By: Elektra



Captain Vince McMahon
First Officer, Commander Jericho (Unit Y2J)
Chief Engineer, Commander Stephanie McMahon
Chief of Chiefs, Commander Linda McMahon
Chief of Security, Commander Kane
Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Taker
Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Commander Austin
Transporter Chief, Lieutenant Commander Debra
Communications Officer, Lieutenant Commander Rock
Counselor Al Snow (assisted by H.E.A.D.)

... And many more!


     "Captain's log, Stardate 020320.02. We are in orbit around a planet our starmaps refer to as Discardia. Surface scans indicate this is a planet rich in technological scrap.  One species' garbage is another species' treasure. With that mindset, I have sent an away team consisting of my daughter, Ensign Angle, and Commander Jericho. Hopefully the three will be able to find some useful bits and pieces that the Titanprize can utilize during our journey,"

    "Earlier reports indicate there is indeed intelligent life on this planet, but they are unaware that our ship even exists. The away team won't be near any inhabited areas, only the refuse yards so all should be well..." Captain McMahon mentally smacked himself. He knew from experience that those were famous last words. "Meanwhile," the Captain continued, "Ensign Molly is making her monthly trip to WrestleFleet headquarters.  End log,"

    The Captain took a deep breath and smiled. Surely his wife would be proud of the way he had handled their son's invasion plans, wouldn't she?



    Chief of Chiefs, Linda McMahon, frowned at the logs before her. Yes, Vince had stopped Shane's attempted invasion, but how could Vince have even let his son get as far as he did? Vince was a better strategist then that! He always expected someone to stab him in the back, and therefore made sure to be on top of everything happening on the Titanprize.

    Apparently not this time.

    Did Vince even realize the mental abuse Shane had put his sister through? Now while Linda knew her dear son Shane would never actually HURT his sister, regardless of the threats he made, Linda also knew her son enjoyed scaring his sister into THINKING he might. It was like this when they were children, and now his behavour was that much worse as an adult.

    Linda continued reading through the logs, and made note of the new First Officer -- Commander Jericho. Linda sighed. Vince messed with Jericho as much as he messed with Shane. The Y2J Unit probably thought he was doing the right thing, going along with Vince's scheme... but from various Ensign logs, Linda realized how great a price the new Commander had paid. His friends were very unforgiving of his behaviour, and with Vince's constant egging, Jericho had developed a rather undisputed ego, which didn't help matters.

    Chief McMahon sat back in her chair. The Titanprize needed help - needed some glue to keep everything together before it all fell apart.

    Linda smiled.

    She knew exactly the person they needed.



   First Officer, Commander Chris Jericho, studied the metal pile in front of him. Surely he could find some useful scraps here. Something that he could bring back to the Titanprize.

    After a few minutes, his searching was interrupted by a soft voice calling for help, "Hello?" Jericho shouted out to the emptiness. The voice stopped. He shrugged and continued his search. Another few minutes, and the voice was heard again. It sounded like a child!

    Jericho furrowed his brow. What would a child be doing here? In a scrap yard?  The Y2J Unit followed the voice, until he came upon another scrap heap. Was that a child's head? Was she buried up to her neck under all those robotic parts?

    "Hey," he started as he cautiously climbed the metal mountain and approached her, "How did you get here?"
The little girl looked up at him, silver eyes shimmering in the sun  "What the--"

    "It hurts," she said, her voice that of a child, but unemotional and robotic.

    "Hurts? WHAT hurts?"


    "Ok... you're buried under metal. Let me see if I can get you out. Give me your hand,"  he said. Her arms had to be under the pile somewhere.

    "Over there," she motioned with her eyes. Jericho followed her gaze, and did indeed see a hand, it's fingers twitching---five feet away.  "It is broken," she said.

    Jericho looked back at her, then put a hand under her chin, lifting her head up... seeing her neck.... and the wires that spilled out from it.

    He quickly let go and backed away, "No... " he whispered, "NO WAY!"

     Jericho studied the ... whatever she was.  She was looking directly at him now, her eyes lacking any emotion,  "Can you fix Ury?" she asked.

    "Ury? Is that your name?"  Jericho asked.


    Commander Jericho tapped his comm badge, "Commander McMahon, please come to the northwest corner of the scrap yard. I... need your assistance,"

    "I'm busy, Jerkicho! You come to ME," Stephanie replied.

    Jericho gritted his teeth. Why did she have to be so damn insubordinate? "Commander McMahon, as your superior officer, I ORDER you to come here! There's something you need to see,"

    There was a pause, then, "Ok, but if this is just some trick to annoy me, slimebot, I swear I'll--"

    "Just get your ample posterior over here!" he snapped.

    "Fine!" Stephanie spat out, then closed the comm.

    Jericho started climbing down the scrap pile, waiting for the Chief Engineer, "Please reassemble Ury," the little voice behind him said. Jericho turned back to her.

    "Reassemble? How did you get DIS-assembled?" he asked.

