey Fred, George, what's going on?"

The Weasley twins turned around and George smiled. "Hey there! Haven't you heard? The new Prefects have finally finished their training courses and just recieved their Prefect pins today!"

Fred grinned. "And guess which goody two shoes recieved one?"

Eva grinned as she pushed through the crowd. Was their ever any doubt? "Hermione! You never told me you were a prefect!" Eva paused. Why did she even have to bother asking?

Hermione blushed. "It's not that big of a deal...."

Ron laughed. "Of course it is! You get special privileges to boss people around and everything!" He then winked. "You will go easy on me right?"

Hermione frowned. "Being a prefect is not all fun and games! It's a huge responsibility and we have to be role models for the younger students! And furthermore......"

Eva sighed and left the crowd to sit by the fire. She had wasted enough time listening to Hermione and Ron argue.

"Tired?" Harry noticed Eva leaving and had plopped down on the couch beside her.

Eva smiled. "Exhausted!" She looked down at Harry's robe. "No prefect pin?"

Harry laughed. "Of course not! I'm not smart enough and besides, I wouldn't make a very good role model anyways."

Eva laughed. Harry was considered a hero when people had read about him in the books. "You never know...."

"You know, we never really do get a chance to sit down and chat..." He smiled. "How do you like Hogwarts so far?"

Eva's eyes lit up. "I love this place! It's like a second home to me!" Eva laughed. "Never thought I would say these things about a school before."

Harry laughed. "You're not the only one. I felt the exact same when I first came to Hogwarts. This is a great place isn't it?"

Harry and Eva sat in silence as they both looked into the fire. Eva glanced at Harry in the corner of her eye and smiled. He looked different somehow. His bright, emerald green eyes seemed to shine as the light of the fire danced in his eyes. She quickly looked back at the fire and started to blush.

Suddenly, a loud snap was heard from behind. Harry and Eva turned around and saw Fred and George starting a Exploding Snap game. "Come on you two! Don't just sit there! Come celebrate with us!"

Eva laughed. "Didn't have enough eh Weasleys? Want me to teach you another lesson?"

Fred and George grinned. "You may have beat us last time but this time we're sure to win!"

Eva grinned. "Don't be so sure! Me and Harry make a killer team!"

Fred paused then whispered into George's ear. He then turned and grinned at Eva. "Care to make a wager on that?"

Eva turned towards Harry and they both nodded. This was going to be fun.

"Good morning everyone!" Eva sat down beside Harry and grabbed the pitcher of pumpkin juice. "How is everyone today?"

Everyone had woken up bright and early today even though they stayed up all night watching the battle. The whole Gryffindor table started to giggle.

Eva grinned. "Well well.....who do we have here?"

Fred and George bolted up, with those classic smirks on their face that we all know and love, as they both did a little curtsy. "Frederella and Georgina at your service!"

The whole room roared with laughter. Eva tried to stay calm and collected but it was utterly impossible. She stared in wonder at the twins. Both of them were in a full ballerina suit, complete with pink tutus, tiaras, the whole bit.

Eva laughed. "You know....bets are usually suppose to be painful."

Fred grinned. "Oh no, not the least bit painful!"

George started to scratch the side of his leg, while adjusting his tiara. "Just a little itchy though...."

Fred nudged George in the arm. "Hey you guys! Watch this!" They both got up and started prancing around the Great Hall.

Harry laughed. "What are they up to now?"

Hermione frowned. "What utterly childish behaviour! I totally disagreed yesterday when you guys decided to bet on such immature terms!"

Ron laughed. "Oh come on Hermione! Have a bit of fun once in awhile!"

Fred suddenly started to jump up and down with joy. "Oh Georgina! Will you look at that handsome boy over there!" Everyone turned around to see who Fred was pointing to. It was Draco.

Draco looked around in bewilderment when he realized what was going on."Stay...Stay away now! I..I'm warning you!"

George grinned. "You wouldn't want to disappoint two beautiful ladies now do you?"

