.Girl - My Thoughts and views

Feb, 19, 2004- SeDuCtion:

some thing for your mind body and your soul
its the power too arouse curiosity
the purpose
the goal which one acts on
absurdity of force hot like the sun and wet like the rain
with no limits or boundaries
eternity has passed
wrong is right
its the point of greatest intensity
pleasures of the highest sense
feelings of warmth and security
willing and unwilling sensations of the mind 
a conditions of ultimate seduction


Feb, 18, 2004- JuSt FoR ThouGhTs:  

Hate has no affect that hasnt been already done to the world
Hate has damage the world beyond any prayer you pray
Hate has consumed and over run the souls of men and gods
Hate will consume all in its path and will not stop
Hate cannot be denied
Hate cannot be ignored
Hate is what fuels the world
Hate is what fuels the universe
Hate will not end with the destruction of earth
Hate will not die
Hate will linger as long as theres a form of soul to consume
Hate is indestructible

Hate is the true god


Feb, 17, 2004- Religion: whats the point of religion , just a bunch of false beliefs and lies by some people, who sucker people too give money to believe in there false god/s, thats what religion is about "money" just a scam, there maybe heaven and hell all the bs they tell you in church and a god and if there is a god hes probably a demented sob who enjoys watching people struggle and suffer in life, and i know god would be a guy cause men create all pain destruction and war...etc if the world was run by women and god was a goddess, we wouldnt have all this trouble in the world. dont get me wrong, i dont hate men, i just dont think there meant to have power.