By: Elektra



Captain Vincent K. McMahon
First Officer, Commander Shane McMahon
Chief Engineer, Commander Stephanie McMahon
Chief of Chiefs, Commander Linda McMahon
Chief of Security, Commander Kane
Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Taker
Diagnostics Officer, Lieutenant Commander Jericho
Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Commander Austin
Transporter Chief, Lieutenant Commander Debra McMichael
Communications Officer, Lieutenant Rock
Counselor Al Snow (assisted by H.E.A.D.)

... And many more!


    "Captain's log, stardate 071120.00. My wife and I have happily renewed our vows and are making plans for a second honeymoon! Shane has informed me that Lt. Jeff Hardy has been demoted to Ensign once again. The reason being that Jeff didn't quite have the leadership qualities needed for such a rank. I trust my son's judgement and will agree with his decision."

    Captain McMahon sighed and leaned back in his chair.  He looked out the window. The normally black star-filled view was instead a massive cloud of colour. He had been sent by WrestleFleet to study this boring anomaly. "We shall be out of the Akana nebula in a few short days. Our investigations found nothing of interest. End log."

    The Captain closed his log book and headed to the bridge.



    It didn't like visitors in Its space.

    The visitors must leave.

    If not, It would makes Its presence known very soon.



    Counselor Snow looked at H.E.A.D. "What?" he asked the object beside him. Silence. "What is it?"

    H.E.A.D. said nothing.

    Counselor Snow shook himself, and turned back to the PADD in his hands as he went over his patient files.



    "Kimberly ransacked my room.," Jericho said as he sat down beside Chyna at the bar.

    "What?? WHEN?!" Chyna asked.

    "A few days ago... when you and the girls were... little," he smiled.  "The wench thought she had drugged me with synthehol... but I was WIDE awake. I told her some special codes in my so-called drunken state, and she fell for it. Apparently the foolish woman doesn’t realize androids can’t get drunk!" Jericho shook his head, "Anyway, I allowed her to help me to my quarters, then pretended to pass out on the bed. I actually watched her going through my drawers and WrestleFleet logs, and she didn't even notice," he smiled proudly. "I should get an Oscar for this. I really should!" his smile turned into a frown, "Of course, she went through my closet and stole my robe too... go figure... that skank!" he muttered.

    "So THAT'S what had happened!" Chyna thought, and remembered how her, Lita, and Stephanie had snuck though the air ducts to spy on some of the male crew, "and, of course, we all thought the worst," Chyna felt ashamed of herself.

   Jericho was silent for a moment, then spoke, voice quiet, "Speaking of skanks... there's one that really hates my circuits..."

    Chyna looked at him, "Stephanie?" she asked.

    Jericho nodded, "She absolutely hates me! I can't even get two words out of her anymore!" he shook his head, "I've even set myself up for some smart ass reply from her... and NOTHING!" he looked at Chyna, "And she's gotten worse in the last few days! I don't know what her problem is! It's like she found out some horrible secret about me or something!" he pouted, "It makes Engineering really boring!"

    Of course Stephanie hated him. For all Steph knew, Lt. Commander Jericho was sleeping with the enemy... literally! And... after spying Kimberly looking rather slutty in Jericho's quarters a few days ago... what else was she to believe? Heck, even Chyna had believed it there for a moment!  Thank goodness the Y2J Unit was smarter then that! "It really bothers you, doesn't it?" Chyna asked.

    "What...? That Skankanie won't talk to me anymore?" he let out a laugh, but it didn't sound very convincing, "Maybe I should really consider this a blessing in disguise!"

    Chyna looked at him, face serious, "Chris... " she didn't bother finishing her sentence. It would be a waste of breath.

    Jericho looked at her, "What?" he asked innocently, then stood up,  "I have to return to Engineering. No telling when they might need my wonderful positronic matrix to figure something out!" with that, he waved at her and headed off.



    Dr. Taker stood up from his desk. He looked around his empty sickbay... though it didn't feel so empty a moment ago.

