The Test

The Test

See if your the master of the frog world. Take the test, find out your results. Good Luck!

1.Can frogs grow bigger then a dinner plate?
Yes  No  Don't know

 2.Will a frog bite?
Yes  No  Don't know

3.Is there a frog that can eat other frogs?
Yes  No  Don't know

4.Is the toad the closet relative to the frog?
Yes  No  Don't know

5.Do frogs have live young?
Yes  No  Don't know

6.Are there frogs which live in the dessert or underground?
Yes  No  Don't know

7.Is there a frog which is able to fly or glide in the air?
Yes  No  Don't know

8.Is there a "skunk" in the frog world?
Yes  No  Don't know

9.Do frogs have teeth?
Yes  No  Don't know

10.Did some African tribes use the poison from frogs in darts?
Yes  No  Don't know

11.Do people use frogs for food in anyway?
Yes  No  Don't know

12.Are Reptiles and Amphibians the same?
Yes  No  Don't know

13.Do frogs always live near or around water?
Yes  No  Don't know

14.Can frogs change color?
Yes  No  Don't know

15.Do frogs migrate in the winter?
Yes  No  Don't know

16.Can a Poison Dart Frog kill a human?
Yes  No  Don't know

17.Do frogs only hop?
Yes  No  Don't know

18.Do frogs protect their eggs after they are laid?
Yes  No  Don't know

19.Is there any species of frog, which takes more than a year to finish the tadpole stage?
Yes  No  Don't know

20.Is there a frog who's skin is clear and you can see it's insides?
Yes  No  Don't know

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