By: Elektra



Captain Vince McMahon
First Officer, Commander Shane McMahon
Chief Engineer, Commander Stephanie McMahon
Chief of Chiefs, Commander Linda McMahon
Chief of Security, Commander Kane
Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Taker
Diagnostics Officer, Lieutenant Commander Jericho
Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Commander Austin
Transporter Chief, Lieutenant Commander Debra McMichael
Communications Officer, Lieutenant Rock
Counselor Al Snow (assisted by H.E.A.D.)

... And many more!


    "Captain's log, stardate 080820.00. We are in orbit around a planet called Makota and have received a distress signal. It seems to be somewhat primitive, but we are planning on beaming down to investigate regardless. We sent Ensign Crash to the surface earlier to inform us about the people. With him being Houdinian, we were not concerned about the locals seeing him. Crash's scouting revealed a certain code of dress for the planet. We have replicated special clothing that will allow our officers to walk around unnoticed. We are unaware of how much contact the Makotans have had with off-worlders and do not wish to attract attention. End log."

    McMahon looked at the padd beside him. It listed the clothing replicated for this planet. Leather. And lots of it.

    He shrugged. Oh well. Surely his crew could pull it off...



   Commander Stephanie wiggled in her too-tight clothing, "Why do we have to dress up like this?" she asked Ensign Jeff Hardy. Her leather skirt was practically painted on, and a silver-studded black belt wrapped her waist. She tugged at her halter top, adjusting it somewhat.

    Actually, she could get used to this...

    Jeff stood beside her wearing a pair of blue jeans over black ankle-high boots, white shirt, and partially zipped up leather jacket. Well... Stephanie thought, at least it's better then outfits he shares with Lita.

    Jeff gave Stephanie two thumbs up, "Eyyyyyyyyy..." he said with a wink.

    "What the hell is that supposed to mean, Jeff?" she asked.

    Jeff smiled, "Look in the television archives," he said, "And call me the Fonz!"

    "I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you..." she replied.

    Jeff snickered, then studied Stephanie, "Gosh, you're looking slutier then usual..." he said.

    "Hey! Talking like that to a superior officer lacks integrity, Ensign Hardy!" Ensign Angle said. He was standing beside Stephanie, wearing red, white, and blue leather - weighed down by equipment and supplies.

    Stephanie glared at Jeff, "It lacks a LOT of integrity!" She snapped, "Do you want to be demoted to cadet, Ensign?"

    Jeff grew serious, "No ma'am..." he said.

    "Then maybe you should stop talking like Jericho!" Stephanie replied.

     "Speaking of which..." Jeff started, "I wonder what HE'S wearing..."

    "Who cares. Let's get this over with so I can finish my card game with Farooq!" Lt. Bradshaw replied as he leaned against a nearby wall. He was wearing a black shirt, and cowboy boots under denim pants. "Where the hell are the doc and the bot anyway?"

    As if on cue, the doors to the transporter room swooshed open, and in walked Dr. Taker. He looked completely different... almost as if he had a whole other personality.

    Taker's long, blood-red hair was tied back in a bandana, he had blue jeans over black cowboy boots, fingerless leather gloves, and a leather vest.

    "Woah! Looking spiffy, doc!" Jeff said.

    "Dr. Taker seems to enjoy dressing like that..." a voice said behind the doctor. Lt. Commander Jericho finally entered the transporter room. He looked at Jeff, and raised his thumbs, "Eyyyyyyyyy!"

    Jeff high-fived Jericho, "At least SOMEONE noticed!" he said with a smile. "Love the outfit, by the way!"

    Jericho looked down at his leather pants, and black boots, "It's odd. I find this outfit pretty comfortable..." he replied, "Though it's hardly WrestleFleet issue," He tightened his long blonde braid, and turned to face Jeff and Stephanie, "When are we leaving?"

    Jeff turned to Stephanie, and smirked, "As soon as Commander McMahon picks her jaw up off the floor..." he replied.

   Stephanie quickly glared at Jeff, "Shut up, Ensign Hardly!" she snapped, then stuck her chin up slightly, trying to avoid looking directly at the Y2J Unit.