    Something was here.

    Something was watching him.

    Something that was NOT friendly.

    Something, he decided, that was better left to the rest of McMahon's crew.

   He didn't need to save their stank asses ALL the time, now did he?



    "So, Skankanie... what young  inexperienced Ensign are you going to make a man tonight?" Lt. Commander Jericho asked as he went to his station.

    "Lt. Commander, " Stephanie started, "Could you please check out subroutines 350 to 550? The annual diagnostic is to be finished by Friday..."

    Jericho furrowed his brow. Still no name calling! He tried another approach, "Kimberly and I are going to a screening of Halloween 2000 in theater 2. Michael Myers just won't die! Kind of like you..." he looked at her, waiting. She had winced at the mention of Kimberly's name, but that was it.

    "Lt. Commander, " Stephanie replied, sounding professional and business-like, "The subroutines!"

    Jericho frowned, and tried once more, "The back row will just be dark enough for your flavour of the day..."

    Stephanie spun around to face him, eyes like fire, "Lt. Commmander, if you're not interested in doing your work, then leave Engineering and return to your quarters! I'll inform the captain of your decision!" she snapped, then turned back to her station.


    Jericho frowned, "First off, COMMANDER... I did those subroutines last night! If you had bothered to look over the report I put on your desk, you'd know that! Secondly..." he stopped. Everyone in Engineering was staring at him. "Uh... excuse us..." he said with a fake smile. He grabbed Stephanie by the arm, and pulled her out into the hall -- ignoring the cat calls and whistles from his fellow engineers. Normally, he'd find their comments humorous... but as angry as he was right now, it annoyed him.

    "Let go of me, Lt. Commander!" Commander Stephanie snapped, tugging her arm out of his grip once they were in the empty corridor, "Or should I report you for assaulting a superior officer?" she leaned against the wall, face like stone, arms crossed in front of her angrily.

    "What's wrong with you lately?" he asked, "You've been avoiding me like the plague and only speaking to me to bark orders!"

    "I'm your superior officer!" she said, "I have every right to bark orders at you, Lt. Commander!"

    "That's not what I'm talking about!" he snapped.

    "Lt. Commander, I really don't have time...." she began to push herself away from the wall, but he put a hand on either side of the wall to prevent her escape. Damn him! "I have to get back on duty!" Stephanie protested.

    "Not until you tell me what's going on! Why are you being wenchier then normal to me?" he asked angrily.

    "I should ask you why you're being so friendly to Nytron girls!" she seethed.

    He furrowed his brow, "Is that what this is about?" he asked, "Kimberly?"

    Stephanie looked away. Her and her big mouth, "Listen, your personal life is none of my business..."

    "If it was none of your business, you wouldn't be so pissed! Why, Stephie? What's got you so bothered about me and Kimberly?!"

    He was standing so close to her, she could feel the heat radiating off his body. Damnit!
"You're socializing with a Nytron rebel," Stephanie said quickly, trying her best to ignore his proximity, "So naturally it bothers me!"

    Well... that was part of the truth at least.

    His body relaxed, and he took a step back, "She's a defector..." he replied... and that was the best defense he could come up with. It was all he could do to keep from telling Stephanie the REAL reason he was spending so much time with a woman he knew would stab him in the back at a moment's notice. Lt. Commander Jericho took a deep breath. He really didn't want Stephanie believing that he would fall for someone like Kimberly. Maybe if she knew the truth, she could even HELP the charade, "Listen... there's something you need to know-----" he stopped.

    What was that sound? Metal? Creaking metal? Bending...??

    Jericho quickly pulled Stephanie against him.

    "What the hell are you---??" She stopped as she saw WHY he had pulled her away.

    The wall she had been leaning against now collapsed in a pile of sharp metal and sparking wires...



    The ship's counselor grabbed H.E.A.D. "No!" he screamed, "NO NO! STOP IT! SHUT UP!" He tossed the object across the room and collapsed to his knees, "NO! Don't hurt them! Please! Leave them alone!"

