by: enslaved heart

A Dominant and submissive are enjoying a scene together. The sub feels safe while the Dom is in total control of her. As the play progresses, the power exchange flows and allows each to bring out the best of themselves. Then the Dom says or does something that replaces the excitement and stimulating feelings with uncomfortableness and uncertainty. The sub wants to comply, they want to please the Dominant but something has triggered feelings of fear and they cannot continue. They have reached a limit.
Each submissive has their own set of limits created for personal reasons. They can be triggered by fears they have never overcome, recalls of circumstances occuring from abuse or neglect, emotional safeguards or mental defenses that were learned or developed to deal with intense emotion. These limits will block and prevent a submissive from allowing a Dominant to exercise total and complete control over her.
There are two types of limits.... hard and soft.
Soft limits are found in areas that block the desire to follow or accept physical or mental direction given by the Dom. These limits may and can be softened with training and guidance from an understanding and patient Dominant. With close examination, a submissive who faces these fears and is able to unlock the triggers that activate them, will be able to push themself beyond it and open up areas that once held them hostage.
Hard limits are exactly that.... hard. They are very strong and powerful blocks that are usually associated with emotional, mental and/or physical trama. They cause a submissive to feel panic and desparation resulting in a need to retreat from the situation. These type of limits have direct assocation to deep pain and because a person reacts so intensily to these blocks, to face and overcome them, it is recommended they seek the help of a professional.
Dominants must respect a submissive's limits. They need to become familiar with them and in time will be able to steer a sub to face them, helping to explore and giving support to confront them yet never pushing so hard as to break the trust given to the Dom as that would jeapordize the submissives emotional, mental and physical well being.

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