By: Elektra



Captain Vince McMahon
First Officer, Commander Shane McMahon
Chief Engineer, Commander Stephanie McMahon
Chief of Chiefs, Commander Linda McMahon
Chief of Security, Commander Kane
Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Taker
Diagnostics Officer, Lieutenant Commander Jericho
Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Commander Austin
Transporter Chief, Lieutenant Commander Debra McMichael
Communications Officer, Lieutenant Commander Rock
Counselor Al Snow (assisted by H.E.A.D.)

... And many more!


    Captain’s log, Stardate 051220.00. We’ve reached the Triangle nebula. Dr. Taker has suggested caution, claiming that he has heard rumor that this is home to many a vanished WrestleFleet officer… though considering this sector of space is uncharted and we are far from any WrestleFleet space – thanks to Russo throwing us through a damn worm hole...!" Captain McMahon’s voice grew bitter, then he calmed down, "Since this is uncharted," he repeated, "It is unlikely Dr. Taker would know anything about this nebula, nor the disappearance of any WrestleFleet officers."

     He paused, and reconsidered. Dr. Taker DID know many things no one else did…. But really – vanished WrestleFleet officers? Impossible!

    "In other news, it seems my daughter and Ensign Angle are growing close. Perhaps this is better for her. That bastard degenerate, Triple H, made my baby cry! That is unforgivable!" McMahon slammed a fist down on his desk, then composed himself. "Ensign Angle is a man of integrity. He will not hurt my baby! And if he does... he will be sorry he is even aboard the WWF Titanprize! End log." The Captain finished.

    McMahon looked over the pile of crew evaluations on the desk beside him. He read Shane's evaluation on Angle. The Commander had written that Angle had great potential and should possibly be in line for a promotion.

    Captain McMahon put the padd down. He would have to give that some thought. He WAS impressed with Angle, after all...



     Saturn tossed and turned in his bed. Odd images invaded his mind. The beating of feathers echoed in his ears. A shadow loomed over him… and spoke, "What about me?"

     "What?" Saturn asked the image in his dream.

     "You forgot about me! What about me?!"

     Nurse Saturn bolted upright in bed. Why was he having such weird dreams lately?

    And why did it feel like someone was watching him?


THE SMACKDOWN - the next day

    "Attention! I have an announcement," Morale Commissioner Foley started as he stood on the top of the bar. Terri was worried he would start dancing for a moment... but instead, Foley just smiled his toothless smile, "We are going to have a Pay Per View right here..." he gave the crowd a thumbs up, "... on the WWF Titanprize!!"

    The crowd cheered loudly,  stomping their feet on the floor.

    "Ok ok!" Foley started, raising his hands to restore order, "Here's the card..." he looked at the group in front of him, "First match -- We will see Nash vs Show in a big lazy contest. The last person to fall asleep during the match wins!" Foley looked across the room, and frowned, "Hey SHOW! Wake up!"

    Ensign Show's eyes flew open, "Huh? Wha??"

    Foley rolled his eyes, "Guess we know who's gonna win that one," he muttered. "Anyway, the next match will see the Bridge crew vs the Engineering crew in a light-hearted contest with Edge and Christian representing the Bridge while the Hardys will represent Engineering..."

    "Sir... one moment..." Angle spoke as he stood up.

    Foley looked at him, "What is it, Kurt?"

    "Why only Bridge and Engineering? Shouldn't the Medical/Science crew also get involved? Since I DO work in Sickbay often, I would consider myself Medical.... and Lt. Benoit from Science can tag team with your Olympic hero!"

    Benoit allowed a small grin. Any chance to kick pretty boy ass would be fine by him.

    "Good point, Kurt. Ok. It will be the Cocky Kanatians vs the Hardys vs Shane and Stephanie's special friends. Anyone else want to throw themselves into this match? The Nytrons, perhaps?" Foley asked.

    No one replied, and Foley continued to list off the rest of the card.



     "Hey, X to the P to the A to the C!" Road Dogg called out, "What did you do with my boots?! I need 'em for Foley's damn Pay-per-view..." he said.

