By: Elektra



Captain Vince McMahon
Chief Engineer, Commander Stephanie McMahon
Chief of Chiefs, Commander Linda McMahon
Chief of Security, Commander Kane
Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Taker
Diagnostics Officer, Lieutenant Commander Jericho
Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Commander Austin
Transporter Chief, Lieutenant Commander Debra McMichael
Communications Officer, Lieutenant Commander Rock
Counselor Al Snow (assisted by H.E.A.D.)
Morale Officer, Commissioner Mick Foley
... And many more!


    "Captain's log, stardate 032720.01. We are in orbit around a planet called Ai. It is apparently a very peaceful planet, inhabited by a friendly and caring species. We have been in contact with the planet, and they have requested that we beam down without weapons, as they refuse to be in the presence of any tools of destruction. I have granted their request, however, I am a careful man. I refuse to be burned like last time. The situation with the Bookermen is still vivid in my mind," Captain McMahon smiled as he finished off his log, "Of course, not all weapons look like weapons... End log."



    "And you're going down to the planet because...?" Commander Stephanie asked Lt. Commander Jericho as the two took a brief rest during their training session.

    "Because, Vince isn't allowed to bring weapons.," The Y2J Unit then smiled proudly, "I'M his weapon,"

    "Oh give me a break! What are you going to do? Tell bad one-liners until they die of boredom?" Stephanie asked.

    "Excuse me, Skankanie... but WHOM did you beg to teach you combat techniques and self-defense? AGAINST his orders?" Jericho asked, and raised an eyebrow, "Hmmm... maybe my memory files are corrupted,"

    "I didn't BEG, I THREATENED, but point taken!" Stephanie snapped, "You don't have to be so smug about it!"

    "But then that takes all the fun out of gloating!" Jericho replied, "Besides, you're just jealous because I'M going down to a tropical planet and YOU'RE not!" Jericho replied.

    "Captain McMahon to Lt. Commander Jericho. Meet me in Transporter bay 2 at 1400h," McMahon's voice came through the comm.

    Jericho tapped his badge in response, "Be right there, Vinnie-mac!" he replied, then cut the link before McMahon could reprimand him for addressing him so informally.



    "Hello, and welcome to beautiful Ai. I am Lana..." a beautiful, bikini-clad Aian came up to Lt. Commander Jericho and Captain McMahon. She kissed both WrestleFleet officers on the cheek and handed them a small coconut bowl, "Please, partake of our wine as our honoured guests! Our leader will see you soon,"

    Vince couldn't wipe the lecherous smile off his face as he studied the pearl-skinned blonde, "And... exactly what does your leader look like? Similar to you?" He asked, somehow managing to sound polite and sleazy at the same time.

    Lana giggled, "Oh no, silly!" she replied, "He is much different. You will see,"

    The Y2J Unit tried not to react as Vince's smile completely disappeared, "HE, you say?"

    "Must suck not to be able to live out a perverted fantasy, huh, Vince?" Jericho thought, but didn't dare say it aloud. Let McMahon preach about how much he loved his wife, and Jericho would pretend he didn't see a certain blonde, Kanatian bartender leaving the Captain's quarters late last night.

    "Please, have a seat," Lana said as she showed Jericho and Vince to the seats a few feet away. The two sat, and she headed off to get her leader.

   "Nice," Jericho said as he studied the complex. The walls were pastel-pink, the light catching rainbows in the intricate golden patterns running from floor to ceiling, which happened to be one large skylight offering a beautiful view of the clear blue sky and perpetual golden sun.

    "Yes... she is," McMahon replied, then quickly corrected himself, "I mean, IT is... yes," Jericho said nothing as he and the Captain continued to wait, "What's taking so damn long?"

    "Perhaps he's busy?" Jericho offered.

    "Busy?! I am Captain Vince McMahon, damnit! I refuse to be kept waiting!" the Captain snapped.

    "Perhaps you should ease up on the caffeine, Junior. Try tea. Earl Grey. Hot! It might relax you a little,"

    McMahon glared at the Y2J Unit, but before he could respond, Lana returned.... with a red-faced, slightly obese man in a white suit, red shirt, and white tie. He wore thick, large-framed glasses. His smile was incredibly huge and, Jericho thought, disturbingly friendly.

