Note: This is an old copy of the FTMC site which has lots of references, but is rather dated. Fair TradeMark Canada became Transfair Canada in 1999 and links are provided to their new web site to avoid confusion. In addition, there is a problem with the capitalization (or not) of many file names which have to be changed before all this material will be available. If you get an error message, try retyping "fair" in capital letters "FAIR" in the name of the file - e.g. "FAIR613.html" instead of "fair613.html".
Fair Trade Online
Fair Trade Online was developed by Fair TradeMark Canada in 1996 to provide information about the fair trade movement to producers, suppliers, students and the movement itself. 
Fair TradeMark Canada
The International Fair Trade Movement - Who's who - FAQ
Other Fair Trade Organizations, Links and Resources
Other Fair Trade Information & Interesting Places Online