     "Boots?" X-pac asked from the washroom. "Like I’d touch your nasty boots, man!"

     "Seriously, X! They ain’t here!" Road Dogg said. "I know I didn’t put ‘em nowhere. You’re the only other person that lives here!"

     "I told ya, I ain’t got ‘em, Dawg!" X-pac replied.

     "Well damn then! Where the hell are they?!" Road Dogg asked, then looked around again.

    Road Dogg could hear X-pac rifling through his things, "I don't know, man, but..." a pause, "HEY! Have you seen my bandana?"


SICKBAY - the next day

     Nurse Saturn entered Sickbay looking half-asleep. Dr. Piro studied him, "Are you here for medical treatment?" he asked.

     "No! I’m here to work!" Saturn replied.

     Piro looked over him carefully, "You look like you could use some medical treatment…"

     "Not from YOU, that’s for sure…" Saturn said. "Where is Dr. Taker?"

     "He had an emergency boot removal in Holodeck 3. Apparently Morale Commissioner Foley booked a match with Farooq and Bradshaw against those pretty-boy Kanatians as a warm up for the dumb blondes' Pay-Per-View match," Piro smiled coldly, "Guess who came out on the losing end…"

     Saturn winced. How many times had Edge and Christian had Farooq and Bradshaw’s boots removed from their rears? "Well… if Dr. Taker isn’t here, then I don’t need to be here. I’m not YOUR nurse!" Saturn said.

     "Oh… you’re leaving then?" Piro asked.

     "Yes. Don’t be too disappointed…" Saturn replied with a frown, then headed out of Sickbay.



     "Come," Counselor Snow called as his door chimes rang. Nurse Saturn walked in.

     "Snow," he paused, and furrowed his brow, "What the hell are you doing?"

     Counselor Snow was standing on his head, "It’s good for the blood flow," he replied.

     "Whatever. Listen, Snow. I’ve been having weird dreams lately," Saturn began. "Can’t get any sleep…"

     Counselor Snow righted himself, "Have a seat," he said, and motioned towards the couch. The counselor grabbed H.E.A.D. and sat down in his chair, "Now tell me all about it," he said with a smile.

     Saturn got comfortable on the couch, "There’s this bird," he said. "A black bird. And a shadow. And a voice," he explained.

     "Voices in your head?" Snow asked, looking at Saturn as if he knew exactly what the nurse was talking about. Saturn briefly wondered if coming to counselor Snow was a bad idea. Maybe the Nytron Counselors – Crowbar and Daffney – would have been more helpful. "What does the voice say?" Snow asked.

     "It says ‘What about me?’ The voice claims I left it alone. That I dumped it."

     "Is there someone in your past that you dumped? That you left alone?" Snow asked.

     "Well, not that I –" Saturn paused, then gasped, "No. It CAN’T be!" he said.

     "What? What is it, Saturn?"

     "I left him, then he disappeared!" Saturn said, "Why now? Why is his memory haunting me NOW?!"

     "Perhaps where we are… the Triangle Nebula. You heard what Dr. Taker has said about this place. About how it’s said to be home to many a vanished WrestleFleet officer…" Counselor Snow said. "This person you left… was he a WrestleFleet officer?"

     "Yes. He was!"

    "And how did you leave him?"

    Saturn took a deep breath, "Back when we served on the WCW Thunder… shortly before Russo took over. I left him there when I transferred to the Titanprize with Benoit, Malenko, and Eddie! Last I heard, he had requested a transfer to Captain Heyman’s ship, and then he disappeared!" Saturn stood up, "I … I have to go. Thank you, Counselor!" With that, Saturn headed out the door.

    "Wait! Who was he!? What was his name?!" Snow asked, but Saturn was long gone.



    Angle shined up his gold medals as he stared out the window at the Triangle Nebula. He wondered if valets or managers were allowed to join the wrestlers at ringside during Foley's little pay-per-view --- something the Morale Commissioner had called 'Wrestlefleet-mania'. Angle frowned. What a stupid name THAT was...

