
Teacher, Sitter, or Brain-Drain?

        One of our big technological marvels that we see every day and place such a big value on is television. Almost every house in this country has a television, and most people seem to feel that it is something that you just can't live without. However, is it for that reason, or are we so caught up with our sense of familiarity that we just can't imagine or lives without it. These questions may look similar, but they are quite different, I assure you.

        To address the first question: Our reasons are simple, It provides a great amount of information, it gives us something to do or wind down from a busy workday (or night). A lot of people wouldn't admit to these answers or even acknowledge these questions, and why? Because they felt the shame in themselves. Now, I'm not against television, I merely felt I should address the issues many people have felt inside themselves, so that we can all benefit and learn a little more about ourselves and each other. But I digress.

        Onto the second question: A lot of us were raised watching television and we cannot seem to let go. Why? Because we as a people need a certain constant in our lives. That is what makes us who we are.

        Do we really need to expose our next generation of children to the magic and wonder of television? Sure, but only to a certain degree. Most people don't realize this, but studies have shown that the more people watch television, the more difficult it is to leave its presence. Many parents, because of their so-called "busy schedule" tend to take their children and sit them down to watch television while they go and do other things, work or not. Even now, while you are reading this, are your children (if you have any) outside playing with other children, or inside with toys, or are they watching television? More studies have shown that more and more children are becoming obese. Quite a few scientists will tell you the same.

        There are numerous benefits and dangers television brings. You just need to look deep down and find out what they are. Instead of leaving your kids to "rot" in front of the T.V., play with them outside, teach them different things, be a parent, not just a provider. Memories of all the things you do with them will last the longest and benefit them in the long run. If your parents did all of those things with you, you should know this. That is what family is all about.