By: jen

There are many energy centers throughout the body. Individuals can develop unique chakras based on their experiences and gifts. However, there are seven chakras that all people have, that run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. I work with chakra imbalance, hoping to bring attention to those chakras within an individual that may need unique attention in order for the person's energy to flow in a balanced and healthy manner. I also do chakra readings from time to time.

The first chakra is red It is located at the base of the spine, specifically at the base of the tailbone. Some people believe that each chakra encompass the whole area and overlap with one another, but I believe they are separate and energy flows through lines similar to blood vessels. This chakra is your grounding chakra or the place which you find a sense of calmness. In addition, grounding can allow one to draw energy from the element one is grounded to. For instance, if I grounded to the element of earth, I could then ask for and receive energy from this element in order to empower shielding, or simply give myself a boost. It also symbolizes an individuals sense of safety and security. This is the primary sexual chakra of the body. Sexual insecurites and any abuse issues are dealt with is this chakras. Symptoms that you are having problems with this chakra may be you have difficulty gathering your thoughts or feel like you are 'running around like a chicken with your head cut off.'

Good ways to balance and align this chakra are deep breathing and meditation techniques, meditations on elements like earth or water that you find soothing, making sure that you have time for yourself, and confronting any energies that may stand in your way of a serene outlook.

The second chakra is orange This chakra is located in the belly, about the placement of the navel. This chakra deals with connecting energies, as in a woman connecting with a child in her womb. This is also a secondary sexual chakra. Typical issues dealt with here are any that may interfere with connecting with others. This is also a chakra where many people try to hide their emotions. In other words, when emotions are denied and left undealt with, this is where they are 'stuffed'. Symptoms may include intestinal or stomach disorders such as ulcers. Good ways to balance and align this chakra are identifying any emotions that have been left here undealt with, as well as low self-esteem and relationship insecurities. Affirmations, meditations, and expressing these emotions are key here. Expressing the emotions can take on any form, ie journaling, talking with a friend, counseling, etc.

The third chakra is yellow This chakra is located at about the solar plexus. It is the placement that many hypothesize is the location of the soul. This chakra is your 'center'. It deals with issues of self - knowledge of self, definition of self. So any workings or dysfunctions with this chakra can be resolved by confronting 'self' basically. Easier said than done, I know. When people allow themselves to express their individuality, this is when they 'shine'. In other words, this is when this chakra glows its healthiest. However, when people are in abusive or disempowering situations, this chakra may shrink and turn sickly. Symptoms that this chakra needs work are low self-esteem, feeling caged or battered or 'in a rut'. Good things to do are start new projects, learn something new, or find a new hobby. Doing things that expresses who you are is key to this chakra.

The fourth chakra is green This chakra is the heart chakra and is located at the sternum, otherwise known as the breastbone. This chakra is one that may be most difficult to heal because it can be a record of the pains in our life. Hurts that are left undealt with scar here, and until they are dealt with, the chakra can turn brown and unhealthy, unable to love in a healthy manner or be loved in return. 'Heartache' can a a very real phenomena in this chakra. The key to achieve healing here is recognizing and validating feelings when they appear. For instance, an abuse victim may feel pain long after they think it 'should' be healed. Because in their own mind they believe they 'should' be over it, they may just try to push that pain away. So the scar remains in this chakra and affects all the others as well, leaving an unhealed person wondering why they feel as bad as they do. So, validations of emotions are essential, as well as making sure that others in your life validate them as well. Validation doesn't mean wallowing, which can be as potentially hazardous as the opposite. Self help books, support groups, counseling, or dedicated loved ones can all be good tools to heal this chakra.

The fifth chakra is blue This is the communication chakra and is located in the throat. As may seem obvious, communication issues take precedence here. Many people may feel like they have a 'lump in their throat'. This comes from swallowing thoughts and feelings. Not only is this in itself damaging, but these thoughts and feelings may end up in the heart and belly chakras. Feelings don't go away, they are simply 'put somewhere'. So expressing thoughts and feelings are key to this chakra. This doesn't mean going off on your boss or parent, it means finding venting techniques if need be.

The sixth chakra is purple or indigo. It is located in the center of the forehead and is otherwise known as the 'third eye'. This is the psychic chakra. Everyone has psychic ability. They are natural gifts that one can learn to use and control. Many people may keep this chakra closed out of fear of these gifts. However, doing this keeps the body's energy out of balance. So it might take some time to find a balance with this chakra... open enough that energy isn't uneven, but also open to the degree that one is confortable with. For someone who may be experiencing 'less' of their gifts than normal, meditation on this chakra and the color indigo may also be indicated. If chronic headaches occur, it may be wise to learn some basic psychic shielding techniques.

The seventh chakra is white This chakra is located at the crown of the head and is the chakra of higher wisdom. This is where people may recieve guidance from their 'Higher Self'. It is also where one may feel connections when we pray or reach out to a Deity of choice. Symptoms that this chakra needs work is feeling out of contact with this Deity or feeling on a plateau in one's life. Good things to do to work with this chakra are meditation, praying, sitting under a tree, anything that allows you to connect with the Universal life force that connects us all. If nothing else you may feel more centered and calm after trying this.

Remember, all chakras are connected and energy flows through all of them constantly. Becoming more aware of the energy ebbs and flows can enable you to be happier and healthier. The way that I work to balance these energies - i begin at the root chakra and 'look' at see what kind of shape it's in. I then ground to the element of my choice, and draw energy into the the chakra.. i visualize it a healthy, glowing read, and spin it a little clockwise. I repeat this for the rest of the chakras - drawing energy up the spine to each one. When i am completed, i feel calm, connected, i feel the energy coming all the way up my spine out of my head, i feel connected to earth and God/dess. If you are unable to 'see' your chakras, it might be a wise idea to find someone who can,in order to find out where work needs to be done. As I can see them, I know there are others who can also. Be well and...

Blessed Be!

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