Fred and George both grinned and started to rush towards Draco. Draco, scared out of his mind as two ugly ballerinas approached him, fell backwards off his seat.

Fred and George slowly approached Draco with their arms out, waiting to make the kill. "Come on now! Just one little kissy wissy?"

Draco slowly backed away. "H..Help...Help!" He looked at the other Slytherins but they were too stunned to move.


The whole room stopped laughing as Professor Snape ran towards the two ballerinas and the scared boy on the ground. "This is more than I can expect from you two! 10 points each from you two, for bullying on an innocent student! I will not tolerate any more of this childish behaviour! You will both go change back into the proper school attire immediately or it will be detention again for you boys!"

Fred and George curtsied. "Will do Professor!" With that, they headed out of the Great Hall, but before they reached the doors they turned around and curtsied once more. "So glad to meet you all! Ta Ta!"

The whole room exploded with laughter again once more.

Eva turned around and started on her breakfast again. "They never cease to amaze me."

"So what are you all doing for Halloween?"

Ron shrugged. "I don't know...the usual I guess....the Halloween feast....that's about it."

Eva frowned. "No dressing up?"

Ron gave her a weird look. "Dress up? Why?"

Eva laughed. "Guess the wizarding world doesn't dress up for Halloween." Eva continued as Ron gave her a confused look. "It's sort of a muggle tradition, where people dress up and go door-to-door to recieve free candy. Harry and Hermione know what I'm talking about."

Ron's eyes lit up at the sound of candy. "Candy?! FREE candy?! How come we don't do that?!"

Hermione laughed. "We're too old for those little games now."

Eva grinned. "You can never be too old to dress up! Besides, it'll be fun! Get the whole school to participate!" Eva jumped up from the table. "Come on you guys! Let's ask Dumbledore if we can have it as sort of a festive event!"

Ron was the first to jump up. "Yeah! Maybe he'll provide the free candy too!"

With that, the four of them dashed towards the faculty's table in front of the great hall.

"Professor Dumbledore, do you mind if we have a word with you?"

Professor Dumbledore smiled. "Always happy to listen."

Evva smiled. "Well we were all thinking...since Halloween is just a couple days away....if we can hold a sort of event and well...get everyone into the spirit of things by dressing up."

Professor Dumbledore paused. "Hmm....I've heard about this before...some sort of Muggle tradition I presume?"

Eva nodded. "It'll be a lot of fun for everyone!"

Dumbledore turned to the other professors and they all nodded. "I suppose why not? Would you like to address everyone about this?"

Eva smiled. "Thank you!" With that, she turned towards the students. "Ahem...Attention everyone!"

Everyone started to stop what they were doing and waited for Eva to speak.

"Uh...Everyone knows Halloween is just a few days away and uh...I was thinking that it would be a great idea if we make this Halloween a special one! Everyone can wear a costume of their choice to get into the spirit of things and uh...."

Eva turned towards Ron who was whispering something to her. "Free Candy! Free Candy!"

"Oh and free candy for everyone!"

The students paused to think about it. People who were familiar with the muggle tradition of Halloween started cheering and the others were all whispering and giggling.

"Doesn't sound like a bad idea!"

"Sounds fun!"

The great hall was soon filled with excited whispers of what they were going to dress up as.

Eva smiled. That went well.

Excitement rang throughout the halls as Halloween approached around the corner. Everyone was busy preparing for their costume. Even Professor McGonagall had gotten into the spirit and held lessons afterschool, on how to conjure up the perfect costume with a spell.

Harry looked around as people scurried along past them, giggling and laughing."Wow your idea sure got a lot of people worked up!"

Eva smiled. "It's strange! I thought they would have done this ages ago!"

Ron struggled as he carried his textbooks down the hall. "So what do you plan to be?"

Eva laughed. "It's quite ironic actually, I've been a witch for the past 3 now I'll need to come up with a new costume. How about you?"