    Angle stood up and put his medals away in his special safe. Luckily, Triple H wasn't here to spy on him. Ensign Helmsley was currently stuck on the night shift on the Bridge under the watchful eye of  Lt. Brawler and his jobber crew.

    Angle checked the time. 0300 hours. Stephanie was probably asleep. He smirked. Maybe he would go to her quarters and see for himself. Surely Stephanie wouldn't mind a late-night visit from her good friend.

    Angle chuckled to himself, and headed out.



    Stephanie was startled awake by the sounds of the chimes, "Huh... uh.... who's there?" her voice was that of one half-asleep. There was no answer. The chimes rang again. She cleared her throat and called louder, "Who's there!"

    "It's Kurt, Steph,"

    Stephanie sighed and rubbed a hand over her blurry eyes, "Computer -- Time?" she mumbled.

    "The time is currently 0300 hours," the monotone voice replied.

    "Ugh... what is he doing here this early in the morning?" she muttered to herself, then slowly stood up.

    "Steph? Everything ok in there?" Angle asked through the door.

    Stephanie frowned as she looked around her room, "What the hell did I do with my robe?" she asked herself. It was gone!

    Stephanie sighed. Now who could have taken her robe?

    "Stephanie?" Angle was knocking now, his voice sounding worried.

    "Yeah yeah, one sec, Kurt!" Stephanie called out. Forget the robe. She'd report it to Chyna in security first thing tomorrow morning.

    Stephanie went up to the door and opened it. She crossed her arms in front of her, and stared at Ensign Angle, "What was so important you needed to wake me up?"

    Angle looked at her. She was dressed in a tight, white WrestleFleet tanktop, and skimpy spandex shorts. "Commander!" he gasped, "Where is your robe! Your integrity----"

    "My integrity is just fine! I couldn't find the robe. What do you want?"

    "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were asleep..." he said.

    Stephanie furrowed her brow, "It's 3 o’clock in the morning! What did you THINK I was doing? Having a party?"

    "Forgive me, Commander," Angle said, hiding the smirk as he looked at her rather form-fitting PJs, "I just naturally assumed you'd still be working away, since you are such a dedicated WrestleFleet officer,"

    "I'm not the Y2J Unit, Kurt," Stephanie replied, "I can't stay up all hours of the night like HE can..." She sat on her bed, wishing Angle would just GO so she could get back to sleep.

    Ensign Angle sat down beside Stephanie. Maybe too close beside her... but she seemed too tired to notice, "Well, Commander," he started, "I was just wondering about this pay-per-view Morale Commissioner Foley put together..."

    "What about it?" she asked.

    "For the three-way tag match, do you think the Commissioner would allow Benoit and myself to have a beautiful valet in our corner?"

    "Who? Trish?" Stephanie asked.

    "No, Steph... YOU..." Angle replied.

    Stephanie blushed, "You think I'm beautiful, Kurt?" she asked, smiling shyly.

    "Of course! How Triple H could let a lovely lady like you get away, I will NEVER understand," Angle took her hand in his, "You are the most beautiful woman aboard this ship,"

    "Oh!" Stephanie gasped, truly flattered.

    Angle smirked, and began to lean in closer to her. Just a few more inches, and he would be able to---

    "Excuse me, Commander," a voice interrupted.

    Kurt jumped away from Stephanie. She hadn't even noticed his attempt to make a move on her. In fact... she looked about ready to fall asleep just before the sound of her new visitor's voice interrupted him.

    Stephanie turned to the doorway, "Jericho? What are YOU doing here?"

    "I was returning to my quarters when I noticed your door was ajar," Lt. Commander Jericho said. He leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed. He glared at Angle with obvious hostile intentions. The Y2J Unit looked back at Stephanie, "It is 0300h. You have a duty shift at 0700h. Go to sleep,"

    Stephanie stood up and walked towards her fellow Engineer, hands on hips, "I am the superior officer here! YOU have no right to order me to sleep!"

    Jericho frowned, "I'm not ORDERING you, Skankanie... I'm just making a SUGGESTION..." he raised an eyebrow, "Unless you have plans with the Olympic twit over there. If that's the case, I really DON'T want to know about it!" he studied her, and smirked, "Nice outfit. All you need is a pair of knee-high boots and you'll be all ready for a night on the town with wild-boy Kirk there..."