    "Ury Lorien, model number ASTRO-5, was created for Anor and Jowa Lorien of Talra City in Northaal Province,"

    "While that's all very fascinating," he started dryly, "It doesn't answer my question," though Jericho wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer now.

    "Anor and Jowa Lorien of  Talra City in Northaal Province adopted Haeran Lorien on the Fifth day of Akro. They no longer need Ury's services,"

    "Services? I'm sorry, I don't-"

    "Ury Lorien, model number ASTRO-5, was created to prepare Anor and Jowa Lorien of Talra City in Northaal Province for parenthood. Ury is programmed with Haeran Lorien's personality and behaviour patterns, and was able to give Anor and Jowa Lorien--"

    "You don't have to give me their full names every time," Jericho muttered.

    A pause, then, "Ury was able to give Anor and Jowa pre-adoption experience with Haeran Lorien. Anor and Jowa were able to create a plan for parenthood based on Ury's behaviour,"

    "Basically, you're a test-run of a real kid then," Jericho replied, "To see if parents are fit to raise the children they're adopting,"

    "Yes, Ury is a test run,"  she finished, quite accepting the fact.

    "Ok, Jericho. What was so damned important that you needed me too--OH!" Stephanie gasped behind Jericho as she saw Ury, "She's trapped!" the Chief Engineer glared at the First Officer, "And you haven't bothered to pull her out yet?"

    Before Jericho could explain the situation, Stephanie went up to Ury and attempted to reach into the scrap pile and feel for her arms. Stephanie let out a startled shout when she realized that Ury HAD no arms. In fact, Ury had no BODY. Stephanie stumbled back, "What the hell?"

    "Please fix Ury. Ury is hurt,"

    "Her... uh... HAND... is over there," Jericho indicated the twitching fingers a few feet away. Stephanie paled, but went to retrieve the small hand, the arm still attached.  Jericho lifted Ury's head out of the junk pile as he watched Stephanie hold the detached arm away from herself, almost afraid to touch it. He figured the Chief Engineer was disturbed by the dismembered robot.

    Stephanie didn't know what disturbed WAS.  She couldn't possibly understand that the robot-child before First Officer Jericho could very well BE First Officer Jericho -- Just like Ury, the Y2J Unit's body could be ripped into pieces while the rest of him lived on indefinitely.

    THAT, Jericho thought, was disturbed.

    "Commander and.... Commander," Ensign Angle began as he came up to the two of them, weighed down with equipment bags, "When are we returning to the Titanprize? My back is starting to hurt,"

    "Kurt," Stephanie started, "Put your stuff down for now. We need your help. We need to find the rest of this... uh... girl..."

   Kurt looked at what had grabbed Stephanie's attention. The eyes in Ury's head, still being held by Commander Jericho, focused on Angle and blinked, "Hello," she said.

    Angle took a step back, startled, "She's a robot!"

    "Very perceptive, Kirk," Jericho replied, then reiterated what Ury had told him.

   "So... uh... what do we do when we find all her parts?" Angle asked after he heard the story.

    Stephanie replied as if the answer should be obvious, "Reassemble her of course,"



    "Molly, would you be able to transport someone with you when you return to the Titanprize? Are you strong enough?" Linda asked the Houdinian before her.

    "I'm as strong as a super hero, Chief McMahon! I can do anything!" The Holly Ensign replied with a salute.

    Linda eyed Molly warily. Should she take Molly's word, or was Molly simply blowing smoke -- like her Cousin Crash who fancied himself a super-heavyweight?

    "Dr. Pritchard?" Linda called out. WrestleFleet doctor Tom Pritchard came over to the Chief of Chiefs. She informed him of her plan. "Do you think she can do it?"

    Dr. Pritchard ran a tricorder over Molly, "She seems in perfect health. It would be a strain though,"

    "I can do it!" Molly insisted, "I really can! Just give me a chance, please?"

    "Well?" Linda asked.

    "I don't know, Molly. It could exhaust you..." Dr. Pritchard seemed a little hesitant.

    "Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger, right Dr. Pritchard sir?" Molly said, looking up at him eagerly.

    "Well, it won't kill you, no... but you'll end up in sickbay for a few days,"

    "I don't care! My duty is to save the Titanprize. If this officer--" Molly looked at Linda.

    "Admiral," Linda offered.

    Molly nodded, "If this Admiral can help the Titanprize, then I'm willing to do anything to get him there!"



    A newly-reassembled Ury stood before the three Titanprize officers, Wrestlefleet tools spread along the floor of Stephanie's sickeningly pink shuttlecraft,. "Ury thanks you for reassembling her,"

   "You're welcome," Stephanie said, then turned to her fellow officers, "We should take her back to her parents,"

    "I don't think that's a good idea," Jericho began.

    "They abandoned her! They had no right! No child should grow up alone," Stephanie replied.

