My Need to Laugh
by: enslaved heart

Some people do not understand my need to laugh. They label me as a brat or sassy. They feel I am not a "true" submissive or serious about this lifestyle. Yet it is because of my love and desire to be the best submissive that I can be, that I must laugh.

Submission is an extension of my personality. It is a quality that must compliment rather than segragate me as a person. To fully embrace my submission, it must be developed in such a way as to allow me to grow as a whole person.

As a "vanilla", I loved to laugh. Laughter tells me that people are comfortable, that they are enjoying themselves and that they are relaxed with you in the given situation. It also is a great way to relieve tension.

It is also important in my need to stay balanced. The deeper my submission goes and the more intense the experiences I encounter, the greater my need to laugh. My sense of humor, no matter how "off beat" or "korny" some may find it to be, gives me the tool I require to maintain a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual equalibrium.

There are some Dominants who not only understand but appreciate a submissive with a sense of humor. They see it as a sign of their zest of life and part of being who they are. Yet others believe it to be dishonourable, they suspect the sub to be challenging them by demonstrating disrespectful behavior. They probe to discover a reason or cause so that they can "deal" with it.

Now there does exist those submissives who take things too far. They use humor as a passive aggressive means to insult, belittle and humiliate others. Their slurs mask a rebelious and defying personality.

So how does a person tell the difference? Here are a few points to consider...
=does this person make jokes at another's expense?
=does this person harass someone over and over again about the same point?
=does this person seem to be the only one who finds their jokes funny?
If so, then this type of person is using their sense of humor to cover up other issues.

Speaking for myself, laughter is my natural state, it is me enjoying who I am, those I am with, doing whatever it is we are doing in whatever place we may be. If the truth be known, joking with you is my way of playing you a compliment. So laugh along with me and take comfort in knowing I consider you a friend.

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