Ron grinned. "I'm going to dress up as a quidditch player for the Chudley Cannons! It's going to be so cool!"

Eva laughed. "How about you Harry?"

Harry frowned. "I have no idea. I've never dressed up since the Dursleys never let me out on Halloween."

Eva smiled. "That's ok, we still have 2 days left..... Say, where's Hermione?"

Ron rolled his eyes. "Oh she's probably finishing up with that class McGonagall has been holding. Little Miss. Perfect, always has to have everything so perfect! I wouldn't be surprised if she came dressed as a Professor!"

Eva laughed. Knowing Hermione, she probably was.

"Hey you guys, what's wrong with Sirius?" Harry was gazing down the hall.

Eva and Ron stopped laughing as they watched Sirius slip past them.

Ron frowned. "He looks terrible!"

"Something must be wrong......let's go talk to him!" Eva quickly rushed towards Sirius but was stopped by Harry.

"No, just let me and Ron talk to him. Uh....You should go back to the common room. We'll meet you there."

Eva frowned. "You can't just tell me what to do!"

"Come on Eva, it's better if he doesn't have to see so much people. Don't worry." With that, Harry and Ron dashed after Sirius, leaving Eva standing in the hall alone, fustrated.

"Hmph! There's more than one way to find out what's going on!"

Eva quietly crept down the empty hallway, until she reached a classroom that was dimly lit. "I know I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but what harm can it do?" Slowly, she peered in, through the crack in the doorway, listening closely. Ron and Harry's backs were to her as Sirius was sitting at his desk, looking as if he might faint and collaspe at any moment.

"You can't keep up with this everyday Sirius!"

"Exactly! You'll only hurt yourself more!"

Sirius groaned. "You think I haven't thought about it?! I can barely control him even when I'm in my animal form! His symptoms are getting worse everyday! If his condition worsens......" Sirius slowly slumped back down, exhausted and fustrated.

Eva gasped. "Professor Lupin? It's getting worse? What's going to happen to him?" Her thoughts were interrupted as Sirius bolted up from his seat.

"Look, I don't need anyone to help! This is something that I, alone, should take the risk in doing! You'll only just get yourself hurt, if you interfere! Now both of you should go back to the common room at once and stop thinking about this! I can handle this myself!" With that, Sirius dashed out of the classroom, so fustrated that he didn't realize Eva was standing behind the door.

"Sirius...." Eva couldn't stand it anymore. She had to do something soon, but she knew she wasn't strong enough to try and heal Lupin right now. She needed time...just 2 more days....just in time for Halloween night......

Eva looked in the mirror as she put on the finishing touches to her costume. She looked beautiful in her short red dress and red ballerina slippers. She had decided to dress up as a phoenix when she saw Fiera soaring through the sky this morning. Her hair was tied back in a bun with a feathered headdress and two elegant firey wings sprouted from her back as her nose transformed into a beak. "There! Ok Hermione let's go!"

Hermione had decided to dress up as a mermaid. It took her all day yesterday to figure out how to conjure up the mermaid tail. "Wow Eva, that's such an amazing costume! Brilliant idea!"

Eva smiled. "So is yours!" She winked. "Wait till Ron sees it!"

Hermione blushed as they went downstairs. Hermione had difficulty walking, as she waddled along. "I should have put more thought into this...."

The common room was filled with creatures of all sort. Some came as beautiful fairies, while some came as ugly monsters.

Eva searched around the room to see if she could recognize anyone. Suddenly, she noticed a quidditch player among them. "Hey there's Ron!" Eva quickly ran towards him as Hermione stumbled along.

"Wait for me! Wh...Whoa!" Hermione tripped and landed flat on the ground.

Ron's eyes widen as he quickly rushed towards her and sat her back up. "You ok Hermione!"

Hermione blushed. "Yeah..I'm's just this darn tail!"

Ron laughed. "Here let me help you!" With that, Ron lifted Hermione up from the ground. "You should be careful! A costume like that could kill you!" He blushed as he set her back down. "But that's a really pretty costume you got there!"