    "She won't be growing up though," he answered, "She's a robot. She won't age! Obviously her owners were unhappy with her! Why would they want her back? "

    Stephanie looked at the First Officer, truly surprised at his words,  "YOU, of all people, should understand her situation!"

    "Returning her won't change a damn thing. The ones she relied on most want nothing to do with her! Why even bother? No matter what she says or does.... no matter how hard she tries.... she'll NEVER be real enough for them! They've already turned on her!" Jericho finished.

    See, I understand better then you think, Stephie!

    "You can't just TURN on someone like that!" Stephanie snapped, "Even if things don't go the way you expected, you can't--" she stopped, "Never mind. I am going to find her parents and return her! They WILL take her back!" she said with determination.

    Jericho rolled his eyes and sighed, "I doubt it... but if we're going to walk around this damned place, we might as well dress less noticeably,"

    "Fine," Stephanie answered, "We'll replicate some civilian clothing," she looked at him, "Of course, I CAN do this myself--"

    "The people here are unaware of the Titanprize's existence. To keep it that way, I'm coming with you!" The Y2J Unit answered.

    "I don't need a babysitter!"

    "Yes you do," Jericho replied, "You ALWAYS do. And right now, your guardian angel, Jeff, isn't around!"

    "May I come along too?" Ensign Angle asked.

    "If we need a bag-boy, Junior, we'll let you know," Jericho replied, "As it is, we have no idea how these people react to strangers. We'd better leave it at two. Beam back to the ship and tell Vinnie-mac what's going on,"

    Angle frowned, disappointed. But followed his superior's orders and returned to his duties onboard the Titanprize.



    "Last chance to change your mind, Molly," Chief McMahon said as she readied the Ensign for her trip back to the Titanprize, "Especially knowing that it's a potential health risk to you,"

    "I'm ready, ma'am," Molly replied, "Honest!"

    "Alright then. But keep in mind, this isn't something you'll be able to do again! In fact, you wouldn't be doing it NOW if we had any other choice. After this assignment, you are forbidden from warping another living person! Understood?"

    "Yes, ma'am!" Molly saluted.

    "As long as we're clear on that," Linda replied, "Now it's time to meet your passenger," Linda replied, "Admiral?" she called out. A man came up to Linda.

    Molly's mouth dropped as she saw the person who now stood beside Chief McMahon - a legendary officer who had retired some years ago, "Oh gosh!" she gasped, "It's an honour, sir!" she held out her hand

    "Thank you, dear," the platinum-blond man replied, and kissed the outstretched hand, "Are you ready?"

    "Y-y-yes sir!" Molly sputtered, overwhelmed by being in the presence of the one everyone referred to as The Man, "Gosh, Captain McMahon will sure be suprised to see you!"

    "That's what I'm hoping," he smiled, "As long as Vinnie-mac knows I've come out of retirement and have been fully reinstated, we should have no problems, right?"

    "Uh... yeah! Right sir!" Molly replied.

    "It's time for you to go," Linda spoke up.

    "I'll be in touch, Linda," The Admiral replied. He nodded towards Molly, "Any time you're ready, sweetie,"

    "Hang on tight, sir!" she said with a smile.

    "Hanging tightly," he replied, not minding the excuse to put his arms around such a pretty young girl. Yes, the Admiral was going to be a styling and profiling, starship-flying, shuttlecraft-riding, kiss-stealing WrestleFleet officer once again, "Wooooooo!"



    Now in Discardia civilian clothes--which consisted of shimmery t-shirts and matching pants--Commander Jericho and Commander Stephanie walked through the heart of  Talra City.  Ury was playing guide, explaining the city and it's inhabitants in great detail -- her voice unemotional even as she spoke about places her owners had taken her. Places her owners had tried to create fond memories of.

    It was becoming more apparent, though, that emotions were not in Ury's program, no matter how much Stephanie pretended the robot-girl was akin to an innocent child.

    Jericho watched warily as Humanoids walked back and forth along the moving sidewalks, many followed by golden-skinned robots. The First Officer found himself feeling rather uncomfortable.

    "Well... would you look at that?" Stephanie said, "The robots here are servants. What a good idea!" she smiled in Jericho's direction, then looked at her hands, "You know, my skin has been kind of dry lately. I don't suppose you could get me some lotion, Chris?"

    Jericho wasn't amused, "I'm afraid that only works if people actually think I'm a robot, Stephie!"

    "What, you think they won't find out? I mean, I could very well accidentally let it slip, you know,"

    "Well, it wouldn't be the first time your tongue has slipped," Jericho muttered.

    "You are a robot like Ury?" Ury spoke up before Stephanie could shoot back a response.

    "Uh, yeah... I am. Sort of," Jericho replied.

    Ury blinked at him, "Have you been registered?"

    "Excuse me?" he asked.

    "All artificial lifeforms on Discardia must be registered. If not... they get in trouble,"

    "Hmmm, kind of like a dog license?" Stephanie asked, then smirked, "Do they get a collar and leash too?" she thought about it, the image of Jericho on a dog leash causing her to chuckle coldly.