    Jericho reached into his black leather duster and pulled out a pair of sunglasses, "What do you think?" he asked as he put them on, "I borrowed these from Ensign Edge ..."

    "Added touch, Chris! " Jeff replied, "And I know Steph REALLY likes the leather pants!"

    "Oh please! He looks like a... a... big... blonde.... DORK!" Stephanie sputtered, then smacked her hands together loudly, "Now enough chit chat! Let's just get down to the planet and help whoever is sending this distress signal!" With that, she hopped up onto the transporter platform.

    "Remember," Jericho started as he stepped up beside her, "We can't fix their craft until Bradshaw deems it safe to make contact, and Dr. Taker checks their vitals!"

    "I KNOW, Lt. Commander!" Stephanie replied. She grabbed the sunglasses off his face, "These look ridiculous on you!" she said, then quickly regretted taking his shades. The black ensemble he was wearing only made his blue eyes that much more vibrant.  She turned away, and handed the sunglasses back to him. He pocketed them, "Debra, energize!" Stephanie demanded.

    McMichael nodded, and the transporter room soon disappeared in a sparkle of light.



    The Titanprize crew were beamed down a mile from an inhabited town so as not to attract attention. They walked for an hour until they finally entered a bustling city. Leather-clad Makotans zoomed around on large sleek two-wheeled machines. Jeff watched, eyes wide, "Man, I gotta get me one of those!" he said.

    "You'd probably break your neck!" Stephanie replied, then looked around, "Where did Dr. Taker go?" she asked.

    No sooner had she spoken, then Taker appeared and motioned for them. The group headed towards him, "I have acquired transportation to the distress signal's coordinates..." he said with a cold smile.

    Stephanie didn't want to know HOW he had acquired the shiny Makotan machines that currently stood behind him, "Only three?" she asked.

    "Only three of us know how to RIDE them, Commander!" Taker replied. "Myself, Lt. Bradshaw, and Lt. Commander Jericho,"

    She didn't find it odd that Taker and Bradshaw knew... but did wonder how JERICHO knew, then realized he had everything programmed into that positronic brain of his. Stephanie sighed, "Fine. Great. Then how are US three going to get there?!"

    "Each motorcycle seats two, Commander, " Dr. Taker replied, then sat himself down on one of them. Jericho, and Bradshaw followed suit.

    "I'll go with you, Dr. Taker, sir," Angle said with a smile. Dr. Taker groaned inwardly.

    "And I'll go with Bradshaw," Jeff said quickly, then looked at Stephanie...  "Looks like you gotta go with Chris!"

    Stephanie narrowed her eyes at Jeff, "You did that on purpose!" she hissed.

    Jeff nudged her, "Hey, at least this way you get to cop a feel off Jericho free of embarrassment!" he whispered.

    "I don't WANT to cop a feel off Jericho!" Stephanie shouted angrily.  The others looked at her, and Stephanie quickly put a hand to her head despairingly, "Damn you, Hardy," He was always trying to embarrass her! He reminded her of the annoying little brother she never wanted.

    Jeff laughed, "We should go," he said, then climbed on the ... what did Taker call it... motorcycle... behind Bradshaw.

    Angle climbed up behind Taker... and Stephanie reluctantly climbed up behind the Y2J Unit, "Hold on tight, Stephie... wouldn't want you to fall off or anything, now would we?" Jericho smirked.

    "Shut up, Slimebot..." she snapped, then put her helmet on. Jericho's no-selling titanium skull was so hard, he didn't need one. The Y2J Unit revved the machine and Stephanie quickly grabbed him around the waist, "If I fall off," she warned, "I'll tell Daddy to melt you down for spare parts!"

    "Well THAT just spoils all my fun," Lt. Commander Jericho replied, then literally burned rubber, and headed off in the direction of the distress signal.

    The others quickly followed suit.



    "Give me a tricorder, Kirk..." Jericho commanded, crouching in front of a pile of warped metal.