"Th...Thank you..." After that, Hermione decided it was much easier to walk if she changed her tail into a dress.

Eva smiled as she turned around, but then she accidently bumped into someone. "Whoops! Sorry Harry!" She looked up to face him."Wow...."

Harry was beet red as he squirmed in his costume. He had a small crown on top of his head and a sword by his side. He was dressed up as a prince, and like all princes he looked utterly charming. "This is so embarassing...."

Eva laughed. "Why? You look so cute in that costume!"

Harry blushed. "It wasn't my idea.....Cho made me wear it."

Eva gave him a weird look. "Cho? Why?"

But then, Eva was suddenly interrupted as Fred and George grabbed her from behind. "Hey!" They started to whistle. "Who's the pretty bird?"

Eva laughed. "Flattery will get you nowhere!" She looked from Fred to George. They looked like they always did, dressed in their school robes. "How come you guys aren't dressed up?"

Fred and George grinned. "Who said we're not dressed up?!"

Fred stepped back and smiled. "I'm dressed up as George!"

George put his arm around Fred's shoulder. "And I'm dressed up as Fred!"

Eva and Harry laughed. Leave it to the Weasley twins to pull a stunt like that.

All the students were gathered into the Great Hall, waiting for the Halloween feast to begin. Of course, they were only allowed to wear their costumes then, since being the grouchy type Snape was, he had convinced Dumbledore that they shouldn't be allowed to wear them during classes, cause supposedly they would interfere with their studies. But Eva didn't mind, it was already thrilling to her as she watched students pour in with costumes of all shapes and sizes.

"Well, well....Who do we have here?"

Eva groaned. She recognized the sly voice and turned around. "I see you've decided to dress up as well?" Draco glared at her from behind his vampire costume. Crabbe and Goyle had decided to dress up as Frankenstein and a mummy. "Good choice I must say, matches your personality very well."

Draco grinned. "That's more than I can say for you. We've got a birdbrain on the loose!" His eyes shifted towards Hermione and Ron. "I always knew Hermione was a little fishy, and Weasley...should've picked a better team than the Chudley Cannons. Or wait, it's the perfect choice! Dressed up as a loser playing for a loser team! Can't get more better than that!" Crabbe and Goyle started to laugh at Draco's snide remarks.

Ron was furious. "You take that back!"

"Now, now Weasley, no need to get mad...." His eyes suddenly shifted towards Harry who was still squirming in his costume. "And who do we have here?" His voice suddenly turned shrill and annoying."Potter as a lil' princey wincey? How cute."

Eva was getting tired of squabbling with Draco. "I suggest you leave now or you know what can happen if you don't."

Draco glared at Eva then motioned Crabbe and Goyle to head for the Slytherin table.

Ron laughed. "Did you see his face Eva?! He's bloody terrified of you!"

Eva grinned. He should have every reason to be. If he only knew what she was capable of.....


The four of them suddenly turned around to see where the voice had come from. It was Cho.

"So that's why Cho wanted you to dress up as a prince."

Cho and her group of Ravenclaws were giggling as they came up to them.

Eva gave Harry a nudge. "Don't you think she's giving you a hint?"

Harry blushed. "Come on....not you too?"

"Hey you guys! Hey Harry!" They were all dressed up in the most beautiful dresses Eva had ever seen. Cho was gorgeous in her baby blue dress. She had a small, delicate crown placed on top of her head. "Wow Harry! That outfit looks better on you than I thought!"

Harry blushed more.... if that was even possible. "Th...Thanks Cho, I really like it."

Eva rolled her eyes. Oh please. With all that squirming he did in that costume, you would think he could've squirmed his way out of it.

Cho smiled brightly and glanced over at Eva. "Great costume Eva!"

Eva tried hard to smile. "Yours too."