    "As much as you fantasize about seeing me in chains, Steph, I'd appreciate it if you would please SHUT the HELL up! I am your UNDISPUTED Commander, and I will NOT have you spilling my little secret to everyone in the city! That is an ORDER!" Jericho snapped.

    Stephanie turned to glare at him, "You might want to treat me with a little more respect, Mr. Undisputed Commander. I'd hate to think what they do to robots with a superiority complex here,"

    "We are sent to the drop-off," Ury replied.

    Jericho looked at her, "Pardon?"

    "If we are found to be disloyal to our human masters, we are sent to the drop-off," she repeated, "That is where you found Ury. She was sent to the drop-off when Anor and Jowa did not need her any more," her voice was cold, as if stating simple facts, "The blades hurt Ury's body. If Anor and Jowa do not want Ury back, Ury will be sent to the drop-off again,"

    Stephanie's eyes went wide with horror, "They PURPOSELY sent you there?" she gasped. She stopped and crouched down to look Ury in the eye, "It's alright, sweetie. Everything will be fine. We'll make your mommy and daddy take you back. They'll understand they made a mistake, ok?"

    "Ury does not have a mommy and daddy. Ury's masters are Anor and Jowa, but they do not need Ury's services any longer," Ury didn't seem bothered by that in the least.

    Jericho took Stephanie's arm and pulled her aside, "You're getting in over your head, Stephie!" he hissed, "Things are different here. The robots don't have emotion chips. Can't you understand that?"

    Stephanie was suprised at his attitude. Of all people... wait a minute, "Awww, are you SCARED, Chris?" she taunted.

    Commander Jericho seemed caught off guard for a moment, the quickly regained his composure, not wanting her to see the truth behind her taunt, "I'M not part of this society!"

       "Riiiight," Stephanie answered, "You're not at all unnerved to see all these A.I.s walking around like slaves. Suuuuure, Jericho!"

    Commander Jericho spoke quickly, "So, Ury... where were you created?"

    "Astro-inc, 426 Galer Dale, Talra City in Northaal Province,"

    "Well then, let's find the place!" Jericho said, and walked on ahead.

    Stephanie raised her eyebrows at the change in attitude.  Hey... whatever worked....



    Captain Vincent K. McMahon glared at the man who had just invited himself on to the bridge, "What the hell are YOU doing here, Flair?"

    The newly-arrived Admiral Ric Flair smiled at McMahon, "I've been sent by your dear wife, Vinnie-mac,"

    "How did you get here?" Vince demanded.

    "Molly took Space Mountain for a ride! Woooooo!" Admiral Flair answered.

    Ensign Hurricane Helms jumped to his feet, "You and the mighty one? Wasssupwitdat?! Surely you didn't mean that the way it sounded, sir?" The Hurricane was almost pleading from his spot at the helm.

    Flair eyed the masked man before him, "And you are?"

    "Ensign Hurricane Helms, Citizen Admiral Flair, sir!" Helms saluted.

    "Of course he knows who Admiral Flair is," Captain McMahon thought, then took in his bridge, "Everyone apparently knows who Admiral Flair is, the way they seem to be gawking at him," It really burned the Captain how his inferiors gazed upon Admiral Flair as if he was some damned legend come to life.

    "Molly Holly is your woman?" Flair raised his eyebrows at Ensign Helms, concerned.

    "The virtuous Molly is my loyal sidekick!" Hurricane replied.

    "Right... well, never fear, kid.  Your virtuous sidekick is still... well... virtuous," his voice grew quiet, "But you should get to sickbay. The girl collapsed after we arrived. She hasn't woken up yet,"

    Hurricane's eyes went wide, "Yes sir!" he quickly headed towards the turbolift doors.

    "Wait a minute!" Captain McMahon snapped, stopping Helms in his tracks, "I didn't dismiss you, Ensign!"

    "But sir... the Mighty one is--" Helms replied.

    "I don't CARE! I did NOT dismiss you!" McMahon interrupted.

    "Yes, well I did," Flair said, "And I have as much power on this ship as Vinnie-mac here," he held up a data chip, "As of right now, I am co-captain of the WWF Titanprize. WrestleFleet has sent orders regarding this new arrangement," he tossed the data chip to McMahon, then turned to Hurricane, "You go tend to your friend, son,"

    Hurricane looked unsure, "Uh... Captain?"

    McMahon scowled at the data chip in his hands, "I'll deal with this, Ensign. Go!"

    "Yes sir!" Hurricane said, and with a running start, he flew into the turbolift and headed towards sickbay.

    "Ensign Christian, you're at the helm!" McMahon ordered, and shut himself in his ready room, promptly cutting off Ensign Christian's temper tantrum about the unfariness of being picked second.