The man held out his arms to Jericho and Vince. The two WrestleFleet officers stood up, and the leader spoke, "Brother McMahon... Brother Jericho...! Welcome to Ai! May I say it is our honor to have yew here with us! I luv all our visitors!" The man then hugged Captain McMahon, and Jericho quickly took a step back, and held out his hand for a handshake before the big man could hug HIM, "You may call me Brother, as I call you..." he replied.

    "He's our leader," Lana replied.

    Jericho offered a fake smile, "Thank you for informing me... again,"

    The blonde giggled shyly at the Y2J Unit, "You're welcome..." She truly seemed proud of herself.

    "Lana, darlin'... if yew don't mind, ah'd like to speak to brother McMahon alone," the leader smiled again, "Perhaps yew could offer brother Jericho a sample of our Aian hospitality..."

    Jericho looked at Captain McMahon, who nodded. Jericho understood. He was only a badge-tap away, and the Y2J Unit could run extremely fast should the Captain need him, "Go on, Lt. Commander..." McMahon said.

    Jericho turned to Lana, "Ok then, let's go,"

    Lana held her arm out. Jericho eyed it for a moment, then politely took it and let the Aian show him outside.

    "Please, brother McMahon... come into mah office..." Brother offered. McMahon followed the man, and found himself in a large red and white room, surrounded by plush red chairs. A choir accompanied by piano and tambourine music came through the speakers.

    Captain McMahon took a seat, "Nice office you have here,"

    Brother smiled as he sat behind his desk, "Thank yew..." He offered the Captain a bowl of fruit, "This is one of our delicacies, " he smiled.

    McMahon took the offer -- a heart-shaped, pink fruit of some kind. He looked at Brother, who smiled and urged him to try it. The Captain took a bite and let the taste fill him. It was good. Incredibly good. Actually... he had never tasted anything so sweet... so delectable.

    "I would very much like to work something out with you and your crew," Brother began, "You see, we enjoy visitors here on Ai... but I can only imagine how difficult it must be, traveling through the stars endlessly. Never settling down. Never finding a place to call home. Well, Captain... we'd like to help you with that. We here on Ai would like to offer you a wonderful new home..."

    "Is that so?" The Captain asked. He was about to say something about being unable to abandon his ship, but a wonderful feeling began to fill him. The more he thought about it, the more the Captain couldn't help but think that Ai would be a nice place to stay.



    "Does the weather ever change down there?" Commander Stephanie asked as she looked over Ai's readouts on the sensors.

    "Not often. The sun never sets, apparently. It's like a tropical paradise, 24 hours a day," Ensign Jeff smiled, then walked up to Stephanie, "How about you and me take a vacation?"

    "You're standing in my space..." Stephanie warned.

    Jeff quickly stepped away, "Well you're a barrel of fun!" he raised an eyebrow, "I see now! You're just mad because the Captain asked Chris to go down there instead of you!"

    Stephanie crossed her arms angrily and pouted, "Well, I deserve a vacation too, you know! I mean, it's not like Jericho needs one!"

    "They're not on vacation, Steph. It's business!"

    "I can take care of business too!" She then tapped her comm badge, "Commander Stephanie to the Bridge. Any word from my dad?"

    "The Captain's roody poo candy ass hasn't hailed the Rock since he got down there!" Lt. Commander Rock replied.

    "Well what's taking him so long?!" Stephanie asked no one in particular. She cut the commlink before Lt. Commander Rock spouted some catchphrase at her, "Usually Wrestlefleet protocol dictates that the Captain contact his ship at least once an hour upon first visit to a new planet!"

    "Maybe he's having too much fun?" Jeff asked.

    "Shut up!" she snapped. Then a thought came to her, and a small smile appeared on her lips, "Well, looks like I'll just have to go down there myself and see what's happening!"

    "Do you think that's a good idea, Steph?" Jeff asked.

    "Are you questioning my decision?" she replied.

    "Well no... but if more WrestleFleet officers show up, the Aians might see it as a hostile act or something,"

    "I'm not going to be ARMED, Jeffrey!" Stephanie answered, "Now excuse me. I have to get changed!"

    "But... if you're going down to the planet on behalf of WrestleFleet, you have to wear your WrestleFleet uniform!"

    "I'll have on a WrestleFleet uniform!" Stephanie replied, then smiled, "Just one more suited to the climate, that's all, " Stephanie looked around Engineering then eyed the older Hardy Ensign a few feet away, "Matt! You have Engineering for the time being. Don't screw it up!" With that, Stephanie headed out.