Suddenly, Cho grabbed onto Harry's arm. "Come on! I'd like you to meet my friends!" With that, she tugged Harry across the room towards the Ravenclaw table.

Eva shrugged. "Oh well, come on, we better go sit down I guess."

Ron pouted. "She didn't even bother to notice us and our costumes!"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Why would she bother noticing us when she's so intent on looking at Harry?" Hermione grabbed Ron and sat him down. "Besides, she's so popular she doesn't mingle with us common folk."

Eva frowned. "How can you say that?! She's no different than me or you. If she's going to be like that then we don't need to know people like her."

Ron looked at Eva. "You know....I've noticed you have a thing against Cho." He started to grin. "Jealous are we?"

Eva forced out a laugh. "Jealous! Ha! I don't have a reason to be!" Even though Eva hated to admit it, but Ron was right, she was jealous.

Soon, all the students had settled down and got ready for the feast. Harry had gotten back to his seat and plopped down beside Eva. "Whew....I didn't look nervous did I?"

Eva laughed. "No, not really...just a little." What an understatement.

Soon the room was quiet as Dumbledore stood up to speak. "I am so glad to see how many of you have participated in this festive event! As promised by Miss. Chu, this halloween feast will be a special one! Enjoy!" With that, the tables had filled up with all sorts of goodies, and of course there was candy, candy, and more candy.

Ron's eyes widen as he grabbed as much candy as he could, stuffing it all into his mouth.

Eva laughed. "Be careful Ron! You'll choke!"

Hermione frowned. "And think of all those cavitites you'll be getting!"

Eva looked around the room. Everyone was enjoying themselves as the whole room filled with chattering and laughing. Suddenly, she bolted up.

Harry looked up. "What's wrong Eva?"

There was an empty seat at the faculty's table. Sirius wasn't there.

"Uh.....I need to go to the washroom. Be right back." Eva quickly ran out of the Great Hall, leaving Harry sitting at his seat, confused as he glanced towards where she was looking before.

"He must be with Remus...." Eva had almost forgotten about him. For the past few days, she had been busily preparing for this time to come. "I've got to hurry...."

She ran across the schoolyard towards the Whomping Willow. It was a chilly and dark night. The Willow's leaves littered the floor as the moon seemed to glare down at her. Eva shivered as she waved her hand to stop the tree. She had practiced for some time on controlling the tree and tonight she had no time to waste.

Quickly, she ran down the dark and damp tunnel, breathing heavily as she headed for the trapdoor. When she reached it, she stopped to listen. She could hear the faint voice of Sirius. It seemed like a struggle was going on inside the room. Suddenly, a crash was heard and there was a thud on the floor above her.

"Sirius!" Without thinking, she burst into the room.

Eva's eyes widen as she stopped dead in her tracks. "S..Sirius?"

Sirius turned around with his wand armed in his hand. "Eva! What are you doing here?!"

Eva looked down to see an unconscious werewolf lying on the floor. "What are you doing? Why is he...."

Sirius looked at her. The look on his face wanted to make Eva cry. "He's getting more dangerous by the day, there's no choice but" He closed his eyes and shook his head. "There's no more hope for him...."

Eva dodged in front of Lupin. "How can you just give up on him?! There is always another way!"

Sirius suddenly turned angry. "What other way?! Tell me! What other way?!"

Eva backed away. "I...I..."

All of a sudden, Sirius leapt towards Eva."Look out!"

Eva turned around to see the werewolf snarling behind her before she was pushed away by Sirius.

Sirius took up his wand and got ready to strike. The werewolf was too fast for him though and suddenly knocked it out of his hand. He pushed Sirius with a force that knocked him across the room and into the wall. He then slowly turned towards Eva, ready to strike.

Eva quickly got up and reached for her pocket. "Uh oh...." She didn't have any pockets. She was still wearing her halloween costume and left her wand at school. She looked at Sirus and then at the werewolf. She had two choices. Either get exposed or get killed by a werewolf. Both of the choices weren't very pleasant.

