Sub Fever
by: Vagabond

The sense that it's NOW, must be now, you can't possibly hold off another minute that overcomes the new submissive. This is quite possibly the most dangerous point for a submissive just learning about and exploring her own submission. There are far too many unknowns for someone in this state to be able to make a truly thought out and rational decision. There is too much that hasn't been learned, explored, and experienced. It's a blind rush of urgency, need and desire, often the exact opposite of the past, where it was hidden and repressed.

The feeling that you have waited as long as you can, and all caution is thrown to the wind in your rush to fulfill your desires. So eager to experience that your common sense is at best severely limited, at worse forgone completely. Often without a clear idea of what you seek, other than what your fantasy and desires reveal to you. Inadequate time taken to explore the depths of your feelings, find out what your limits are, knowing even less about what you are seeking in a Dominant except in the most broad terms. You take risks no one with more education and experience would take, you overlook the danger signs because you have not taken the time to learn them, or worse, you have but your "need" is so great you tell yourself it will be all right. Maybe it will, if you are lucky. But the risk is extremely high that you will fall prey to a predator of one sort or another. The risk for severe and possibly permanent emotional trauma, life shattering experiences, and even death cannot be underrated.

If you could detach yourself from this sense of needing it now, you would be able to see that this, like anything else in life worthwhile, will need time. Time to learn and develop goals, to educate yourself, to find others to assist you in your growth, to find your path and walk it. All this should come before reaching out to embrace this lifestyle. I think if you treat "sub fever" like you would any other illness, it will be easier to get through with heart, mind, body and soul intact. Recognize that you are in a dangerous state -- that you need to protect yourself and not allow yourself to act during this time.

Use this frenzied state to delve into yourself. Begin a submissive journal, read and educate yourself. Explore the educational sites, learn how to develop your own submissiveness and find out what the length and breadth of your desires are.

Consider this time as preparation against the future. A future that will in fact be a way to live your dream, in full knowledge -- rather than throwing yourself to the mercy of an unknown Dominant, and hoping for the best.

Submission is a gift, make sure that the gift you give, when the time is right for it, is a gift that has depth and is meaningful. How meaningful can a brief or short encounter with a virtual stranger be?

What depth is involved in accepting the bonds or collar of a Dominant you can't possibly know enough about to truly trust and give yourself over to heart and soul? In your eagerness to learn, be willing to teach yourself as much or more than you are willing to seek the advice of others. A gift given lightly or too easily is not much valued. I have met many new submissives. Some are full of heart and courage, and will in time be a joy and treasure for some worthy and very lucky Dominant. But the vast majority I see online are thrill seekers and sensualists unwilling to accept responsibility for their own education, growth, and experiences. They want to be lead, their hands held, and never have to take any responsibility for themselves.

In my opinion, this type of submissive will always be bouncing from one Dominant to another, laying blame for every hurt or disappointment at the feet of those around her. They lack self-discipline, which frankly is paramount to being a successful submissive. They experience one crisis after another, learning very slowly if at all. For those of us who watch, it is painful and frustrating. Sub fever is a very real reaction, usually something the new submissive experiences although it's not strictly limited to a newbie. How you deal with it has a lot to say about the kind of submissive you will be. If you can consider this as part of the testing ground, and resolve to use this energy and channel it into your own growth, you will be far more likely to fulfill your dream in a meaningful way.

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