    Stephanie narrowed her eyes, "These are my pajamas, Y2Jerk! I couldn't find my robe!" Stephanie snapped.

    Jericho looked at Angle, and saw the way the Olympic Ensign was staring at the Chief Engineer. His smirk grated on Jericho's wires, "I didn't know leering was an Olympic sport now, Kirk..." the Y2J Unit said.

    Angle's creepy smirk quickly changed to a look of innocent confusion when Stephanie turned his way, "I don't understand, Lt. Commander..."

    Jericho narrowed his eyes, not buying Angle's 'innocent buddy' gimmick. Jericho knew he hadn't misread that look on Kurt's face, or the fact that Ensign Angle had tried to kiss a half-asleep Commander Stephanie before Jericho had interrupted. "Intergrity, my ass!" Jericho thought, then blinked at his negative reaction to Angle. He really needed to stop pretending to have emotions... it was starting to become all too real. "I suggest you leave the Commander to sleep, Jerky!" Jericho said.

    "But... does she want me to go?" Angle asked, and looked towards Stephanie.

    Stephanie sighed, then yawned. She quickly covered her mouth, "Oh... I'm sorry..." she said, then took a deep breath, "I guess Jerkicho is right. I DO need my sleep..."

    Angle frowned, but hid it from the Chief Engineer. Jericho stared at him, "Do you need an escort back to your quarters, Ensign Angel?" he asked.

    Kurt looked at him and smiled, "Of course not, Lt. Commander..." then brushed against Stephanie as he headed out the door, "Oh.... I'm sorry, Steph..." Angle appologized,  "That's what they call 'my bad' " he said.

    "That's ok, Kurt..." Stephanie said sweetly.

    Jericho resisted the urge to punch Angle in the face as Kurt walked past him and into the hallway. He kept his eyes on Angle until the man disappeared around a corner, then turned back to Stephanie. She DID look cute with her hair braided like that... and those pajamas were--

    Jericho shook his head. What was he thinking? "Good night, Commander..." he said, and quickly headed out Stephanie's door.



     "What about me?" a voice called out.

     Saturn looked behind him, but saw nothing. ‘It’s just a dream…’ he reminded himself,  ‘just a dream..

     Suddenly there was a flutter of wings.  Saturn looked behind him again… and again saw nothing. What was going on?

     Out of the corner of his eye, he could have sworn he saw the shadow of a bird. A specific black bird.

     NO! He wouldn’t be sucked into that again! That damn bird wasn’t going to influence him THIS time!



     "What the hell is going on here, Angle?" Ensign Helmsley shouted to his roommate, "First you steal my wife, and now you steal my work-out tights?"

     "Sorry?" Angle asked, confused.

     "My damn tights! Where the hell are they?!" he asked.

     "I’m sorry, Hunter… I don’t have them.  And as for stealing your wife… well---"

     "SHUT up!" Triple H shouted, "Listen… I don’t give a damn what you do with my ex-wife, but NO ONE touches my tights! NO ONE!"

     "I’m sorry, Triple H. I don’t have your tights!" Angle repeated.

     "You’re such a little jerk, Angle, you know that?"

    "I’m what…?"

   "You’re a jerk. It’s true, it’s true!" Triple  H said,  "You know what? I’m not even gonna bother with your wimpy Olympic ass anymore. I’ll go replicate myself some new tights!"

     With that, Triple H stormed out of the room.



    Chyna look over the latest reports as she held the fort for Commander Kane, who was busy on the bridge. Road Dogg claimed his boots were missing, X-pac claimed his bandana was gone, Triple H claimed his work-out tights had disappeared, Stephanie claimed her robe had vanished.

    Chyna sighed, and looked at her watch... "What the...?" It was gone.  She had remembered putting it on when she woke up! She NEVER forgot!

    Chyna groaned, and added it to the list of missing items.



    The crowd of Nytrons and WrestleFleet officers made their displeasure known as Ensign Show fell asleep within two minutes of his match with Nash. It took ten of Dr. Piro's Nytron crew to place the big man on a gurney and roll him back to the dressing rooms.