    "Yes sir!" Ensign Angle replied, and handed Jericho a tricorder out of one of the equipment bags he was holding. "Sir... may I ask a question?"

    "What is it, Angle?" Jericho asked as he scanned the debris in front of him. It seemed to be an alien shuttlecraft, scorched and ripped apart from an apparent crash landing.

    "Why am I always sent on these away missions merely to carry the equipment?" he asked.

    "Because that's all you're good for, Ensign," Jericho replied. "We usually don't need a communications trainee on away teams," he explained.

    "But I'm not just a communications trainee! I assist Dr. Taker in Sickbay as well!" Angle replied.

    "Then perhaps you can assist him should we run into the pilots of this shuttle craft," Jericho answered.

    "But what if they're already dead, sir?" he asked.

    Jericho stood up and turned to Ensign Angle, "They are most likely not, or else we would have found their bodies in the vicinity," he explained. "Which makes me wonder.... what DID happen to the survivors?"

    "Perhaps Taker and Bradshaw will find them on their walkabout..." Angle offered.

    "Hey Chris!" Jeff called out. Jericho turned to the Hardy Ensign a few feet away. He was studying other pieces of the destroyed alien vessel with Stephanie, "The Commander wants you to bend over again. She was enjoying the view!"

    Stephanie responded by smacking Jeff on the back of the head, "Maybe YOU were, Hardly!" she said.

    Jeff merely laughed, "Sorry... I'd much rather stare at Lita in tight leather pants," he replied.

   "Why? So you can borrow them?" she asked.

    "HEY!" Jeff snapped.

    "Let's just get back to work!" Stephanie said, then crouched down to study the debris in front of her... and heard a ripping sound.

    "Um...Steph," Jeff whispered, "Maybe next time you should wear pants... because right now I'm seeing WAY too much of you..."

    Stephanie quickly stood up, her face beat red, "Damnit!" she said, "I was wondering why I felt a draft..."

    Jeff snickered, "Love the frilly pink undies," he said.

    "One more smart-ass crack out of you, Hardly, and I'll---"

    "Steph...?" Jericho came up behind her.

    Stephanie spun around quickly, trying to hide her... frilly pink undies. This was juuuuuuuust what she needed. What was the stupid bot going to say now? He smirked at her, and she glared back, "Stop it!" she snapped.

    "You leave very little to the imagination, Skankanie..." Jericho said, then took off his trenchcoat and handed it to her.

    Stephanie sneered at him, but grabbed the coat and quickly put it on, covering herself more effectively. "If you make ONE more comment, I swear I'll tear out your circuits!"

    Jericho quickly reached into the pocket of the trenchcoat Stephanie was wearing now, and pulled out the shades. He put them on, and looked at her, "You wouldn't hurt a droid with glasses, would you, Stephie?" he asked.

    "If he was wearing stupid sunglasses like that, then yeah! I WOULD!" she snapped.

    Jericho allowed himself a laugh. Showing personality sans a functioning emotion chip was becoming easier and easier. He wondered why. After a moment, he grew serious again, "What did you find scanning the debris?" he asked.

    "Just scrap. That's it! It isn't worth salvaging."

    Bradshaw and Taker joined up with the group, "Nothing," Bradshaw said, "We ain't found NOTHING!" He pouted, "And I want my damn beer already!"

    "Is that all you think about?" Stephanie asked, "Getting drunk?"

    "What else IS there?" Bradshaw replied, confused that Stephanie felt there was more to think about.

    "How about turning around slowly and telling us who the hell you are?" a voice said behind the WrestleFleet group.

    Everyone spun around to see five large men dressed in similar clothing to that of the WrestleFleet officers. They trained weapons on the group, their smiles obscured by thick beards. Bradshaw lifted his phaser, but it was shot out of his hands by one of the men.

    The WrestleFleet officers raised their arms in surrender, and the men smiled, "We don't want you to surrender..." a different one spoke, "We want you to go away!" With that, the men fired their weapons.

    The WrestleFleet officers fell to the ground, unmoving.



    Stephanie woke up slowly, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the light. Was she on the ship?

