By: Elektra



Captain Vince McMahon
First Officer, Commander Jericho (Unit Y2J)
Chief Engineer, Commander Stephanie McMahon
Chief of Chiefs, Commander Linda McMahon
Chief of Security, Commander Kane
Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Taker
Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Commander Austin
Transporter Chief, Lieutenant Commander Debra
Communications Officer, Lieutenant Commander Rock
Counselor Al Snow (assisted by H.E.A.D.)

... And many more!


    "Captain's log, stardate 122820.01. We are currently orbiting the planet Idou. Several of my officers have beamed down, as it is a planet of barter and exchange.  Many have decided a change is just what they need.  In other news, a new year is descending upon us. We are having our New Year's celebration in the Smackdown in a few days. Let's just hope my officers don't get antsy with the ex-Nytrons - especially now that I have made them unofficial WrestleFleet officers. Well, we'll see what happens," Captain McMahon smirked, "It should be VERY interesting! End log."



    "Should that go there? I mean, really... that looks kind of clashy!" Ensign Chuck Palumbo spoke as he and his new best friend, Ensign Billy Gunn, looked over The Smackdown.

    Terri rolled her eyes as she held out the 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' streamers she was taping to the wall, "Would you two like to do this?"

    Chuck and Billy looked at each other, and smiled, then Billy turned back to Terri,  "We'll make it look GREAT!" Billy said, and quickly grabbed the streamers from Terri. He furrowed his brow, "Got any rainbow coloured streamers?" he asked.

    Terri threw her hands in the air and headed back to the bar, only to see First Officer Commander Jericho sitting there, gulping down the synthehol Terri's assistant, Stacy Kiebler, had given him. The ex-nytron girl was currently leaning on the bar, smilling and batting her eyelashes at the android officer, who seemed too lost in his own thoughts to pay her much attention.

    Terri sighed. Sometimes Stacy could be such an air head. Actually, ALL the time. It didn't help that she had become buddies with Ensign Bubba Ray Dudley and his brother, Ensign Devon Dudley. Terri had even caught Stacy slipping them free synthehols once.

    "Another synthehol, Terri," Jericho ordered as Terri made her way behind the bar.

    Terri asked Stacy to tend to the APA at the back of the room before she turned her attention to Jericho, "And why should I get you anything, Commander?" Terri finally answered, spitting out his new rank.

    Jericho looked up at her, "Listen, I've had a bad few days as it is. Right now, I--"

     "Don't talk to ME about bad days! I remember one bad day I had. It was a few months ago when a certain Y2J Unit told me, and I quote 'just about anything is more interesting then you' " Terri replied.

    Jericho frowned, "You have to know by now that I did it to get on Shane's good side. To help the ship!"

    Terri sighed, her voice growing softer, "Listen, Chris. I understand you were following orders, but if I didn't know better, I'd think you ENJOYED it! Maybe a little too much!"

    "ENJOYED it?! Yeah, I ENJOYED beating the crap out of Jeff and alienating all my friends!" he snapped angrily.

    "Did you even APOLOGIZE to anyone?" Terri asked, "ESPECIALLY Jeff?" she asked, "I mean, we know that it was a plan, but still... your words hurt, Chris! And your actions hurt MORE! You have to understand that! Did you even give anyone a simple 'I'm sorry'?"

    Jericho got to his feet, "No one ever gave me the chance, now did they?" he replied, "They poured their drinks on me and stormed out of my promotion ceremony!" he shook his head, "Why am I wasting my breath? I've taken enough from the inferior officers on this ship lately, I don't need to hear it from YOU!" He began to walk away, then stopped and turned back to her, "You know, instead of giving me grief, maybe everyone on this ship should be grateful that I was willing to sacrifice everything for WrestleFleet! I am the First Officer, damnit! And it's about time people started to remember that! I will go down in the history books as the hero who saved the Titanprize, and no one is treating me as anything but a heel!" he turned to the crew in the Smackdown, "You can all kiss my undisputed ass!" he finished, then stormed out of the bar, not bothering to look back.


PLANET IDOU - Achari's Clothing Store

    Stephanie looked in the mirror as she spun around, studying the dress she was trying on, "What do you think?"

    "The colour is all wrong," Lita replied as she watched Stephanie. Stephanie sighed and headed back into the dressing room, changing out of the outfit.