    Jericho furrowed his brow as he watched the other Aians walking through the gardens. Something was wrong about it. "Everyone looks so ..." Jericho paused, trying to find the right word, "Happy..."

    "That is because this is a happy place to live!" Lana smiled at him, the sun catching the pearl-sheen in her skin as the two walked silently through the gardens. After a short while, Lana laced her arm around Jericho's, "You could be happy here too, Lt. Commander,"

    "Would I? I doubt it. I like exploration too much,"

    "But don't you get tired of it?" she asked. "Don't you wish you could just settle somewhere? I hear you're lost in space. It must be so harsh..."

    "Well... we survive," Jericho replied.

    "You survive? Surely there must be more to life then merely surviving."

    "There are my friends. My crewmates. And there's S---" he stopped, "There's several things,"

    "Would you give it up?" she asked, "If you had good reason too?"

    "I don't know what reason would be good enough to give up my life on the Titanprize..." he replied.

    Lana suddenly stiffened, "Well.... I must show you something then,"

    Jericho had a strange foreboding, "What do you want to show me?"

    "Shiana ..." Lana said, "If our Aian delicacy doesn't entice you to stay, there truly is no hope," she smiled sweetly, then quickly lead Lt. Commander Jericho to the other side of the garden.

    "Shiana?" Jericho asked.

    "Yes. You simply must try some!" she said, and happily dragged the Y2J Unit to a large tree.

    "Actually, I should return to the City Hall. I haven't heard from Vinnie-mac yet,"

    "No no... you MUST try this!" Lana replied. Jericho began to wonder why she was so insistent. He was about to ask when Lana began to climb the tree in front of them.

    "Listen, I appreciate it... but you really don't have to---" Before Jericho could finish his sentence, Lana's footing gave-way.

    The Y2J Unit quickly caught the Aian. She looked up at him, eyes wide, eyelashes fluttering, "I'm so sorry... sometimes I can be such a klutz," Lana said.

    "Right...." Jericho replied, unconvinced. Lana had been attempting to gain his interest since he had first arrived. She wasn't even trying to be subtle anymore. The Y2J Unit forced himself not to laugh. Would she have been so eager if she knew he was merely wires and metal? He felt like telling her and finding out... however, McMahon had given explicit orders that Jericho NOT reveal his true nature, in case that particular element of surprise was needed later.

    "Thank you for catching me," she replied almost breathlessly. Jericho began to wonder if her fall was on purpose.

    "Are you ok?"

    Lana smiled sweetly, "I'm fine... thanks to you..." She held up the shiana she had grabbed before she had 'slipped' . It was an oddly shaped pink fruit, "Here... please... try this,"

    "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, Lt. Commander Jericho!" a voice spoke behind the Y2J Unit.

    Jericho turned around, Lana still in his arms, to see Stephanie in a modified WrestleFleet uniform - a Uniform tank-top complete with commbadge, finished off by black spandex short-shorts and high-heeled black boots, "I didn't know they made WrestleFleet uniforms in skank-style," Jericho replied.

    Stephanie eyed the blonde in his arms, "May I ask what the hell you're doing with that Aian?"

    Jericho shrugged, "Giving her a lift?" Stephanie did not look amused. Jericho sighed, and put Lana down.

    The Aian bowed politely to Stephanie, "Forgive me. I did not mean to cause problems between you and your shipmate. I merely fell, and he caught me," she smiled at Lt. Commander Jericho once again.

    The Y2J Unit suddenly went to Stephanie's side, and quickly wrapped his arms around her, "I think the problem is that Commander Stephanie McMahon is more then just my shipmate," he explained, "She's my LIFE mate..."

    Stephanie's eyes went wide, her mouth dropping open, "WHAT THE FU--"

    "Listen, sugarmuffin..." He interrupted quickly, "What happened between me and Lana was completely innocent!"

    Stephanie glared daggers at him, "Get your hands off me...!"

    "Now now, darling... don't be like that," he gave her a quick hug, then turned to Lana, "She's so cute when she's jealous, isn't she?" Jericho tried not to wince as Stephanie ground the sharp heel of her boot into his toe. He squeezed the Chief Engineer tightly, causing her to let out a painful yelp.

    Lana eyed the two, confusion clear on her lovely, clueless face. Stephanie forced a smile,

    "Excuse me, my.... Lllllllll.... LIFE MATE..." she could barely say the word, "...and I have to talk," She quickly pulled away from him.

