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Are we advancing to fast?
        Everyone knows that technology is a wondrous thing, but is it all that it is cracked up to be. Many malfunctions happen due to carelessness during its creation and it is only going to get worse as time goes by. What I mean to say is that old saying "Too much of a good thing can lead to self-destruction". If we invented something like artificial intelligence, it would eventually come to the point were it could destroy civilization as we know it. We, as a people must be careful about how much we advance. In space at this moment, we have an ion-propulsion engine and that is as far as we should go, in my opinion, for a while yet.

        To be blunt, advancing to much would be overstepping our boundaries and would be like trying to jump the Grand Canyon on a BMX! No one in their right mind would attempt to try anything that drastic and why should we? What would pushing ourselves accomplish? It would make no sense. To be truthful, humankind can wait another century or so before its next venture, giving ourselves time to work on the current problems and diseases of today.

        In closing this thought, what is the rush about in advancing in technology? Are we in a hurry because the governments across the globe aren't telling us something or are we just impatient?