    Stephanie handed the dress back to the Idouian sales lady as she emerged, and  turned to her friend, "I need something for the New Year's party!" Stephanie whined, "Something NEW!"  Stephanie studied herself in the mirror again, "Should I get a haircut? You know, just chop it all off. That would be new at least," she said.

    "Uh... NO!" Lita said quickly.

    Stephanie turned to the sales girl, "Do you know who I am?" Stephanie asked, but didn't wait for an answer,  "I am Stephanie McMahon! I should have my choice of brand-new party dresses! But look at this!" She indicated the store, "There is nothing here suiting a woman of my class,"

    "Steph," Lita started, ready to chastise her friend's attitude.

    "No, Lita. I'm serious!" Stephanie sighed, "What I wouldn't give to be at a Saks 5th Avenue, or a Macys ... or anywhere else but HERE. Here in this stupid quadrant onboard a stupid ship, with stupid Engineering duties, stupid brothers, stupid ex-husbands, and stupid androids!" Stephanie shouted, then threw her hands in the air hopelessly, "I wish I had a new life to go with the new year!"

    "Um, excuse me... I'm going to assist another customer," The sales girl said quietly, then quickly headed off.

    "I think you scared her away, Steph," Lita pointed out, frowning.

    "Do I care? She wasn't helping me anyway!"

    "No one can help you, Steph," Lita said softly, "And I'm not talking about clothes,"

    Stephanie ignored the red-head as her attention wandered to a rack a few feet away. "Oooh," Stephanie squealed, "This looks nice!" she headed over and saw a long, elegant silver Idouian gown.  She quickly pulled it off the rack, "I'm going to try it on," she disappeared into the dressing room and emerged a few minutes later.

    "Beautiful!" the sales lady replied as she passed Stephanie on her way to the counter, "You look like a Princess, ma'am!"

    Stephanie turned to Lita, and Lita nodded her head in approval.

    "Great!" Stephanie smiled, "I'll take it then!" She changed back into her regular clothes and headed to the checkout, "I wonder why this was hidden on that rack anyway," she asked Lita, "I could have sworn I didn't see it there before,"

    "Maybe someone else just tried it on and didn't like it, then left it there," Lita replied.

    "Maybe," Stephanie replied as she paid for her purchase, "Well, their loss is my gain,"



    "Ensign Lance Storm, stardate 122820.01. New Year's is on it's way, and speaking of new, I am now a WrestleFleet Science Ensign thanks to Captain McMahon. I believe this change is for the better. It's much easier for the Captain to control insubordinate officers when we are under the order of ONE commander -- Captain McMahon in this case,"

    Ensign Storm's communicator suddenly beeped, "Commander Jericho to Ensign Storm,"

    Storm paused his log, "Ensign Storm here, sir,"

    "Hey Lance, are you up for a game of Kanatian hockey on Holodeck 3 at 18:00 hours?" Jericho replied.

    Storm hesitated a moment. Here he was, trying to pick up the slack that Lt. Benoit's sudden disappearance caused, and the First Officer wanted to play Kanatian hockey with him? "May I ask if you're going to high stick me again, Commander?"

    "No, you'll be on MY team -- with Ensigns Test and Venis," Jericho replied.

    "If I may be serious for a moment... why the sudden interest in playing Kanatian hockey with myself and Test? I thought joining with Shane was merely a cover for spying on the Captain's behalf,"

    "Yeah, well I figure it's time I made some new friends," Jericho replied, "Out with the old, in with the new. Bring Ensign Christian and whoever else you want while you're at it. We need players."

    "Yes sir," Ensign Storm replied, then turned back to his log, "Although I have much to do in the lab, I am currently off duty and my first officer has requested my presence.  Commander Jericho and myself served together many years ago on the SMW Thrillseeker. Perhaps we will be able to rekindle our friendship now that we are both on the WWF Titanprize, serving as WrestleFleet officers. I will be looking forward to it. End log."



    Stephanie tried her new dress on again. It flattered her figure quite nicely, she had to admit. Stephanie smiled. It DID look like a dress for a Princess.  Now all she needed was a crown.


    Stephanie gasped, looking around her room. No one was there. She shook her head and turned back to the mirror, cursing her overactive imagination. Stephanie quickly changed into her WrestleFleet uniform and headed to Engineering, leaving the dress on her bed.


HOLODECK 3 - 19:30

    Jericho sat fuming in the penalty box. Another 5 minutes for fighting. Why didn't he just program the holodeck NOT to include penalties? How could the ref give HIM a penalty! HIM of all people! Jericho decided he would erase that particular ref from the program the next time he played.