    Lana looked at Jericho and Stephanie as the two walked away, and Jericho could have sworn he saw a hint of anger from the ever-so-happy Aian.

    "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Stephanie hissed when Lana was out of earshot.

    "Just play along," Jericho replied.

    "Have you COMPLETLY malfunctioned?"

    "No! Listen... I haven't heard from your dad, and Lana over there was trying to ... distract me. I had to think of a quick way to get away from her!" Jericho explained.

    "So you told her we were LIFE MATES?!" Stephanie screeched. This incited a look from Lana a few feet away.

    "QUIET!" Jericho hissed, "We're talking about a possible security breach here!"

    Stephanie lowered her voice, "It's still no excuse! I don't want people thinking you and me..." she made a face, "EEEEWWWW!"

    "Whatever, just play along for now so she'll leave me alone and we can find out why your dad hasn't contacted us in three hours!"

    "Where is he anyway?"

    "City Hall. Shall we go?" Jericho asked. Stephanie nodded, and the two headed towards the building, Lana following a few feet behind.



    "I think your captain is still in his meeting with our leader," Lana said as the three entered the lobby.

    "Then I'll just get him OUT of the meeting," Stephanie tapped her comm badge, "Commander Stephanie to daddy. Could you meet me out in the lobby please?"

    "Steph, honey? What are you doing here?" McMahon's voice came through the comm badge.

    "I was worried about you, daddy," Stephanie replied.

    "More worried about your tan, weren't you Steph?" Jericho muttered.

    Stephanie ignored the Y2J Unit and continued, "I was wondering why you hadn't contacted us yet, daddy," Stephanie explained.

    "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I've been busy. I'm coming out now. I want you to meet Brother!"

    Stephanie furrowed her brow, "Brother?"

    "Yes. We've come to an agreement. We'll be right out, and I'll tell you all about it!"

    After a few moments, Captain McMahon emerged with the red-faced leader of Ai. The Captain went up to Stephanie and gave her a big hug. Stephanie eyed her father carefully, not used to any public displays of affection from him, "Daddy?"

    "Brother and I have found a suitable solution to the Titanprize's current problem!" Captain McMahon started as he nibbled on a piece of shiana, "We may have found our home!"

    Stephanie's face lit up, "You found a way home?! OH DADDY! That's wonderful!!"

    "Well, not a WAY home, sweetie... but good enough," McMahon said.

    Stephanie seemed confused, "I don't understand? Nothing will ever be good enough,"

    "THIS is," McMahon replied, then held out his arms to take in everything, "Welcome to your new home, honey!"

    Stephanie looked around, "What do you mean?" she asked, not liking what her father was implying.

    "Ai is to be our new home now!" McMahon replied, rather proud of his decision.

    Stephanie remained unimpressed, "You're kidding... right?" then smiled, "Good joke, dad,"

    "No joke, sweetie. Brother and I have come to an agreement. He will accept our people as his own, and in return, we will share all that we are!"

    "Share?" Stephanie asked, "What do you mean SHARE?"

    "Our crewmen and crewwomen will take part in what is known as THE SHARING," McMahon replied, then put a gentle hand on Stephanie's shoulder, "All the problems you've had with relationships are a non-issue now!"

    Stephanie raised an eyebrow as she stared at her father, "Um... dad... uh... are you feeling ok? You seem a little... um..."

    "High?" Jericho finished for her.

    Brother stepped forward, "What brother MacMahon is saying, sister Stephanie, is that all those who have had trouble finding love will have trouble no longer! They will join in THE SHARING, and chose those that interest them!" the Aian's smile almost blinded Stephanie.

    "I don't under---" She stopped as she realized what Brother and her father were getting at, "OH NO! No no no no no! To borrow a phrase from Lt. Commander Austin... OH HELL NO!" Stephanie snapped, then turned to Brother, "With this little DEAL, what do YOU get out of it?"

    "A chance for us to share everything with yew! A chance for yew to share everything with US!"

    Stephanie shook her head, "Forget it! I'm not sharing ANYTHING with ANYONE! There will be NO sharing from THIS gal, ok?"

    "It's not like it would be the first time, Steph..." Jericho muttered.

    Stephanie turned to him, "And who the hell asked you?!"

    Brother interrupted the argument before it could go any further, "There so much love to go around, sister Stephanie... why NOT share it?"

    Stephanie glared at Brother, "Because I said so! Don't you DARE stand there and insist that the crew aboard the Titanprize should go find themselves two or three different lovers, because I REALLY don't think that's going to sit very well!"

