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Our views on PersonalWeapons       

         Weapons. Safety of the household, or an accident waiting to happen? A question that has been debated for centuries. Society has had an interest with violence ever since humankind began according to the worlds best scientific minds and while that will never change, we must learn to control those violent urges before we even think of purchasing a firearm, blade, etc. Safety is #1 on the Hunters list of rules and even we have violent thoughts that must be controlled. The household is no exception to the safety rule.
        Guns for example, should be handled carefully by someone above the age of 21 in my view. Hundreds of accidents happen in the home everyday due to the irresponsibility of people and guns, and while no one has bothered to think about what to do in this situation, people still love guns. We truly must ask ourselves, "Why are we so fascinated with tools of destruction?" It is just crazy to think that destruction will lead to peace! Again, there is no easy solution, but there is a way to stem household accidents with weapons.    

1. Keep guns and blades out of reach of young children.    

2. Do not have a LOADED gun in the house.    

3. Keep ammunition away from everyone except yourself.    

4. Get training in proper usage and handling in firearms.    

5. Teach your children that violence is very WRONG and under any circumstances: NO FIGHTING.            

    Following each of these steps, we just might lessen and maybe stop household arms accidents from happening. After all, children are our future and we want them to be safe.