    Tears fell down his cheeks. H.E.A.D. sounded so angry!! Why? What did he do? Why was it threatening to hurt everyone?

    And why did it keep repeating one word....




    Dr. Taker stood looking over the unconscious Counselor Snow. He frowned, "And this is how you found him?" he asked the man who had brought him in.

    "Well... yeah..." Ensign Angle began, "I went to talk to him about the behaviour of some peasant crew members towards me -- wondering how he could help them realize pure excellence in a man such as myself -- and I found him like this on the floor of his office!"

    Suddenly, Counselor Snow's eyes flew open, "They're here!" he said, "They're all around us! They want us to leave! We have to leave!" he grabbed Dr. Taker by his black medical coat, "Don't you sense them? You, of all people, should be able to sense them! " his eyes darted around Sickbay, his body shaking, "We have to leave this place! We have to go! There will be more accidents! A lot more! We need to get out of here!"

    "Saturn! Hand me a sedative!" Dr. Taker commanded the bald nurse a few feet away.

    "No! NO! Don't you dare!" Counselor Snow shouted, and sat up on the diagnostics bed. He grabbed H.E.A.D., who was sitting at the foot of the bed, "I'm not hallucinating, Taker! I'm hearing everything through H.E.A.D.! They're communicating with me! They want us to go!"

    "WHO wants us to go?" Dr. Taker asked.

    "THEM! THEM!" Counselor Snow shouted hysterically.  He held H.E.A.D. to his chest and rocked back and forth, lowering his voice, "I hear them! They're angry! We've invaded their space. They want us to leave... they do!"

    Dr. Taker watched Counselor Snow through cold eyes, then held a hand out to Nurse Saturn. Saturn put the hypospray in the doctor's hand, "Hold still, Al..." Taker said, and quickly pressed the hypospray to Snow's neck.

    "No... you don't understand... no....." his voice started fading as he slumped back on the diagnostics table, H.E.A.D. rolling to the floor, "They're........... really................"

    Within seconds, Counselor Snow was in dreamland.



        Kimberly smiled as she led Jericho into the Holosuite. She looked at him, and once again was grateful she had picked the right WrestleFleet officer to seduce. He was looking rather yummy with his braided hair, black tank-top, and black jeans. He had been in the training room when she had decided to drag him into the holodeck.

    "Uh..." Jericho looked around at the yellow and black grid, "So... Kim..." he smiled, "Why are we here? What did you want to do?"  he asked.

    She put her arms around him, "There are MANY things I want to do..." she said with a sly grin. It was all Jericho could do NOT to push her away in disgust.

    Just then, the doors to the holosuite opened, and Stephanie entered.  She froze in the doorway, then frowned, eyes angry, "Sorry. Wrong Holodeck." she said coldly, and spun around to leave.

    "STEPH!" Jericho called out, "Wait a sec...." he quickly freed himself from Kimberly's arms and went to her, "Uh... did you need me to go over some other subroutines tonight?" he asked. No... PLEADED.

    Commander Stephanie looked at him, then glared at Kimberly, "You appear to have your hands full tonight, Lt. Commander..." she said.

    "Chris, honey... I'll be right back..." Kimberly said, "I need to get something for the special holodeck program I planned for us..." she smiled and blew him a kiss, then rudely pushed past Stephanie, the doors swooshing shut behind her.

    "Oh... a special holodeck program..." Stephanie sneered, "How nice for you, Lt. Commander!" with that, she turned around, and opened the holodeck doors.

    At least... she TRIED to open the doors. They wouldn't budge!  Stephanie swore a few times, and punched in her access codes. Still nothing.

    Jericho smirked, "Looks like we're stuck, Skankanie..." He waited, but STILL couldn't get a smart-ass comment out of her!  Jericho sighed. Why bother anymore? "Here, Commander..." he said, since they were being so damned FORMAL anyway, "Let ME do this..." he went up to the doors and tried to pull them apart.