    "Some may like that arrangement though, honey," McMahon replied.

    "Maybe a few PEVERTS... like Ensign Malenko, or Ensign Guerrero... who seemed to find two ho's better then one!" Stephanie replied, and shook her head, "I just can't agree with this, dad! First of all, we DO NOT want to give up on getting back home to settle here! Second of all, we DO NOT want to be told it's our sacred WrestleFleet DUTY to share with people we've only just met!"

    "As Captain of the Titanprize, I will COMMAND all my officers to follow through with this agreement! If they refuse, they will be punished, stripped of their rank, and thrown into the jail here on Ai!" McMahon replied.

    Jericho was finding all this very amusing... though he too was growing concerned that McMahon was perhaps SERIOUS.

    Stephanie looked at her father, her face clearly showing her disapproval, "You and me have to talk,"

    "Your father and I will explain to you how wonderful this arrangement is on Thursday night. We are going to have a feast. A wonderfully large feast. We will beam your crew down and introduce them to our most eligible men and women. For now," he motioned to Lana, who came to his side dutifully, "Could you show sister Stephanie and brother Jericho to the visitor's quarters...?"

    Lana nodded, and lead Stephanie and Jericho away, leaving McMahon and Brother to continue their plans.



    Lt. Commander Jericho and Commander Stephanie entered the visitor quarters they had been assigned to. Thanks to Jericho's 'life mate' comment, the Aians thought the two should share a room.

    "I'll never forgive you for this!" Stephanie muttered.

    "What are you complaining about? YOU get the bed..." he paused and smirked, "Unless you want to share," Stephanie made a disgusted face. Jericho snickered as he turned to the nearby window and took in the surrounding area. Beneath their room was a large pool. Over to the left there was a golf course, and over to the right lay the tennis courts. Beyond the golf course and tennis courts lay a nice, private, shaded area. Jericho had a pretty good idea what it was used for.

    Stephanie plopped herself on the double bed, then looked over at the night table. A bowl of pink, heart-shaped fruit lay there. She grabbed a piece.

    "Just so you know," Jericho started, "Lana tried to get me to eat this weird stuff earlier. If you see something pink, don't eat it. I think your dad had some of that crap too. It might explain why he's acting so weird..."

    "Her name was Lana?" Stephanie replied, then shrugged and took a bite of the fruit, "I guess she couldn't spell anything with more then five letters,"

    "Meow. You know, Steph... you're ugly when you're jealous..." he replied.

    "Jealous over YOU? Were you programmed with that ego, or did you just develop it in the last few years?!" Stephanie snapped, then muttered an unpleasant phrase under her breath when he ignored her rant. She grabbed a nearby pillow and tossed it at Jericho.

    Jericho quickly spun towards her and caught the pillow easily, "Such displays of immaturity are unbecoming in a WrestleFleet officer of your rank, Commander,"

    Stephanie ignored him as she took another bite of the shiana fruit. She smiled, savouring the taste, "Mmmm! This is good. Try some..."

    Jericho quickly noticed what she was eating, and grabbed the shiana out of her hand.

    "HEY! That's mine..!" Stephanie shouted as she tried to get it back. Jericho held it away from her. Stephanie got to her feet, "I demand you give that back to me, Lt. Commander Jericho!"    She went up to the Y2J Unit, and he put a hand on her forehead, keeping her at arm's length. Stephanie tried to reach for the fruit again, but he gently shoved her away, causing the Commander to land ungracefully on her rear.

    "Steph... I recall telling you a few moments ago that if you see something PINK, DON'T eat it! This looks pink to me. And it looks like you ate it!"

    "I'll eat what I please, and how DARE you treat me with such disrespect!" Stephanie's face was flushed with anger as she climbed back to her feet.

    "I ALWAYS treat you with disrespect, Steph. Nothing new there..." he replied, then looked at the fruit, "Maybe I WILL try some after all..." He took a bite, and furrowed his brow as he let his sensors study the fruit on his tongue. It didn't take long for him to realize it had been altered, "There's some weird chemical in this. I'll send a sample up to the Titanprize. They can do a complete analysis of it in the science labs,"

    Stephanie scowled at Jericho as she sat back on the bed, then she reached for the bowl of shiana on the nightable.

    Jericho quickly knocked the bowl out of her hand, the pink fruit spilling over the red plush carpet floor, "Did I not just say there was a weird chemical in that? DON'T EAT IT! Do I need to put my vocal emitters in a a feedback loop to get through to you?!"