    "She's coming to, " a voice said.

    "Get Jericho's ass in here!" Another voice said. Daddy!

    "Vince," Jericho's voice, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize Stephanie had snuck into the ring..."

    "You're lucky Mr. McMahon doesn't fire you!" Angle's voice.

    Slowly, everything came into focus. Stephanie took in her surroundings. She was in a locker room, lying on a bench, "What... what happened?" she asked as she sat up.

    "Easy, Miss McMahon. You got quite a nasty bump on your head..." a man said. She got the impression he was a doctor.

    Speaking of which... "Where is Taker?" Stephanie asked.

    Vince looked at her, brow furrowed, "Why do you want him? He's busy getting ready for his match with Austin..."

    "Match?" Stephanie asked. She rubbed the bump on her head, and turned to Jericho. He was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, wearing a pair of wrestling tights.

    Wrestling tights? She looked around. Angle was wearing wrestling tights as well! What was going on?

    "Are you ok, Steph?" Angle asked, looking at her tenderly.

    "Ensign Angle?" she said.

    Kurt looked at McMahon, who shrugged. He turned back to Stephanie, "What's an Ensign?" he asked, "I'm sorry, Steph. I don't understand..."

    Stephanie looked at Jericho, "Lt. Commander?"

    Jericho furrowed his brow, "How hard did I hit her?"

    "Hard enough!" Vince replied angrily. Jericho winced at the tone of his voice. The tone a boss takes before he fires someone.

    Stephanie got to her feet shakily. Angle reached out a hand to her, but she ignored it. She went up to Jericho, "Give me your left hand, Chris!" She demanded.

    He was surprised she was even talking to him, "Why?" he asked suspiciously.

    "Just DO it!" Stephanie snapped. He did so. Stephanie studied his hand, "Where is it?"
 she asked.

    "Where's what?" Jericho replied.

    "The hatch that hides your emotion chip!"

    "My WHAT?" he pulled his hand away, "Hey, listen Stephanie... we may not get along very well, but understand that I didn't mean to hit you, ok? You just got in the ring at the wrong time, and your Olympic boyfriend decided to use you as a human shield!" Jericho replied, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to shower..."

    "Should I crawl into THIS one with you too?" Stephanie asked angrily.

    Angle's eyes went wide, "WHAT?!" he sputtered, then turned to Jericho, "What did you do to my girlfriend?!" he demanded. "What is she talking about?!"

    "I sure as hell don't know, Jerky!" Jericho replied.

    "Steph, honey?" Vince asked, "What is this about a shower with Jericho?"

    "On the Titanprize during the Nytron occupation!" Stephanie said, "It was an accident, I swear!"

    "Titanprize?" Angle said, then shook his head, "You must have had a very weird dream while you were out."

    "Yeah... a dream about showering with ME!" Jericho replied.

    "You just be quiet! You lack a lot of integrity, Mr. Jericho!" Angle snapped. He came up to Stephanie and put an arm around her, "It's ok. I'll take you back to the hotel so you can rest..."

    Stephanie shrugged out of his grasp, "Stop being so friendly with me!" Stephanie snapped.

    Kurt looked confused, "Why are you suddenly so jumpy?" he took her hand, "You know I love you, Steph, and I'm here if you need me..."

    "Let your boyfriend take you back to the hotel, Stephanie. Maybe if you play your cards right, you can finally steal his innocence!" Jericho replied, snidely, "I'm outta here..." with that, he walked away.

    "Now... what was this about a ship, Stephanie?" Vince asked. "Have you been watching Star Trek again?"

    "Ship?" Stephanie repeated. She had been talking about a ship just a moment ago... but... why couldn't she remember it now? She shook her head, "I... I guess my head hurt more then I thought..." she said, then put her arm around Kurt's waist, "Take me back to the hotel, honey... I'm sure after a nap I'll feel better..."

    "Of course you will..." Angle replied, and lead her out of the locker room.

    Stephanie smiled sweetly. Maybe she could finally convince Kurt to spend the night with her. Right now, she wanted that more then anything else in this world!



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