"Eva!" Sirius tried to get up but he was badly wounded.

Eva had no choice. It was now or never. With a quick wave of her hand, the werewolf was blasted across the room and held down.

Eva let out a huge breath. She had barely escaped from death. Now she knows how Harry must have felt all the time.

Slowly, she walked towards the werewolf and knelt down beside him. She reached out her hands and held them over him. He quickly struggled as he tried to escape. "It's ok Remus, I'm going to help you...." A faint glow appeared and Lupin had slowly begun to relax. He started to get drowsy and then closed his eyes. The blue glow became brighter and brighter when right before her eyes, the werewolf slowly transformed. In a corner of the room, Sirius watched in bewilderment.

Slowly, the glow had disappeared and in place of the werewolf was a man, dressed in rags. Eva smiled weakly. She had done it.

Suddenly, she heard a small groan in the corner. She rushed towards Sirius and knelt down beside him, with a worried look in her eyes. "Sirius! Are you alright?"

"I...I'm fine...." He slowly backed away and started to look at her suspiciously. "Who...Who are you? What did you do to him?"

"Um..." Eva will not be able to get out of this so easily. "Well you see....I....I..."

Suddenly, the trapdoor burst open and Eva quickly turned around. "Harry?!"


Hermione and Ron burst in after him. "Eva? What are you doing here?!" Suddenly, they saw Remus on the floor and knelt down beside him. "Professor Lupin! What...what happened?"

Eva started to slowly back away. "I...I..." Suddenly, the whole room started spinning and she was feeling weak. She kept on backing away when she stumbled onto a loose panel in the floor and fell to the ground.

Harry rushed over to her. "Eva? Eva? Answer me Eva! Are you ok?" He gave her a little shake to wake her up.

Harry's voice started to grow faint and far away. Eva tried to focus but all that was left of Harry was a dark blur as she slowly closed her eyes, and fell into darkness.

Eva slowly opened her eyes but quickly closed it as the bright morning sun shone in from the window. Her head was throbbing and her whole body ached all over. She slowly got up and squinted as she tried to figure out where she was but everything was a blur. She looked around and noticed her glasses sitting on a nightstand beside her. She quickly put them on and looked around, trying to focus on her surroundings. She was lying on a bed in the hospital wing. What had happened? How did she get here?

"Good morning Miss. Chu, how are you feeling today?"

Eva turned around as she watched Professor Dumbledore walking towards her. He smiled as he grabbed a chair and sat down beside her.

"Good...Good morning Professor Dumbledore..."

He smiled as he reached for a pitcher of water and poured her a glass. "I assume you have many questions to ask."

Eva took the glass of water and took a sip but she didn't say anything. Where could she possibly start? She was probably going to get expelled for this. Judging by Professor Dumbledore's expression, he couldn't possibly know what had happened that night. But in her mind she knew, Professor Dumbledore always knew everything. The first things that popped into her mind was the first thing she had to ask. "Where's Harry and everyone?"

"No need to worry, Harry, Ron and Hermione are just fine. They are attending classes right now, but you will be able to see them later."

Eva slowly nodded. "And Sirius?"

"He had a minor wound but Madam Pomfrey fixed him up in no time. He's back in classes today."

Eva wondered if Sirius had told him anything. She was hesitating to ask but she had to know. "Did...did Sirius say anything?"

Dumbledore's eyes started to twinkle. "Why yes...he did mention something to me."

Eva's eyes widen but Dumbledore just laughed at her reaction. "He asked me to tell you to thank you for saving his life. But above all, for saving Remus Lupin's life. He is forever grateful to you."

Eva relaxed and slumped back into her bed. "I'm sorry Professor Dumbledore...I know I broke so many rules that night...Ms. Rowling will be furious with me now..."

"On the contrary, you did exactly what she thought you would."

Eva looked up, with a confused look on her face. "R..Really?"

"Following what your heart told you is exactly what she wanted you to do. It's the first step in developing your skills to be a extraordinary head witch. You showed a lot of courage that night and she's very proud of you.....and so am I."