    Stephanie pouted angrily, but a few moments later, she found herself calming down somewhat, "Never mind. I'm sure there's more of it somewhere else..." Jericho threw his hands in the air hopelessly. Stephanie ignored him as she lay back on the bed and closed her eyes, "You know... come to think of it, maybe I could live here ... find a nice Aian man or two. They're a good-looking species. Maybe sharing won't be so bad after all..."

    Jericho crossed his arms and glared at her, "I'm trying to explain that there's something in this fruit, and you're busy going on about playing 'skanky ho' on a planet you've only been on for two hours!"

    "But this planet is so nice!" she spoke dreamily.

    "Are you even listening to me?" he asked.

    "I think I just might want to stay ..." she continued, "What should I grab from the ship? My clothes, most definitely. And maybe a replicator... and---"

    "STEPHANIE! Would you please SHUT the HELL UP!" Jericho shouted.

    Stephanie sat up angrily, "You have been acting rude and insubordinate ever since I beamed down! Do you have a wire lose, Lt. Commander?"

    "I should ask YOU the same thing! Aren't you even wondering why you have a sudden yearning to settle here on this planet when you were just chewing daddy out for the same thing not more then half an hour ago...?"

    "Maybe he had the right idea!" Stephanie retorted.

    "Or maybe this fruit is messing with your head!" he replied.

    "How can--" Stephanie stopped, and put a hand to her forehead. She winced and tried to blink away the sharp pain, "damn..." After a few moments, she looked back at Lt. Commander Jericho, her eyes clear and bright, "Well... that was weird..." she said, "The pain's gone..."

    "And so are the effects of the fruit, I'm guessing..." he replied. "Good thing you only took a few bites," he held up the fruit, "I'm guessing your dad's been enjoying his fair share of this, which could explain why he wants to stay here so desperately,"

    "Let me see that..." Stephanie commanded. Jericho seemed hesitant, "I'm not going to take a bite, ok?" Jericho reluctantly handed the fruit to her, and Stephanie studied it, "Are you saying that THIS is what's causing daddy to act so strange?"

    "Well, that... and the scantily-clad Aian women..."

    Stephanie glared at him, "Daddy would NEVER be with anyone but my mom!"

    "Oh... but he wants to SHARE!" Jericho replied, and was about to mention Trish's midnight visits to the Captain's quarters back on the ship, but thought better of it. Stephanie would find out on her own.

    "Don't even go there, Jerkicho!"

    Jericho rolled his eyes, "Whatever. I suggest we pretend we're happy little tourists and act like nothing's wrong. It may be the only way to find out what the hell is going on here!"



    "First Officer's log, stardate 032720.01. Captain McMahon has contacted the ship and invited us to a feast on Planet Ai Thursday night. He seems quite taken with the planet, and has voiced an interest in settling, promising further explanation at the feast. If Vince does wish to stay, he will have to give up his place onboard this ship..." Shane smiled to himself, "Of course, who am I to deny Pops his happiness? I, Commander Shane McMahon, will proudly take Vincent K. McMahon's place as the Captain of the WWF Titanprize..."



    Vince quickly answered his ringing door. When he opened it, Stephanie and Jericho stood there. The female Aian that had been in the room with the captain smiled as she walked past Stephanie, out into the hallway. The Chief Engineer's eyes went wide, her mouth dropping open. She turned to her father, about to speak her mind, but Jericho quickly stopped her with a firm hand on her shoulder. Stephanie quickly calmed herself down, and continued with the happy tourist charade her and Jericho had agreed on.

    McMahon hadn't noticed Stephanie's reaction, and smiled as he led the two to the small table at the other end of the room. "So, what do you think of Ai? Have you warmed to it yet?" he asked as they took their seats.

    Stephanie smiled in return, "They have wonderful fruit here. The shiana is so sweet! I've never tasted anything like it!"

    "I know! Isn't it wonderful?" Vince asked, then turned to Lt. Commander Jericho, "It's a shame you can't take pleasure in such things, Lt. Commander. It truly is a delicacy..."

    "As many things here are..." Jericho replied, faking a smile, "I've actually started to warm to this planet as well,"

    Jericho noticed the bowl of fruit on McMahon's night table, but didn't intercept the Captain as he made his way towards it. Stephanie and the Y2J Unit had their own plans, but in order for it to work, the good Captain had to be under the influence.