    "Commander Jericho, sir, if I may be serious for a moment... perhaps we would win this game if you stopped berating the players on the opposite team. You're instigating fights, sir, and it doesn't bode well for our team," Ensign Storm spoke.

    "They're just holograms. What does it matter, Lance?" Jericho asked. "You know, I could program them to get down and kiss my skates if I wanted to. They'll at least respect a paragon of virtue like myself! A WrestleFleet hero, a---"

    "It seems Commander Jericho is on a slight ego trip tonight, Ensign Storm," Ensign Angle interrupted as he came up to the penalty box.

    Jericho looked at Angle, then turned back to Storm, "Did you have to invite him?" he asked.

    Christian, who had also accompanied Storm, spoke up, "He wanted to come along, and you DID tell the totally serious Ensign Storm to bring whoever he wanted,"

    "Whatever," Jericho sighed. He didn't care. Let Angle play. Angle could be useful if he was on the same team.... although Angle did need to learn a little something about speaking to the First Officer with more respect.

    "I figure I'm an Olympic Ensign, so why not try yet another olympic sport?" Angle replied,  "You DO know they play hockey in the Olympics, right?" he asked Jericho.

    "Yes, Kirk, I know," Jericho replied.

    Ensign Angle smiled, "I never realized how much fun Kanatian hockey could be!" he said, then skated off with Ensign Storm as the whistle blew for the game to continue.


THE SMACKDOWN - The next night

    "Hey baby," Test started as he slinked up to Ensign Molly Holly, who was sitting at the back of the room,  "How's it going?"

    "It's going ok, Mr. Test, but my name is Molly, not baby," Molly replied with a sweet smile.

    "Ok then," Test replied, "Molly baby, how 'bout I buy you a synthehol?"

    "Oh, no, that's ok, Mr. Test. I don't drink. I'd just like to have a chocolate milk," Molly replied.

    "Really?" Test asked, then smirked, "Well, what else would you like to have?"

    "There's nothing else I want, Mr. Test,"  Molly replied.

    "I know something you DO want," Test started smugly.

    Molly furrowed her brow, "What do you mean?"

    Test put an arm around her shoulders, "You want ME, baby! On a cozy holodeck. Alone. You know what they say -- when you have Test, you can forget about the rest!"

    Molly shoved his arm off her shoulders, jumping to her feet, "Mr. Test, I don't think I like what you're insinuating! I'm not that kind of girl! And I would appreciate it if you wouldn't treat me like that!"

    Test got to his feet, angry at her dismissal, "What's wrong with you, babe? You gonna pass up all this?" he asked as he flexed his muscles, "Since when did you become Miss 'high and mighty', Molly?"

    "Ensign Test, you will talk to the lovely Molly Holly with more respect then that!  How about you be a good WrestleFleet citizen and leave the lady alone?"  A voice interrupted Test's rant.

    Test spun around to see Ensign Helms standing beside him, hands on his hips, wearing the oddest green uniform... and a mask, "Citizen?" he snickered, "How about you stay out of this!"

    "Well I just can't do that. She's obviously very uncomfortable around you," Helms replied.

    "You suddenly her knight in shining armor? Some great big superhero or something? Didn't you used to dance with your Nytron buddies Evan and Shannon?" Test asked.

    "Well, I've grown past that. I have found something more important then dancing!" Helms replied, "Now if you'll leave Molly alone, it would be much appreciated,"

    Test frowned, then turned back to Molly, "Forget YOU! You obviously don't know what you're missing!" he turned to Helms, "And you, you can have her if you want her, little man!" With that, Test stomped angrily out of the Smackdown.

    "Little man?" Helms repeated, "Wassupwitdat?"

    Molly shrugged,  and the two sat down at the table, both ordering a fresh chocolate milk.



    Stephanie tossed and turned in her bed. Images flashed before her eyes. A woman in a long silver gown stood before her.  The woman looked like Stephanie. Same blue eyes, same McMahon chin. It WAS her. A diamond studded crown sat atop her head, making the light dance with every sparkling movement.

    The woman smiled as she was waited on hand and foot. It was a carefree and happy smile. A smile that had no worries. No responsibilities. No heartache.

    All around her, people worshipped the ground she walked on. She danced at a ball with beautiful men, and was watched by envious women. Women of all standings.