Eva was shocked and didn't know what to say. "Th...Thank you Professor Dumbledore..." Suddenly she sat back up. "But where's Remus right now? How is he doing? I didn't hurt him did I?"

Dumbledore smiled and turned around. "See for yourself."

She had failed to notice a man lying on a bed beside her earlier. He looked pale and worn out but he seemed to be doing fine.

"No need to worry Eva, he is alright, just needs some rest."

Eva relaxed. "Thank goodness.... I thought I might've set him on fire or something."

Dumbledore laughed. "You did a great job, but that was a difficult task for your skills at this age, so your powers had been drained and you ended up here."

"So that's why I passed out!" With great timing too. She hoped Sirius didn't tell Harry and them. Or did he?

"Professor Dumbledore, when can I get back to classes?"

"Well, not today. You still need plenty of rest but I'm sure you'll get back to your normal schedule by tomorrow."

She nodded, then looked over at Remus again. "I know for a fact, werewolves only transform during a full moon." She then looked up at Dumbldore. "What do you suppose happened to him?"

A grave look appeared on his face. "To this question, I have no answer....but I'm afraid we will soon find out...."

A boy's voice echoed throughout the hospital wing. "Oy! Eva! Look who's come to visit you!"

Suddenly, a hiss came from a girl. "Ron! Don't yell so loud! She could be asleep!"

Eva opened her eyes and sat up to see Harry, Ron and Hermione approaching her bed with a basket.

Hermione smiled down at her. "Hey Eva! Sorry to wake you up." She glared over at Ron. "He can be such a loudmouth sometimes."

Ron frowned. "Look who's talking Miss. Blabbermouth!" He then grabbed the basket from Hermione and set it on Eva's lap. "Ignore her! Here's a get well gift from all of us and Sirius!"

Eva was very surprised that they had came to visit her. "Wow! Thank you!" She then noticed Ron eyeing the basket, hungrily. She looked down at the basket and noticed it was filled with sweets. She started to laugh. "Would you like some Ron?"

Ron took a couple of chocolate frogs. "Don't mind if I do!"

Hermione frowned and nudged Ron in the side. "Ron! Don't be so impolite!"

Ron backed off. "Hey! She offered ya know!"

Eva laughed. "Don't worry Hermione, it's no problem."

Harry sat down in the chair beside her. "So how you feeling?"

Eva suddenly remembered what had happened. "I'm...fine..." She looked up at the three of them, who were watching Eva with a confused look. " uh...last night...."

Hermoine smiled. "Don't worry about it. Sirius told us all about how you knew about him and Professor Lupin. To tell you the truth, we're glad you know this.We didn't mean to keep it from you but we just didn't know where to start."

Ron grinned. "Yeah it took a huge load off our minds!"

Eva was relieved, but then she looked at the three of them again, searching for a suspicious look or something they weren't telling her. "So did Sirius say anything else important?"

Ron pondered a moment. "No, I think that's about it...."

Eva sighed with relief. At least only Sirius knows now. She wasn't sure if she could handle it if Harry and them knew. She didn't know how they would take it.

Eva then looked down. "Thanks for everything... I don't know what I would have done without you guys." She looked up and smiled. "I don't know what to say.... you guys really trust me."

Hermione gave her a big hug. "Of course silly! You're one of us now! We all trust in each other and we don't need to keep secrets from one another right?"

Eva looked back down and blushed. "R..Right...." This had put a bigger pressure on her. Maybe she could just tell them....

Suddenly, Eva's thoughts were interrupted as Hermione turned around. She sighed as she looked at Professor Lupin, still unconcious in his bed. "Poor Professor, he's been like this for days....I wonder what could have happened to him...."

Eva suddenly remembered the conversation she had earlier with Professor Dumbledore. "I wish I knew...."

There was something suspicious going on and whatever it was not a good sign...history was going to repeat itself......

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