    McMahon nodded, "That's good. Very good," he said, then furrowed his brow, "Now I must ask you something, Lt. Commander. Lana informed me you claimed Stephanie was your lifemate when she had first beamed down," Before Stephanie or Jericho could reply, McMahon continued, "My daughter, being the beautiful girl that she is, would probably garner a lot of male attention... correct? I understand you decided to make it your duty to focus such attentions away from her," McMahon smiled again, "I suppose that's acceptable for now, until my Stephie decides which Aians catch her fancy, right sweetie?"

    Stephanie was struck silent. Her father didn't have a problem with Jericho's bogus public claim? Her father, who probably disliked the Y2J Unit almost as much as Shane did, found it acceptable? "What, exactly, is IN that fruit?" Stephanie muttered under her breath to Jericho.

    "I've sent it up to the ship. I'm waiting for Ben-oyt's report," he replied just as quietly, then plastered on another smile as McMahon returned to his seat. The Captain remained blissfully unaware of the exchange.

    "I hear you've been forced to share a room to keep up your charade. I do hope you're treating Stephanie with the respect she deserves..." The Captain said.

    Before Jericho could offer a smart-ass reply, Stephanie elbowed him in the ribs, then winced as bone hit no-selling titanium metal, eliciting a quiet snicker from the Y2J Unit. Stephanie scowled at him, then turned back to her father and smiled, "He's behaving as a WrestleFleet officer should, daddy..."

    "That's good. Very good..." McMahon repeated, and held out some shiana for Stephanie.

    "No thanks, daddy. I ate the whole bowl in my room," she lied, and tried to hide the fact she was becoming increasingly distressed by her father's complacency.

    McMahon nodded, "That's good... Everything is good..." he smiled again, "I have some duties to attend to with Brother, but why don't you two get familiar with the night life here on Ai? You're young! You should go out and explore Ai's hot spots!"

    "It's ok, daddy... we really don't want to..."

    "No no. I insist! I'll ask Brother to get someone to give you a guided tour! Perhaps you'll find some nice Aian men, honey,"

    "Daddy, I really don't---"

    Before Stephanie could finish her protest, McMahon went up to the monitor on the wall and called for Brother. The man's red face soon filled the small view screen, "Brother Vince... how may I help yew?"

    "I need a tour guide for my daughter and her companion. They wish to explore the night life here,"

    "I'll send Lana to your quarters right away. She'll show them all they need to see..." Brother replied, "And remember... Ai luvs yew!"

    "We luv Ai too, brother..." Jericho called out, and Stephanie elbowed him once more, wincing again. She kept forgetting his no-selling titanium structure.

    "Well then, now that that's settled, I'll come down to meet you shortly, Brother," Vince said, and shut off the monitor. He turned to Stephanie and Jericho, "You two just wait here, and Lana will be right with you. Have a good night. I'll see you in the morning..." with that, McMahon headed out.

    Moments later, Lana arrived, and began the tour.



    "Lt. Benoit's personal science log, stardate 032720.01 . I've studied the sample the android sent up from the planet. It seems a behaviour-altering chemical has been added to the shiana fruit found on Ai. I cannot figure out the formula with this sample, but I am able to calculate the effects using Captain McMahon as an example. This chemical apparently causes one to feel complacent, overly agreeable, and extremely content in any given situation. I've also noted some aphrodisiac qualities in the makeup. It IS non-toxic, but there is no known antidote, although the effects do wear off eventually depending on how much of the chemical has been ingested. How does this bode for our captain? Not well..." Benoit then grinned coldly, "But it bodes VERY well for our first officer..."



    Joe downloaded all the files the Titanprize could find in Ai's computers. How he had gotten into the computers in the first place was something no one needed to know. At Lt. Commander Jericho's request, he was asked to provide information, and he would do so. So what if the means were unlawful? So what if Joe was finding more information then he needed? He was only following orders, after all.

    Besides... the formula which made up the chemical ingredient in the shiana fruit could prove very useful in the future.

    Though maybe he would just keep that information to himself for now...



    Jericho, Stephanie, and Lana made their way through the crowded City Square. Despite it being well after 22:00h, the sun was still bright as ever.

    Lana lead the WrestleFleet officers into a dimly-lit club playing soft, romantic music. The walls were decorated with hearts and expressions of love. If the Y2J Unit was capable of being ill, he would have retched at the complete sappiness of it all.