    No such luck.

    Suddenly, the ground jerked violently, tossing Jericho and Stephanie to the floor. The holodeck lights faded, then came back up.... then went out completely. The holodeck safety lights quickly took over -- which consisted of three spotlights that threw deformed shadows on the walls of the grid.

    "Damnit... " Stephanie snapped. She winced. Her head had struck the floor hard, and now she had a nice little headache.  She felt something wet running down the side of her face. She put a hand to it, and saw blood on her fingertips in the glow of the Titanprize safety lights. "Oh... crap..." she whispered, just before the blackness snuck up on her.



    "Sir..." Ensign Blackman started, "There is a strange energy surge in Holodeck 2..."

    "Energy surge?" McMahon asked, "Is there anyone in there?"

    Blackman took a moment to scan the holodeck, "No, sir... no life signs..."

    McMahon waved his hand, "I'll have someone look at it later then. It's of no importance right now."

    With that, the Titanprize continued on its way.



    "I'm fine, Saturn!" Counselor Snow snapped as the Nurse tried to tend to him. "Tell Taker I'm not crazy! He KNOWS I'm not!" Snow looked at H.E.A.D.  It was silent now. No voices.

    "He told me to take care of you..." Saturn said.

    "I don't give a damn what he told you! Get out."

    "But, sir..."

    "GET OUT!" Snow shouted.

    Saturn took a deep breath. Snow was being a very difficult patient.  But then, the old saying was that doctors make the worst patients.  Saturn headed out of Snow's quarters, and returned to Sickbay.

    Snow tapped his comm badge, "Counselor Snow to Captain McMahon,"

    "McMahon here..."

    "Sir, we need to get out of this nebula... and fast!"

    "Counselor Snow, there is no immediate need for us elsewhere, and I don't see why we should waste our warp core energy in here! Besides, the nebula is so thick, it would be a strain to even GO to warp," Captain McMahon replied.

    "But sir!"

    "Counselor, are you a Captain?" McMahon asked.

    "Well... no sir, but..."

    "Then don't tell me how to run my ship!"

    Counselor Snow sighed. How could he explain? How could McMahon understand? He frowned, "Fine, sir! But if there are more accidents -- like that collapsed bulkhead beside Engineering -- then it will be on YOUR head!" and with that, he cut the comm link.


    Counselor Snow gasped, and turned towards H.E.A.D. Angry whispers echoed throughout his quarters. Not again!

    LEAVE ... or they will all die...

    Counselor Snow started breathing quickly. Hyperventilating. He shook his head violently, "I'm trying!" he cried, "I'm trying! They won't listen!! They NEVER listen! Not to me! Never to me! They think I'm crazy..." he shouted, then began to laugh, eyes wild, "Maybe I am! Crazy Al Snow! That's what they used to call me at the academy! They didn't understand! No one ever understood.  No one EVER understood!" He paused as the voices spoke to him again, "I CAN'T make them go!" he said, "They won't listen to me!" His voice was cracking now, "Don't hurt them! Please don't! We'll be gone soon! We will! In a few days, you'll never have to see us again! Just leave them alone. LEAVE US ALL ALONE!" he screamed.

    Counselor Snow couldn't take this anymore! If McMahon refused to get his ship out of here any faster, then Snow would just have to do it himself!



    "We are quite the handsome siblings, aren't we Edge?!" Christian said as he fixed his hair in the large bathroom mirror in front of him, "Galaxy Beat must have sold BILLIONS of our cover copies by now!" he smiled and nodded, "Cool!"

    "We rule, Christian!" Edge replied as he shined his beautiful teeth beside his brother.

    Christian sighed, "But the crew SO doesn't understand us! You know, sometimes I think they even..." he gasped, "They even maybe DISLIKE us a bit!"

    "Oh... they're just jealous!" Edge replied. "Because our faces and bodies are so flawless!"

    "Hey, Edge..." Christian started, voice serious, "Why don't two perfect male specimens like ourselves have girlfriends yet?"