    Edge and Christian snickered as they sat backstage, watching the sleeping giant wheel past them, "Dude... that is SO not professional!" Christian said.

    "Hmm..." Edge rubbed his chin, "Whaddya say we have some fun, little brother?" Edge asked.

    "You mean... some gurney-licious fun, Edge?" Christian asked.

    "You got it!" Edge replied.

    "All right!!" Christian said.

    The two blondes snuck up behind Ensign Show's gurney and pushed the Nytrons out of the way. The ex-rebels didn't seem too eager to regain control as they watched the Cocky Kanatians shove the gurney into the women's locker room. Ensign Show's snores could still be heard over the screams of the ladies. "Gurneys RULE!" Edge said as he high-fived his younger brother.

    "TOTALLY, Edge!"

    "Hey boys!" a voice called out. Trish walked out of the women's locker room wearing her usual long coat and cowboy hat, "Don't you two have a match?" she asked.

    "Well... yeah..." Edge replied, then smiled, "But we thought we'd play a totally awesome prank first..."

    "Wheeling a giant into the women's dressing room is NOT awesome!" she said, then paused for a moment, "Hmm... do you think I could sue him for sexual harassment?"

    Christian looked at her, "Dudette... he's SLEEPING. I don't think you could accuse him of dishing out any heinous harassment right now!"

    Trish pouted, "Oh poop..." she replied, then looked at the two blondes before her. An idea came to her, and she smiled, "Hey.. I was wondering... have you two ever considered having a manager?"

    "Any manager would pale in comparison to our total blonde bombshell-ness..." Christian replied. "Who would you suggest? Nurse Bearer?" he snickered.

    "No. How about someone who can add to your total blonde bombshell-ness... with her OWN total blonde bombshell-ness!" Trish said.

    Edge furrowed his brow, "Like WHO?"

    "Like ME, you idiots!" she snapped, then smiled again, "I think we'd make a great team! We're all from Trawna City, Kanata... we all have blonde hair... and we're all totally beautiful!"

    Edge looked at his brother, "Jericho is in Jeffery and Matthew Hardly's corner, and Stephanie is in Kurt and Benoit's corner. We seem to be by our magnificent selves!"

    "I can't believe Jericho is helping the Hardlys! He's a fellow Kanatian! This is so totally heinous!" Christian pouted, then suddenly brighted up, "Edge! I just had a totally inspired idea reeking of awesomeness!!" Christian said.

    "What is it, brother?"

    "How about we put TRISH in OUR corner!!" Christian started, "It would SO rock!" he finished, smiling and nodding.

    "Dude!! You're a genius! Should we ask her?"

    Trish looked at them, confused, "Guys... I'M the one who just suggested that!"

    Edge looked at her, "Suggested WHAT?" he said, then smiled, showing off his blinding white teeth, "Hey! Christian and I had an idea! How about if YOU were in our corner?"

    Trish rolled her eyes, "Come on... let's go!" She began to walk away.

    Edge furrowed his brow, "Does that mean yes?" he asked.

    "YES! YES!" Trish replied impatiently, "Now move it or lose it, babes!"

    Edge and Christian quickly followed Trish out into the arena.



    Jericho stood at ringside as Jeff Hardy took it to Edge, and Christian took it to Angle.

    In Angle and Benoit's corner, Stephanie watched with concern, "Come on, Kurt! Come on!!" She shouted as she cheered on her good friend. Stephanie jumped on the ring apron, trying to interfere. Trish noticed and ran around the ring, attempting to pull the princess off.

    Stephanie kicked at Trish, who was currently tugging at her leg.

    Jericho went up to the Cocky Kanatians' valet, "You stay in YOUR corner, and I'll get Steph to stay in HERS, ok?!"

    Trish looked at him suspiciously, "And let you interfere to help the Hardys?"

    Jericho shrugged, "The Hardys don't need my help!" he replied, "Now get back in your corner!" He went over to Stephanie,  "Get down from there!" He shouted.