    Stephanie watched as the Aians danced, their bodies pressed so tightly against one-another that their public display would undoubtedly be considered illegal on some planets.

    "Are there any hard-rock clubs here?" Jericho asked Lana.

    Lana seemed confused, "Sorry... what is hard-rock?"

    Jericho was about to give examples, then shook his head, "Never mind,"

    Lana nodded and smiled, "When the deal between your Captain McMahon and our Brother is finalized, this will be one of the places we shall bring your fellow crewmates. There are so many Aians here. They will truly be able to share," Lana held out her hand to Jericho, "Would you like to dance, Lt. Commander?"

    "NO!" Stephanie replied, then quickly smiled, "I mean... we don't have time. We want to see a few other clubs too,"

    "Would you like to dance?" a voice said behind Stephanie. She turned to see a male Aian holding his hand out to her.

    "NO!" The Y2J Unit answered quickly, then turned to Lana, "We should take Commander Stephanie's advice," The male Aian seemed disappointed, as did Lana.

    "Very well. Follow me," Lana replied, and lead Stephanie and Jericho out of the club.

    The trio walked though what was known as Ai's Lane, but every club or bar they came to played the same type of music. After two hours, the WrestleFleet officers grew bored of their tour.

    "Tell me, Lana..." Jericho started, "Where do they process the shiana fruit?"

    Lana furrowed her brow, "Why do you wish to know that?" she asked.

    Jericho offered her a charming smile, "We were just curious as to where Ai's great delicacy was harvested."

    Stephanie quickly caught on, "Yes. We want to learn everything we can about it! I mean, it's unlike anything we've ever had before! It's absolutely wonderful!"

    Lana smiled, "Well, I am glad you appreciate what Ai's soil has to offer! I will show you where the fruit and seedlings are taken to grow and mature, though since it is late, the factory is closed right now... but they have tours in the morning if you wish,"

    "Show us anyway. At least we'll know where to go when we want a tour," Jericho said.

    Lana nodded, "Very well... follow me."


PLANET AI - VISITOR'S QUARTERS (the next morning)

    Jericho studied his padd, reading the information Joe had provided him with, "Well?" Stephanie asked, kneeling behind him as he sat on the bed, "What does it say?"

    "You're leaning over my shoulder, can't you read it?!"

    "Summarize it for me," she replied.

    "You're getting lazy in your old age, Steph," Jericho replied, then sighed, "According to this, the Aians have come into some rather advanced technology in the last 200 years. Now this technology was not created by the Aians. It was created by OTHER species. The Aianas merely took the technology and modified it to their advantage,"

    "How did they convince other species to hand over their technology?" Stephanie asked, then realize the answer, "Let me guess, it's part of the whole sharing thing, right?"

    Jericho nodded, "And no doubt this shiana had a lot to do with the willingness to share!"

    "How?" Stephanie asked.

    "From what I can gather, according to Ben-oyt's findings, the shiana is the Ai equivalent to the lotus flower..." he explained.

    "Lotus flower?"

    Jericho had to crane his neck to look at her as she continued reading the padd over his shoulder, "With all your education, you've never read Homer's Odyssey?" he asked. Stephanie shook her head. Jericho sighed, "Well, long story short -- the lotus was a flower that the men on Odysseus's ship ate. It made them forget everything, put them in a state of nirvana... and made them very willing to stay on the lotus-eaters' island instead of continuing their journey home." He checked the padd in front of him, "Ben-oyt points out that the shiana can also be used as an aphrodisiac... given the right circumstances..."

    Stephanie looked a little uncomfortable, "Well, good thing I only had a few bites then!"

    Jericho raised an eyebrow, "The only other person in the room was ME, Steph. You've said how much you despise me, so why would it matter HOW much you'd had?"

    Stephanie quickly turned away from him, "Let's get back to the problem at hand, shall we? Now tell me how Odysseus got his men to return to their ship!"

    Jericho shrugged, the conversation better off forgotten, "Well, Odysseus had to restrain the rest of his crew from coming to the island, and then forcibly drag the affected sailors back to the ship,"

    "Seems simple enough. Let's do it!" Stephanie replied, then quickly clarified, "I mean... do what Odysseus did!" All this talk of aphrodisiacs was making Stephanie jumpy.

    "Easier said then done!" Jericho replied.


    Jericho looked dismal, "Because OUR Odysseus just ordered the entire ship to beam down... and feast with the lotus-eaters..."



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