   "Found her in the scrap yards you say?" a small brunette who had introduced herself as Dr. Para Alra spoke.  Stephanie and Jericho had explained to the robotic specialist where Ury had come from. The woman furrowed her brow, "Well, she IS our model. But our scrap yards are off-limits. No one is allowed to go there. It's trespassing,"

    "Why?" Stephanie asked, "I mean, it's just scrap. Nothing important,"

    "Yes, but it is STILL trespassing! But since you found our AI, I won't say anything. Odd that she was still active when you found her," Para said.

    "I'm guessing that's NOT  how things usually go?" Stephanie asked.

    "No. You see, when an AI's services are no longer wanted or needed, WE send them to the drop-off, but we make sure their sensory chips are removed and they are no longer active, otherwise signals are sent to the AI's brain, forcing the AI to suffer constant electrical impulses, experiencing what you'd consider pain for as long as their systems function,"

    Stephanie glanced at Commander Jericho, who stood stoically as he listened to Para's explanation. Wasn't he even bothered by it?

    "There has been suspicion that many AI owners have tried to get rid of AIs without going through the proper channels," Para continued, "You see, once our AIs are to be disposed of, they are returned to us for a price. WE then do the disposal as humanely as possible, if you can use that word when referring to AIs," Para offered a smile, then continued,  "Unfortunately, some AI owners feel they shouldn't have to pay to get rid of their unwanted junk.  We believe that some AIs are still active when sent to the drop-off. This makes their destruction torture for them... which makes it illegal,"

    Commander Jericho quickly took a few steps away, trying to control the churning in his stomach. He felt downright nauseous... as physically uncapable of it as he was. Right there, in Para's words, lay the Y2J Unit's greatest fear--being destroyed and still feeling. Feeling EVERYTHING.

    Stephanie didn't know HOW right she was when she had taunted the Y2J Unit for being scared.

    Jericho leaned forward on the table in front of him, taking a deep breath. He suddenly had a great need for oxygen. Was he  hyperventilating? But that was impossible!

    "What on Discardia are YOU!" Para gasped beside him. Jericho turned to see she was scanning him with the Discardian equivalent of a tricorder.

    "Who gave you permission to scan me?" Jericho snapped angrily.

    She was taken aback by the anger in his voice, "I'm sorry... I just... well, I was scanning Ury, and my scanner picked up your signals! You're .... you're an A.I.! But you haven't been registered! And you're unlike ANY A.I. I've ever seen! AIs don't get ANGRY," Para furrowed her brow, "Or hyperventilate," her eyes went wide as she studied her scanner again, "And your bio-signals are--"

    "He's... uh... he's MY A.I.!" Stephanie interrupted quickly as she went to Jericho's side, "A special... um... beta design," She smiled nervously, "I'm testing him! It's top secret, so you can't tell anyone, ok?"

    "Oh yeah, Steph.... that oughta work," Jericho muttered.

    Para studied both of them, not believing Stephanie for a moment, "Are you spying on us?" she accused, "SECURITY!"

    "No no!" Stephanie said quickly, "We're not spying... we're not doing ANYTHING! We're just returning Ury!"

    Para narrowed her eyes, "You're not from around here, are you?" she asked. "We don't look kindly upon corporate spies!"

    "But I told you, we're not---"

    "I suggest you LEAVE!" Para snapped, "Or I will call security again!"

    Stephanie put her hands up defensively, "Ok... ok... we're leaving," she saw Ury a few feet away. The robot-girl was starring blankly at the Chief Engineer, "But she--"

    "She is OUR concern now! GET OUT!"

    "Come on, Steph... we'd better do as we're told," Jericho replied as he eyed the security guards surrounding them. He quickly led Stephanie out the door.

    Para watched them leave, then signalled for a fellow robotics engineer, "Follow them, Marak," she said, "I want to find out more about that A.I.! Perhaps we should return their spying with a little of our own, hmmm?"

    "Yes, ma'am!" Marak replied, and headed out.



    Ensign Hurricane Helms sat beside Ensign Molly's bio-bed. She was supposed to be a superhero like him. She shouldn't be lying unconscious like this.

    "Silly girl overextended herself. Superhero my ass," Taker muttered as he checked her stats on the screen, "I suppose those dumbasses at WrestleFleet didn't realize how it would affect her," he allowed a small smirk. The cheery young Ensign had almost died. Now wouldn't THAT have been a shame?

    "Is she gonna be ok?" Helms asked, unaware of the doctor's cold thoughts or cruel smile.

    "Eventually," Taker replied, then headed off, not really caring either way.

    Hurricane took his unconscious sidekick's hand, "Please be ok, Molly," his voice was barely a whisper, "Please be ok!"

    "Molly!" Ensign Crash gasped as he burst through the sickbay doors. He had been informed of the situation by Terri. Bad news travelled fast on the Titanprize. "Oh gosh, Molly!"

    "What the hell happened!" Ensign Hardcore shouted angrily as he followed right behind Crash.