    "Go away, Jerkicho!" Stephanie snapped.

    "I SAID get down!! Unless you want to go INTO the ring?"

    "Listen, if I DID want to get in the ring, I could do it! I can fight just as well as anyone!" she replied.

    "Yeah... sure you can! Move it or lose it, Commander!" Jericho said.

    Back in the ring, Matt whipped Angle into the ropes. The Olympic Ensign's momentum carried him right into Stephanie, knocking her to the floor... her head bouncing off the steel steps with a sickening thud.

    Angle spun around, and looked down at the Commander, "Steph!" he shouted, and began to climb out of the ring. Matt grabbed him from behind and pulled him back in.

    Jericho crouched beside Stephanie. She was out cold, "Skankanie?" he asked. Nothing. He tapped her face lightly, "Hey! Steph!!"

    The ref looked over at Jericho, "Get her out of here!" he commanded, "Take her backstage!"

    Jericho sighed, and lifted up the Chief Engineer. He quickly made his way to the dressing room, leaving Angle staring after him.



    "Hey... Perry..." a voice whispered behind Saturn. The nurse spun around... to see nothing.

    "Who's there?" he asked.

    Nothing but silence... but something was on the seat.  Saturn picked it up and studied it.

    A black feather? 'NO!' Saturn thought nervously, and quickly tossed it away...

    "Perry?" Terri put an arm around his shoulder. "What's wrong?" she asked.

    "Nothing..." he said quickly, then smiled. "Nothing at all..."


    "Hey, X! Did you take my popcorn?" Road Dogg asked X-pac, "I put it right here when I went to the can, and now it's gone!!"

    "I didn't touch your damn popcorn! And why the hell are you suddenly accusing me of everything?" X-pac asked.

    "Accusing you of everything? Like what!!"

    "Like stealing your boots, now stealing your popcorn! What about my bandana, Road doggy dog? You got that hidden up your ass somewhere?"

    "Now why the HELL would I steal your stupid bandana?!" Road Dogg replied.

    "Why the hell would I steal your cheese-smelling boots? Dumbass!"

    Road Dogg stood up, "So... you want to start something with me then, huh?" he asked.

    X-pac stood up as well. The two stood nose to nose, "Looks like YOU'RE the one who wants to start something!"

    "I don't got time for this!!" Road Dogg snapped, and shoved X-pac as he made his way out of the row of seats.

    X-pac grabbed Road Dogg's arm, "Don't just shove me and walk away, Jesse!" he snapped.

    "I'll do what I damn well wanna do!!" he said, and shoved X-pac again.  X-pac threw a punch, and Road Dogg quickly ducked it, "Oh! So that's the way it is, huh?!" he snapped, then grabbed his buddy in a headlock and dragged him out of the holodeck, "I'll make you eat your own damn fist, XP!"



    "What the hell is going on here?" an angry voice shouted.

    X-pac and Road Dogg looked up from their fight to see Lt. Farooq and Lt. Bradshaw glaring at them, arms crossed, "We don't like degenerates disrupting our ship!" Bradshaw replied. He was looking smug after his 'last man not-passed-out' win against Nytron officer Hall.

    "You know something, Bradshaw... I don't think these boys have tasted our boot leather yet..." Farooq said.

    "Maybe we should give 'em a taste then, huh Farooq?!"

    Farooq smiled, and the two security Lieutenants quickly converged on the degenerates in front of them.



    Lt. Commander Jericho carried the semi-conscious Stephanie into the lounge and placed her gently on the couch. He sat beside her and leaned over, "Commander?" he asked, "Are you all right?" Stephanie tried to speak, but her mumblings were incoherent, "Sorry, Commander… what was that?"  He leaned in closer, trying to make out her words.

     Stephanie’s eyes were partially closed. She still had not come to her senses, "Chris…?" She whispered.

     "Yeah, I'm here…" he began.

    Stephanie looked up at him drowsily, and smiled, "I'm glad..." she replied, still quite out of it.