    Edge stopped shinning his teeth for a moment, "Perhaps the ladies think we're untouchable?" he asked.

    "You think?" Christian replied, then smiled again, "Ah well. It's nice being single! I mean... we don't have to worry about buying flowers like Ensign Guerrerro... or going on a romantic vacation on a beautiful island like Ensign Helmsley... or dressing the same like Jeff and Lita..." he paused, "You know... it IS great being single!"

    Edge nodded, "Being single RULES, brother!"

    The two both looked in the mirror, and smiled brightly.

    Suddenly, the mirror cracked from side to side... then shattered outwards. The brothers let out a high-pitched scream and threw their arms up to shield their precious faces.

    After a moment, they slowly turned back to the shattered mirror, then looked at each other, "YOU did that!" Christian accused Edge.

     "Whaaaaaaaat? I did NOT! YOU were looking at it longer then I was!"

    "It was your TEETH! They're too bright!" Christian explained.

    Edge was about to protest, then considered, "Hmmm... do you really think so, Christian?"

    Christian nodded, then pouted, "Thanks to your super-bright teeth, we gotta find ourselves a new mirror!"

    Edge pouted as well, "Man... this is the ultimate in suckitude!"



    "Hey, Stephie.... wake up, Stephie..." Jericho gently tapped Commander Stephanie's face.

    Stephanie groaned and put a hand to the cloth pressed against her head. Her hand accidentally touched his, and she quickly pulled away as a strange tingle went through her fingers. Stephanie slowly sat up, her headache easing. She looked at Jericho and saw he was holding his tanktop in his hands. There were a few dark spots on it... and she figured it was her blood.

    "I stopped the bleeding," he said.  "Just a small cut really. Nothing major. Dr. Taker can probably fix it up... as soon as we get out of here!"

    Stephanie snorted, "Yeah... heaven forbid you miss a moment of time with your precious traitor Nytron slut!"

    Jericho frowned, "Listen, Skankanie! I'm getting really sick of your attitude towards my relationship with Kim! Who are you to condemn me for socializing with a so-called traitor when you're married to the biggest one of all?!" he narrowed his eyes, "Not to mention one who would kill you at a moment's notice!!"

    "Shut up!" Stephanie snapped, "Hunter LOVES me! I know he does!!"

    "He's USING you! Wake up and smell the phaser-fire, lady!" he snapped, "Your husband is playing you like a cheap piano, and he'll---"

    Stephanie suddenly slapped him across the face. He looked at her, eyes wide, hand to his cheek.  Stephanie gasped at what she had done... but... the way he talked about Hunter... the way he let Kimberly hang all over him --- it was too much!

    The Y2J Unit turned away from her, eyes closed, teeth gritted. He reached under his fingernail and switched off his emotion chip... before he did or said something he would regret.

    "That's right, Chris..." Stephanie started coldly,  "Hide behind that stupid chip! Turn it off so you can avoid confronting me!"

    The Y2J Unit opened his eyes and spun back to her, "You're a hypocrite, Commander!" he shouted angrily. Anger? How was he feeling anger with his emotion chip deactivated? "You're married to a rebel! A man who even tried to MUTINY a short while ago! What happened to your high horse THEN, Stephanie?"

    Stephanie stared at him, mouth agape at his reaction, "You turned it OFF! I SAW you turn it OFF!!"

    Lt. Commander Jericho let out a shout and grabbed his head. A sudden surge of energy went through him. Unmodified emotions burned through every wire and microchip in his body! Emotions he had never felt before, even with his chip!

    He was angry! Angry that Stephanie was still married to a man who tried to kill her! Angry that she couldn't see past her own loneliness... and angry that he had to hide the truth from her. The truth ... about everything!

    He quickly jumped to his feet and ran to the other side of the holodeck - a dark corner. He slid down to the ground... and attempted a diagnostic. Every wire burned inside! Did it have anything to do with the strange happenings on the ship?

