The Hunter's History

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        The Hunters were started with a dream to help the needy and protect the innocent, and that dream still goes strong in the guild. Dating back in 1997,  there was turmoil in the streets of the neighborhoods of the founding city of the Hunters and there was none that anybody actually did about it, no talking, no action, not a thing.

        One teen who unlike a lot of people his age spoke out against it and said
"No more!" That teen was me, Elsydeon. Taking it to violence would solve nothing, it would be like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. So I kept talking to the people involved and stopped the violence from continuing. Soon all was well in the neighborhood and people slept a little easier.

        The exact goals of the guild are to guide the children into becoming productive and honorable citizens of society today and future, and to this day, that goal still stands. It is my hope that I can help as many people as I can in my time and hopefully when people see this short list they will understand why I founded The Hunter's Guild.

1. The children can grow up to be better people by learning, discipline and

2. Helping to protect the innocent when needed and when local law
    enforcement fails to do the job.

3. Helping out when disaster strikes and families need the support.

I hope that by reading this short list people like yourselves will realize just how noble and honorable this cause is.