    He furrowed his brow, "Maybe you got hit on the head harder then I thought. You just said you were GLAD I--"  Before he could finish speaking, Stephanie reached up and wrapped her arms around him, resting her head in the crook of his neck.   The Y2J Unit quickly tensed, "Steph.... what are you doing?" he asked.  "And why do I LIKE it ...?"

   The Y2J Unit’s logic circuits quickly tried to make sense of the situation: Commander Stephanie McMahon was in a daze. She obviously wasn’t aware of  WHOM she was holding, of whose hair she was running her fingers through.

    The Y2J Unit gently untangled her fingers from his hair, and pushed her arms back to her side, "Stephanie," his voice was quiet, almost a whisper, "... don't..."

    Stephanie blinked as the cobwebs cleared. She put a hand to her head, wincing at the painful ache that pounded in her skull, "What happened?" she muttered. Stephanie looked at Jericho, frowning, "And why are you staring at me like that, Jerkicho?" she shoved him to the floor and threw her legs over the side of  the couch.

     Jericho studied her. She didn’t seem to remember being a little overly friendly with him not more then ten seconds ago.

    He breathed a sigh of relief.

    Well, at least that was ONE less complication to worry about...



    The blonde lurker snickered as he watched the scene unfold below him. It seemed Stephanie preferred a robot over good ol' Hunter. His former Degenerate leader would surely be surprised to know that.

    The lurker smiled to himself. After being lost in the Triangle Nebula for so long, he would finally be able to distrupt things back on the Titanprize again! What a fun time he was having already - sneaking around unnoticed! Earlier, he had watched Road Dogg and X-pac go at it thanks to a few unfounded accusations about stolen items. Items that he himself had hidden in a nice safe place. He would give them back eventually, but for right now, the lurker was feeling quite proud of himself! He still knew how to stir the pot!

    It was good to be home!

    And it would be even better when he could seek revenge on the ones who had left him suffering in the Triangle Nebula...!



    "What's going on here?!" Ensign Angle demanded as he barged into the lounge. Stephanie was sitting on the couch, rubbing her head. Lt. Commander Jericho was sitting on the ground watching her. Angle quickly sat beside the Chief Engineer, "I'm sorry, Steph! I'm so sorry! I never meant to hurt you!"

    "It's ok, Kurt... I'm fine!" Stephanie replied. Angle put his arms around her, apologizing profusely. "I told you it was ok," she said kindly, comforting the distraught Ensign.

    Jericho frowned at Ensign Angle. "Anything to cop a feel, huh Kirk?" Jericho thought, quite aware of the Olympic Ensign's intentions towards Commander Stephanie. He shook his head. He really would have to get Matt to look at the negative energy surges that invaded his positronic net when he was around Angle.

    He sighed. Maybe Matt could also help Lt. Commander Jericho figure out his OWN intentions towards Commander Stephanie.

    Jericho suddenly jumped to his feet, "Well," he started, glaring at Angle, "Since you seem to be in good hands," he replied, "I'll leave you two alone..." with that, he turned on his heel and walked out.

   "Thanks for being so concerned, Kurt..." Stephanie said with a smile.

    "I can't believe Lt. Commander Jericho didn't even ask how you were before he left!" Angle replied.

    Stephanie would have gone on about how Lt. Commander Jericho was nothing but a stupid robot ... but then again, he DID seem concerned for her well-being even if he didn't come right out and say it.

    "Commander?" Angle started, snapping Stephanie out of her thoughts.

    "What is it, Kurt?"

    "Are you sure you're ok?"

    "Yes, yes! I'm fine! Y2Jerk tended to me," Stephanie said.

    "That's good," Ensign Angle replied, then glanced at the door Jericho had just walked out of.  Angle frowned. Damn Lt. Commander Jericho! KURT was supposed to be the one to carry Stephanie backstage and tend to her! Did the Y2J Unit even know how difficult it had been for Angle to get his position just right so that his momentum would knock Stephanie off the ring apron? Would he even appreciate it?

    Ensign Angle smirked to himself. Perhaps Jericho WOULD appreciate the lengths the Olympic Ensign would go to in order to protect Stephanie from the android's cold, inhuman personality! The Y2J Unit treated her with such disrespect! He would NOT get away with that... not if Kurt had anything to do with it!