    What WAS happening on the ship, anyway?

    The Y2J Unit quickly returned to logical thought -  How to solve a problem. The current problem being that he and Commander Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley were currently trapped in the Holodeck 2. How to get out? Yes... think of that. Think of how to escape. Think of why the bulkhead collapsed. Think of the strange nebula they were currently in. Did these things have anything to do with one another. Perhaps... perhaps...

    "Chris?" Stephanie started, her voice shaky, "Are... you ok? You... were...."

    The Y2J Unit, now eerily calm, looked at her, "Commander," he spoke, his voice professional and unemotional, "I'm fine. I had an odd power surge in my positronic net. It momentarily disrupted my functions..." he explained.  "It may have had something to do with what is currently happening onboard the Titanprize..."

    Stephanie opened her mouth to speak, but could say nothing. That emotional outburst -- did it mean anything? Or WAS it all related? Yes... probably. After all, it would be impossible for the Y2J Unit to portray emotion without his artificial chip.

    Artificial... Stephanie reminded herself, Everything with him is artificialHis emotions... his body... his hair... his skin... those eyes...

    She quickly shook her head. No, she wouldn't go down that path. It was pointless. Stephanie crossed her arms angrily, and went back to hating him.

    It was just easier that way...



    Kimberly stared at the door. She knocked hard... but there was no answer. She then tried to open the doors with the keypad on the side... but it was jammed.

    Jericho was in there. She knew that. The doors wouldn't open from the outside... which meant that they probably would not open from the inside either.

    Kimberly smiled coldly. What a great opportunity to go through Jericho's quarters again... and maybe hack into his personal logs to see what secrets they may hold.



    "I demand to see Captain McMahon right now!" Counselor Snow said as he walked onto the bridge, H.E.A.D. in hand.

    Lt. Rock looked up from the Captain's chair, "The Captain's roody poo candy ass isn't here right now! The Rock is acting Captain. What do you want?"

    "I order you to send this ship into warp and get the hell out of this nebula!" Snow said.

    Lt. Rock stood up, "You ORDER The Rock??" he asked, "You come on the Rock's bridge, and ORDER him?" he frowned, "What is your name?"

    "Counselor Al---" he stopped, "Oh no! I'm not gonna fall for THAT one!"

    "It doesn't MATTER if you fall for that one!" The Rock snapped, "So... some jabroni named AL comes aboard the Rock's bridge, runs his mouth about sending the ship into warp... and expects the Rock to listen!"

    "But you don't understand!" Counselor Snow protested, "I have to tell you----"

    "The Rock wipes a monkey's ass with what you have to tell him... AL!" he snapped. "Now get off the Rock's damn bridge!"

    Snow sighed, "I really didn't want to do this... but... Rocky... you just annoy the hell out of me!" Counselor Snow whipped a phaser out of his pocket and aimed it at the Rock, "Now you will give the command to send this damn ship into warp, or I will burn off your stupid people's eyebrow!"

    "What the hell is going on here?!" a voice shouted from behind Counselor Snow.

    Snow spun around, phaser in hand, and looked at Captain McMahon, who had just set foot on the bridge, "Send the ship into warp, Vince! Get us out of here... NOW!"

    "What is the meaning of this, Snow?"

    Counselor Snow took a deep breath, "This nebula is home to millions of life forms... and---" suddenly he was interrupted.

    "And... we do not wish for your presence! You are to leave now... or there will be more accidents..."

    Everyone looked around the bridge for the source of the voice, but there was nothing... nothing except....

    "H.E.A.D.?!" Snow gasped, "Did you just......"

    "We are not your telepathic device, Counselor Al Snow..." H.E.A.D. said. "We are non-corporeal beings who's space you currently inhabit! You are contaminating our home with the emissions from your engines! LEAVE... NOW!"

    "You mentioned other accidents..." Captain McMahon said, "But so far there was just the bulkhead by Engineering, and Ensigns Edge and Christian's mirror..."