    "The Mighty one was using her mighty powers to transport our new Co-Captain here. Unfortunately, it seems she burned out while doing it," Hurricane explained.

    "Damn idiots at WrestleFleet actually thought she'd be strong enough to transport another person that far a distance?!" Hardcore snapped.

    "Well, Citizen Hardcore, your cousin IS a superhero! She is--"

    "Shut up, Helms! Maybe you should go see Counselor Snow. You seem to be having delusions of grandeur!" Hardcore interupted. He and Crash pulled up chairs on the other side of Molly's bed. "What did Taker say?"

    "When I asked him if she'd be ok, Citizen Taker said 'eventually'. Wassupwitdat? Do you know what he meant?"

    "Hey..." A voice came from the doorway, "How's the kid?"

    The Holly cousins turned to see who entered, "Admiral Flair!" Hardcore exclaimed as he stood up stifly and saluted.

    "At ease. You are?"

    "Ensign Hardcore Holly, sir. This is my cousin Ensign Crash. And you already know Molly,"

    Flair nodded, "How is she?"

    "Still unconscious," Hurricane replied.

    Flair nodded solemnly, "Well, keep me posted, boys," he said, and headed out.



    "Beta design? I am ABOVE any beta design!" Jericho replied haughtily as he and Stephanie walked on.

    "Well excuse me! It was the best I could think of!" she then smiled mischeviously, "But now that I've claimed you as my personal A.I., we have to keep up appearances. Follow my orders and don't give me any attitude!"

    "Living Wrestlefleet legends like myself don't follow the orders of trashbag hos," he replied.

    Stephanie scowled, "How DARE you act with such disrespect towards me! I am your owner and you do as I say!" she all but screeched.

    Jericho's eyes went wide. Stephanie was enjoying the social-structure on this planet far too much. Playing into it for all she was worth, "Wench!" he hissed quietly, "You really DO want me to end up at the drop-off, don't you? I'm UNREGISTERED, remember?"

    Stephanie smiled sweetly. Dr. Jekyll and Miss Hyde stood right before him, "You'd better keep me happy, Chris.  Because if you don't, you MIGHT just have to worry about the drop-off after all!"

    "This isn't a JOKE, Stephanie!" Jericho snapped. "Para didn't seem to find it very amusing! You want to blow our cover completely? That'll be good! Then they'll REALLY enjoy taking me apart!"

    Stephanie waved away his concern, "Come on, Jerkicho. What are they going to do? According to the rules on this planet, you're all mine!" she stopped, "I didn't mean that the way it sounded,"

    "Whatever, Steph, " he said, not in the mood to joke about her poor choice of words, "But I'd rather NOT find out what they do to unregistered AIs here!" Jericho suddenly halted in his tracks, "Someone from ASTRO-INC is following us,"

    "How can you tell?" she asked as she looked around.

    "I just saw him duck behind the building on my left," he explained.

    "What are we going to do?" she asked.

    "We're going to get back to the shuttlecraft as soon as possible!"

    Stephanie nodded. That sounded like a good plan.

    Unfortunately, the downpour that had just started had now made that plan rather difficult to follow through...



    Molly's eyes fluttered open ever so slowly, "Hurricane?" she whispered.

    "Sidekick Molly!" Helms said happily, "Welcome back!"

    She tried to sit up, "Lay down, " Ensign Angle began as he came to the two so-called superheros, "You're not Lt. Commander Rock -- you don't have his healing abilities," Angle indicated the padd in his hands, "Next time you try to warp someone here, well, let's just say things might turn out REALLY bad. It's true, it's true. Here," he injected a hypospray into her neck, "That will help you rest,"

    "But I need to..." Molly started.

    "I know how much you want to be a WrestleFleet hero like myself, Molly, but as the second-in-command of Sickbay, your olympic Ensign is ordering you to stay here for another couple of days. Once you get your strength back, we'll see how you feel,"

    "Yes sir..." Molly replied quietly.

    "Well, good then!"

   Helms furrowed his brow as Ensign Angle headed off. Since when had he become the second-in-command of Sickbay? Hurricane wondered if Dr. Taker knew.

    Hurricane turned back to Molly, "It's ok, my mighty sidekick!" He started, "I'll be sure to visit you for as long as you stay here! So will your cousins,"

    "Thanks, Hurrishane..." Molly smiled dreamily as the meds took over. She drifted off into an exhausted sleep.

    "Hurrishane?" The Hurricane repeated. "Wassupwitdat?



    "Ugh! I'm SOAKED!" Stephanie whined as the two stood under an overhang in a nearby alleyway. She rung the bottom of her shirt out. It was a little too thin for her liking. Practically see-through now. Luckily Jericho chose not to comment about that,  "You know, this is no place for a lovely, delicate woman such as myself!"

    "It's an alley, Steph... I don't see why you wouldn't fit in here!"  Jericho replied as he tried to squeeze the water out of his long braid.

    "Could you maybe quit it with the slut jokes already?"