    "Uhhhh... Kurt?" Stephanie spoke, her voice suspicious. Why did he suddenly look so creepy?

    Angle turned back to her, and smiled innocently, "What is it, Commander?"

    Stephanie shook her head. Perhaps she had hit her head worse then she thought. To even think her kind, innocent friend Kurt was capable of ANY amount of creepiness was preposterous... wasn't it?



    "Damn Lt. Bradshaw and Lt. Farooq..." Road Dogg muttered as he tended to the bump on his forehead.

    "We'll get 'em, doggy! You and me together!" X-pac replied, limping over to the replicator.

    "If you get through ME first..." a voice said.  X-pac and Road Dogg gasped as they turned to the source of the voice. A smug-looking blonde man leaned against the wall. He dropped Road Dogg's missing boots and X-pac's missing bandana on the floor in front of him and glared at the two degenerates, eyes narrowed, "Surely you haven't forgotten about your old buddy, Mr. Ass, now have you?"



    Saturn stared at the Triangle Nebula through his window. Maybe that strange anomaly had something to do with his latest discomfort, "They're dreams..." he said aloud, "Just dreams! That's all!"

    "Just dreams, Perry?" a voice said behind him.

    Saturn spun around, "What the..!" his voice caught in his throat as he saw what was sitting on his bed. It was a black bird. No... a RAVEN.

    The bird suddenly began melting away. First it's body, then it's head. Soon, all that was left was a black puddle of liquid.

    Saturn blinked quickly, willing the image away.

    It remained.

    The puddle began to stretch upwards and out, slowly taking form. Within a few moments, a full grown adult male stood before Saturn. He had long, curly, unkempt dirty-blonde hair, and was dressed in a grungy WrestleFleet uniform.

    The man looked at Saturn, eyes hard, "Hello, Perry..." he started, "Did you miss me?!"

    Saturn shook his head in disbelief, "How did you get here!?" he gasped. "HOW?"

    The man didn't answer as he went to the window and looked out, "You know, Perry... when I was younger, I always wanted to explore outer space. Why? Because it was better then staying in a home where no one loved me! A home where no one cared! A home that was nothing but a hole in the gutter of life..." he started, "So I joined WrestleFleet. Things were going good for a while... then I started getting shoved around onboard the WCW Thunder, getting stuck on jobber shifts almost every day! And then... and then you left me ALONE! I thought you were my FRIEND!" he snapped, then was quiet for a moment. Finally he continued, "Luckily I had asked WrestleFleet for reassignment before Russo decided to start up the Nytron movement..." he turned to Saturn, "But you know, life aboard the ECW Extremeship was no better! Heyman was promoting guys like Dreamer and Van Damn, but not me!" He turned back to the window, "What about ME, Perry? Huh? What about RAVEN?"

    "Well... what ABOUT you?" Saturn asked, getting annoyed, "You stand here whining and complaining about how life screwed you over when you and I BOTH know you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth! You bitch and moan about how much your childhood sucked! About how your mommy never loved you when you damn well know she did!" Saturn snapped.  "Where the hell have you been since you disappeared from Heyman's ship, Raven, huh? Sailing on the family yacht?"

    Raven put a hand up to the window, "I've been THERE... " he said, indicating the Triangle Nebula, "It's quite an amazing expanse of space, you know..."

    "I'm sure it is..." Saturn muttered, "Now how about you go away and leave me alone?"

    Raven turned back to Saturn, "I'll go away for now..." he said, "But as for leaving you alone... Quote the raven -- nevermore!"

    Saturn cursed his visitor under his breath.

    Suddenly, Raven's body turned into liquid again... and a black bird took form. It flew past Saturn's face, and up into the air ducts. "I'll see you soon, Perry..." Raven's voice echoed, "I've decided to become a full-fledged officer aboard the Titanprize now..."

    Saturn put his head in his hands. Great. Just what he needed. Even out here, millions of light years from Earth, he would never escape the whining of his one-time friend.

    Life on-board the WWF Titanprize had just become damn near unbearable for Nurse Perry Saturn.


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