    Ensign Edge and Christian let out a painful whimper from their positions on the bridge. They had truly loved their mirror...

    "No, Captain -- Currently trapped in Holodeck 2 are Commander Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley and Lt. Commander Chris Jericho," H.E.A.D. explained.

    "She's with the damned ROBOT?!" Ensign Helmsley shouted from his position at the helm. He had been uncharacteristically quiet since Counselor Snow appeared on the bridge.

    "Yes... and we control everything in this nebula... even your ship!" H.E.A.D. said.

    "My Stephie... my little angel!" McMahon gasped, "She's trapped in the holodeck!" he quickly tapped his comm badge, "Bridge to Engineering..."

    "Ensign Crash in Engineering here, Captain McMahon, Sir.."

    "Get this ship into warp... and FAST!"

    "Gosh, Captain... it'll take some time to power up the warp core and...."

    "Just DO IT!" McMahon snapped, "Do it NOW damnit! Before it's too late!"

    H.E.A.D. began to laugh, "Perhaps it already IS too late, Captain..."



    Stephanie was beginning to feel rather light-headed. Perhaps she was just tired? Arguing with the stupid Y2J Unit always seemed to have that effect on her.  Damn him....

    "Commander McMahon-Helmsley..." came Jericho's voice, still infuriatingly unemotional. The bastard hadn't bothered to turn his chip back on! "You seem to be exhibiting signs of fatigue. Your eyes seem a bit glassy..."

    "You're paying that much attention to my eyes?" Stephanie asked coldly... though truth be told, it was more then Hunter ever did...

    "You're sitting here facing me, Commander. Even in the dim light, it's not difficult to notice..."

    Stephanie sighed. Well, at least SOMEONE noticed her eyes... too bad it had to be an unemotional robot! "Put your damn chip back on... and stop looking at me so much..." she said, "I'm fine..."

    "Your heart seems to have slowed as well..." Jericho began as he studied her chest.

    "What are you staring at, you pervert?!" she snapped.

    He looked at her, eyes blank, "Your heart rate, Commander,"

    Stephanie grabbed the tank top that Jericho had left beside her and threw it at him, "Damn you! Turn your chip on and stop acting like a freaking robot!"

    "But I AM a freaking robot, Stephie...." he replied,  then blinked, "I mean... I am an artificial life-form... Commander..." he quickly corrected himself.  What was wrong with his functions today? Even with his chip deactivated, he still had strange emotional energy surges.

    Perhaps Ensign Matt would help him run a complete diagnostics later.

    Stephanie stood up, and the Y2J Unit followed suit, "Listen, Lt. Commander..." she began, "I am your superior officer... and I COMMAND you too..." suddenly, Stephanie swayed on her feet. The Y2J Unit quickly went up to her and took her arm to steady her, "Let go!" she snapped, and pulled her arm away. The one movement caused her to sway even more. In fact, if the Y2J Unit had not been there, she would have surely fallen.

    "Perhaps you should rest..." he offered.

    "I'm fine..." she replied, her words mumbled.

     Before she could protest, he lifted her off her feet, "Perhaps you should rest," he repeated. He stood in the middle of the holodeck, holding his superior officer, and ran a quick scan of the ventilation system.

    Ah... here was the problem....

    The oxygen in the holodeck was slowly depleting... and being replaced by carbon monoxide.



    "Ensign Crash! Is the warp core online yet?" Captain McMahon asked. He knew something had to be happening to his daughter! These life forms seemed to be serious in their threat!

    "Yes, Captain McMahon sir! It is online now!"

    "Good! Go straight to warp 9!"

    "Warp 9, sir? So fast! That will burn out the fuel!" Crash replied.

    "I don't give a damn!" McMahon said. "Just DO it, Ensign!"

    Within seconds, the ground beneath their feet began to shake as the warp core powered up.  One look at the dizzying view in the Titanscreen was all it took to know that, yes indeed... the ship had gone into warp.