    "If you'll quit it with the 'servant Y2J' bit!"

    "You still never got me that lotion..." Stephanie started.

    "You know what you can do with your lotion, Steph?!" Jericho scowled.

    "I'm sure you'll tell me!" Stephanie snapped in response.

    Jericho's eyes narrowed for a moment, as if listening for something, then he turned back to Stephanie, "Maybe I should find you that lotion after all..." he started to walk away, the rain having slowed to a light drizzle..

    Stephanie was surprised at how agreeable he suddenly was, until she heard a male screech. Soon Jericho returned, dragging an Astro-Inc engineer by the collar of his shirt.

    "Present," Jericho said as he threw the man at Stephanie's feet, "I'm sure you'll find a good use for him,"

    Stephanie ignored Jericho's crass comment and offered the man before her a smirk, "Well... this is even better then lotion!" she rubbed her hands together gleefully, "Why are you following me and my A.I.?"

    "Your A.I. is unregistered," was the man's only response.

    "That's hardly YOUR concern though!" Stephanie replied. "Why are you following us!" The man remained silent. Stephanie looked at Jericho, "Maybe he needs to be convinced to talk?" she asked.

    "I can take care of that," Without another word, Jericho grabbed the man's legs, and turned him on his stomach, pulling back as hard as possible. The man screamed as he desperately slapped the wet concrete with his palm.

    "Tap tap tap," Stephanie mocked, a cold smile playing on her lips. Jericho thought she was revelling in this role a bit too much... but if it worked, who was he to complain?

    "Was told... to spy..." the man gasped, "PLEASE! Let me go!!" he was pratically crying now.

    "Like I said, this is MY A.I. ... MINE! No one is spying on him, or 'registering' him, or ... whatever you people do with AIs," she replied, walking around Jericho and his 'victim'.  Stephanie signalled for Jericho to let the man go. Jericho did so, leaving the man whimpering on the ground, "What's your name?" Stephanie asked.

    "Marak. Marak Elara," the man spoke. "I was following you because your A.I. is so... so DIFFERENT! My superior wanted more information on it!"

    "Let me guess... Para?" Stephanie asked. The man nodded, "Para thought we were spying on HER... but once she realized exactly what my companion was, she wanted him for herself, is that it?"

    "Wanted the technology," Marak spoke, his voice pathetically weak as he still sat on the ground, favouring his back.

    "Well she can't have ANY part of him!" Stephanie snapped, then put on what Jericho referrered to as her 'conniving genius' face, "My AI is special," she spoke as she went up to Jericho. She slid a hand down his cheek, smiling slyly, "VERY special,"

    Commander Jericho quickly caught on as Stephanie traced her fingers along his bare arms, playing up every skanky 'ho joke he had ever made at her expense.

    Good lord!

    Stephanie continued her act as she walked behind him, slowly undoing his braid, "You see, there are some things that are better left UNregistered," Stephanie explained, "I mean, if I told the..." she took a wild guess, "...uh... government... my uses for this AI, well... they wouldn't be very willing to register him," She slinked around to face Commander Jericho,  running her fingers through his now loose hair.

    "Well..." Marak spoke after a moment, somewhat uncomfortable watching the couple before him. Stephanie looked at the robotics-engineer, grateful for the excuse to turn her eyes away from  Jericho's intense gaze, "There HAVE been cases of unregistered A.I.'s used for, uh, various personal services. It's kept very hush-hush..." Marak continued.

    "You seem to know a lot about it," Stephanie said matter-of-factly as she brushed a single golden lock out of Jericho's face, her hand lingering a little longer then necessary. Just an act, she reminded herself, Just an act...

    "I know NOTHING about it!" Marak replied quickly as he jumped to his feet.

     "Yes you do," she snapped at the Astro-Inc scientist, "Do you think I'm stupid, Marak?" Stephanie asked,  "I have a feeling there are a few profitable side-projects Astro-Inc has been working on. Am I correct?" Stephanie glared at the Discardian. Get your mind off Jericho, she told herself.

    Easier said then done considering Jericho had just wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against him. "Is there a nice collection of good-looking, unregistered AIs wandering about in a top-secret area of Astro-Inc, perhaps?" Stephanie accused Marak. She could feel Jericho's breath against her neck, playing his role a little too well. Stephanie had to force herself to continue her interrogation, "Both Male and female?"

    From the look on Marak's face, the Chief Engineer had been correct. Marak's next words were simply icing on the cake,  "How did you know?" he asked, "We've kept it secret! We've--"

    "That's not important," Stephanie interrupted, smirking triumphantly. What else was she going to tell him? It was a lucky guess? That just wouldn't work.  "How about we make a deal?"

    "D-d-deal?" Marak asked.

    "Yes," Stephanie finally found the strength to unwrap Jericho's arms from her waist. He let go, allowing her to step away.