    Stephanie shot up in bed, looking around her room. No ball. No servants. No crown... but yet, over in the corner on a chair, there sat the dress. The dress Stephanie could have sworn she had put away earlier.

    The dress that belonged to a Princess.


HOLODECK 3 - Stardate 123120.01

    "Why are we playing hockey right now, man?" Ensign Christian asked Jericho as he gathered with Angle, Test, Venis, and Storm on the holodeck, "We've got a New Year's party to get ready for tonight!"

    "I'd rather play hockey," Jericho replied.

      "You can't do that!" Angle protested, " I mean, aside from it being a ..." he made quotations with his fingers,  "... phat party - as First Officer, it's your duty to attend all the social functions on board the Titanprize,"

    "Well, I know everyone would be HONOURED to see a living legend like myself," Jericho replied smugly, "But I just rather not go, if it's all the same to you, Kirk,"

    "This wouldn't happen to have anything to do with ANOTHER Commander, would it, sir?" Storm asked curiously. He had heard rumours...

    "Commander Shane? Shane should be grateful to breath the same air as me after what he did to Vince!" Jericho replied, "Besides, he's not a commander any more. Remember? Good ol' Vinnie-mac demoted him to Ensign!"

    Test  raised an eyebrow, "Vinnie-mac? I didn't know you were so informal with the Captain,"

    "Yeah, me and Vinnie-mac are pals," Jericho muttered, his sarcasm going unnoticed by his present company. The First Officer then chirped up, "Hey, did I tell you the Cap's credited me for single-handedly saving the Titanprize?"

    "Many times, sir..." Storm replied, "but when I said 'another commander', I was actually speaking of Steph---"

    Jericho clasped Storm on the back, interrupting him, "Ah Lance, so many stories going around the ship now. You can't be sure which ones to believe. You can believe ME though. If it weren't for ME, this ship would be under Shane's control," he looked at the group around him, "And I'm sure most of you would have liked that," He looked pointedly at Test, Storm, and Christian, "but since we're now all WRESTLEFLEET officers, you should be grateful to me for stopping Shane when I did! If he took over, do you think he would have been as fair as Vinny-mac?"

    "Well, probably not, "Angle spoke up, "But, with all due respect, sir, perhaps you should be less vocal about your accomplishments. I mean, people are starting to get a bit---"

    "Enough chit chat," Jericho interrupted, "Let's play, boys!"  The whistle blew, and the game began.



    "What did you do to my BAR!" Terri screeched when she saw the glitter ribbons, and rainbow streamers Billy and Chucky had hung on her walls and from the ceiling.  "I leave the bar for a few hours while I attend to the New Year's catering, and THIS is what I come back to?"

    Chucky and Billy exchanged glances, "Well," Billy started, "Isn't it nice though?"

    "Nice?" Terri asked, "NICE? This isn't NICE. This is.... well, I don't even have a word for it!" With that, Terri ripped a shiny snowflake off the wall, threw it to the ground, and stomped it flat.

    "Hey!" Chuck whined, and picked up the destroyed snowflake as Terri headed back to her position behind the bar.

    "So, Terri," Bradshaw began, "What's with letting the blondie-boys decorate the Smackdown for tonight's party?"

    "I just left the bar to them for a few hours! I didn't realize they'd do THAT!" Terri fumed.

    "Want us to introduce them to our boot leather?" Farooq asked.

    Terri sighed, "No, they might like that too much,"

    "She's got a point," Bradshaw said to Farooq.

    "DAMN," Farooq replied, disappointed.

    Terri shook her head, "What am I going to do? It's too late to redecorate. The party starts in a few hours and I have to make the final preparations," she hung her head, "Why me? Why why why?"

    "There now," Bradshaw said as put an arm around Terri, pretending like he wasn't trying to cop a feel,  "Have yourself a drink and you'll feel better,"

    Terri nodded, then grabbed one of the New Year's champagne bottles, and gulped it down.



    Stephanie put the finishing touches on her lipstick, and headed out of her quarters. The Smackdown party would be starting soon. She was going to get there early. At least she'd have SOME fun before Hunter arrived and made her night a living hell, "Princess, may I say you look lovely tonight?" a voice spoke.

    Stephanie spun around to see Jeff standing in the hall, yet he seemed different. Especially his clothing. He was wearing a long tunic with a coat-of-arms embroidered on the front, and leggings -- although she shouldn't have been surprised. That was probably formal wear for the Aerialian, "Jeff? What are you wearing?"