    "You may tend to your daughter and the android," H.E.A.D. said.  "We are freeing them. Your daughter will need medical attention for carbon monoxide poisoning..."

    "WHAT?!" Captain McMahon gasped.

    "Good bye, Captain. If you would be so kind --- place a warning beacon here. Inform others that we do not want, nor will appreciate, their presence in our space again..."

    With that, H.E.A.D. was silent.

    Captain McMahon immediately ordered Dr. Taker to holodeck 2.



    Lt. Commander Jericho entered his room after seeing Stephanie recovering in Sickbay. She all but physically kicked him out. He was glad he had yet to turn on his emotion chip... or he may have said something he would have regretted.

    The Y2J Unit sat down, and noticed something out of place. There... on his desk.... the PADD in which he wrote all his personal logs!

    Someone had been in his room... and he had a good idea who it was...

    Jericho quickly went up to the desk. He picked up the padd and flicked on his emotion chip.

    The Lt. Commander smiled. It seemed Kimberly's little snooping wasn't so successful after all. She couldn't figure out the passcode in his log book.

    But then again, it was something that no one could possibly figure out. Nine simple letters that meant nothing to him... yet... why he had chosen these letters, he himself didn't know. Perhaps it was for the very reason that they were the last nine letters anyone would guess the Lt. Commander would use.

    The Y2J Unit sat in his chair, and decided it was time to write another personal log. He quickly typed in his passcode:




    "I couldn't get into Jericho's personal log," a sweet voice spoke through Russo's comm link, "He has some very high security on it. I couldn't figure out the passcode no matter HOW I tried to hack in! However, I still have his security codes and any other information I managed to extract from him during his little drunken state in The Smackdown..." the voice giggled, "god, I'm good!"

    "Thank you for the report, Kimberly," Russo replied, "I look forward to when you are able to convince Captain McMahon to get his ass over here! Right now, you seem to be having too much fun with the Y2J Unit! STOP IT!" he snapped, "Remember the objective, and get to it!"

    "Yes, sir. I will start working on McMahon. Signing off, sir..." Kimberly replied.

    Russo closed the comm link, and sighed. He turned to the man beside him, "Did I ever tell you how much I hate working with Nytron girls? Almost as much as I hate a second-in-command who tries to talk said Nytron girls out of breaking me from prison. Now that... THAT really annoys me...." he looked at the shiny sharp object in his hand -- a dart, "You know, I haven't played darts in a long, long time, Eric..."  he said with a cold smile, "Hold still. I'd absolutely hate to hit you instead of the board," he said, and threw the dart at his prisoner, stabbing the black and yellow cork inches from the man's head.

    Bishoff whimpered through his gag, "Oh honestly, Eric!" Russo said, "You're such a wussy!" He sighed, "You know," he threw another dart, grazing Bishoff's face, leaving a razor-thin line of blood, "When I take control of the WWF Titanprize, I may be able to find a position for you on maintenance crew..."

    Tears now mingled with the bood dripping down Bishoff's cheek, and a horrible smell invaded Russo's nostrils. He scrunched his nose, "Disgusting!" he said, "You'd think a man your age would be toilet trained by now!"

    Russo shoved his guest, chair and all, back into the walk-in closet and shut the door. He then pressed a button on his desk, "Chae... send the chosen one in."

    "Yes, sir," Chae replied through the intercom.

    Soon, a man with short-cropped frosted blonde hair entered Russo's office. Russo smiled, "I want you to escort my guest to the washroom so he can clean himself up. Make sure no one sees you... and if they do, make them disappear -- if you know what I mean! NO ONE is to know Eric's whereabouts but us!" he smiled, "You can take a few minutes to punish him for losing his bladder in my presence if you wish..."

    The chosen one smiled in return, a smile almost as icy as his High Commander's, "Yes sir!" he said, and opened the closet, "Come on, Slapnuts! You and me are gonna spend some time together... and DON'T piss me off!"

    Russo chuckled quietly.

    The High Commander hadn't had THIS much fun in ages!!