    This was Stephanie's show, and Jericho knew it. He truly did enjoy watching the Titanprize Engineer circle the robotics expert like a hawk stalking it's prey. Conniving genius indeed.

    "I won't tell if YOU won't tell," Stephanie said.

    "What... what do you mean?" Marak sputtered nervously.

    "Well, Marak, it seems we both have secrets we want to keep. You leave me and my A.I. alone, and I won't mention anything to the government about Astro-Inc's side projects,"

    "You have no proof," Marak snapped.

    "You just admitted it!" Stephanie pointed out, "And my A.I. has been recording this conversation," of course, she wasn't sure if he was or not, but it sounded good, "If I'm going down, Marak dear, your company is going down WITH ME!" she smiled ever-so-sweetly, "So you just let me and my A.I. go on our way, and no one has to know. Do we have a deal?" she held out her hand, waiting.

    Marak was hesitant for a moment, but realized this was best for everyone, "Deal!" he said, and shook the outstretched hand.

    "Well then, that's it!" she offered one last glance at the Astro-Inc engineer, "And Marak, if you double-cross me... well, let's just say you'll be sorry you ever met me!"

    Marak nodded, and quickly made himself scarce. Stephanie immediately walked out of the alley onto the street, making sure the robotics-engineer was long gone.

    "Nice job, Commander," Jericho spoke as he came up behind her, "I'll be sure to mention in my Undisputed First Officer's log..." Stephanie scowled. He REALLY liked to shove his rank in her face, didn't he, " your quick wits got us out of an otherwise difficult situation,"

    "More like how I just saved your sorry robotic ass!" Stephanie pointed out, keeping her back to him, "But let me warn you, Jericho -- Mention the... details... in ANY log, and I will tear you apart limb from limb!"

    She felt him move even closer, brushing against her as he spoke. Stephanie tried to ignore his proximity, "I thought you'd WANT WrestleFleet to know what a great actress you were," he voice was smug, "You sure had ME convinced,"

    "You're a pretty good actor yourself, Commander," she replied, her words coming somewhat faster then she would have liked, "Albiet, a bit of a pervert! How DARE you grab me like that! How dare you put your arms around me... and... and... " well, she just couldn't find the words to describe what she had been feeling at the time.

    "I'M the pervert?" Jericho let out a harsh laugh,  "YOU'RE the one who's first thought was to pretend I was a se---"

    "SHUT UP!" Stephanie screeched as she spun on him, "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" If looks could kill, Commander Jericho would have been a pile of scrap as Stephanie's icy blue eyes burned a hole right through him, "I HATE you!" She hissed as she shoved him away. He really didn't have to stand that close to her... especially now that Marak was gone.

    Jericho didn't seem phased in the least, "If you hate me so much, you're a better actress then I gave you credit for. I could have sworn you were enjoying our little show," he shrugged nonchalantly, "Of course, it could also mean you're a lot SKANKIER then I gave you credit for too,"

    "Let's just get back to the shuttlecraft before it starts to rain again!" Stephanie snapped angrily as she marched past the First Officer.

    With an amused smirk on his face, Commander Jericho followed the Chief Engineer back to the Discardia scrap yards.



     Captain McMahon stood in front of his crew on the Smackdown presentation stage looking as if he had smelled something particularly nasty, "May I have your attention please?" he started, "As most of you already know, we have a new member onboard our ship -- Admiral Flair. I'm here to officially declare him, by order of WrestleFleet, as the WWF TITANPRIZE'S Co-captain," he spat out the word as if it was rancid, "You are to treat his orders as if they hold the same weight as my own. All crew will keep their rank when this new... arrangement... is put into motion,"

    Jericho stood off to the side, frowning at the Captain's words. He didn't want to answer to anyone other then McMahon.

    "Looks like the Undisputed Commander has TWO bosses now," Stephanie spoke beside him, not hiding the joy in her voice, "Gosh, Chris... that means daddy can't favour you any more!" she feined sympathy, "Poor little Y2J. What a shame!"

    "Stephanie, would you please shut the hell up?" he muttered, then offered a sly smile, "Or else I'll MAKE you shut up,"

    Stephanie quickly shoved away the memory of what had happened down on Discardia. She scowled at him, "Did I tell you how much I hate you?"

    "Not today, no," he replied, then ignored her as his attention was drawn to Admiral.... or Co-Captain now... Ric Flair. Why did this man, who claimed to be a legend, even bother coming out of retirement? It's not like Flair could ever have the kind of success a REAL living legend such as Commander Jericho had had. Flair was past his prime! He should have stayed in the WrestleFleet retirement community with Admiral Hogan.

    No doubt Captain McMahon was just as unhappy about this arrangement as Jericho was... and McMahon didn't like to be unhappy.  If Jericho knew his Captain, he was sure Vince already had a plan brewing in that evil little mind of his.

    Jericho smiled to himself. Co-Captain Flair would do well to watch his ass... because once McMahon was through with him, Flair would never eeeeeeeeeeeeeeever be the same again!


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