    "Jeff, highness?" He asked. The man bowed politely, "You have never addressed me so formally, M'lady!"

    "Listen, Hardly, I--"

    Jeff furrowed his brow, "Are you not well, M'lady? You are acting oddly. Surely you will be in top form for tonight's festivities, will you not? Your betrothed will be there,"

    "My betrothed? You mean my EX-betrothed. Did you have to remind me?" she muttered, "But don't worry, I'll be fine for the party,"

    "Party? Surely you mean BALL!" He replied, then bowed with a flourish, "I have been ordered by your father to stay with you at all times and protect you from the unwanted advances of the visiting princes, highness,"

    "While I can protect myself," Princess Stephanie started, "I should like your company very much, Sir Hardy! Now if you would be so kind, I must speak with my father,"

    "Very well, M'lady, I shall take you to him," Sir Jeffrey Hardy of Aerialia  held out an arm, and Stephanie took it, then stopped. Something seemed odd, "Highness?" Sir Hardy asked with concern,  "Should I take you to the royal medical practitioner?"

    "No... I..." she took a breath, and spoke again, "I am well, Sir Hardy, thank you," with that, she let the man lead her to her father.



    "Hey, Jericho, I'm outta here! I have to make myself look good for all the ladies at the party tonight," Test spoke as he skated to a benched Jericho.

    "But you can't leave now! We're only in the second period!" Jericho protested.

    "Well, man," Christian began, "I wanna get ready too. Can't you save the game and we'll continue another time or something?"

    "Hey guys! What's with the sudden urge to get out of here? As your commanding officer, I--"

    "As our commanding officer, you need to take a chill pill, man!" Christian said, "You can stay here if you want, but I'm going to get ready to par-tay!"

    "Yes, I think I'm going to get ready to party too," Storm replied as he headed to the small group.

    "You've never partied in your life, Lance," Jericho answered.

    "What are you talking about?" Angle asked, "Have you seen Lance's award winning smile? He's a total ..." Kurt made quotations with his fingers once again, "Party animal," he finished, "And I have to get my olympic self ready as well,"

    "So you're ALL leaving then?" Jericho asked, "You too, Val?" he called out to the Kanatian skating up to him.

    "You think I'm going to miss the ladies? You've got to be joking! See ya, Jericho!" Ensign Venis replied.

    With that, the group headed out of the holodeck, leaving Commander Jericho alone.

    "Fine!" Jericho snapped angrily at the empty holodeck, "Who the hell needs you anyway?" he reprogrammed the holodeck controls. He would just play by himself, that was all!



    "Come," McMahon spoke when the chimes on his door beeped.  Stephanie stepped through, accompanied by Jeff, "Steph... Jeff?" then something came over him as Stephanie's gown glittered in the light, "Daughter," he smiled, then nodded to Jeff, "You may wait outside, Sir Hardy,"

    Sir Hardy bowed respectfully and took his leave, "Father," the Princess began, returning her father's smile, "I wish to have your opinion on my dress,"

    "My opinion, daughter?" he asked, "Well surely a female would be more suited. Your friends, perhaps? What about Lady Lita?"

    "Well she is the one that helped me pick out the dress, father! She would be biased," Stephanie smiled, "Besides, I want a male opinion,"

    "Well, then any of the knights could give you an opinion on your dress,"

    "Father," Stephanie whined, "They will not be truthful! They are loyal knights and that loyalty extends to complimenting the princess as well!"

    King McMahon smiled, "But what is there not to compliment! You look lovely, my daughter!"

    Princess Stephanie smiled once more, "Thank you, even though I know now you speak as a loving father and are therefore not truthful either,"

    The King hugged his daughter, "That IS the truth, my daughter! Now be off with you! Your royal protector, Sir Hardy, is waiting to chaperone you to the New Year's ball tonight!"

    Stephanie nodded, then quickly left her father's quarters.



    Jericho wandered the corridors aimlessly, lost in his own thoughts. Should he even go to the New Year's party? It would be pointless, wouldn't it? Nobody even wanted him there! Well, maybe Vince did.

    Y2J had grown tired of his game on the holodeck when he found that his holo-team were sadly lacking any conversational ability whatsoever. But then, what else did he expect from a hologram?  He'd rather hear Angle prattle on about his medals, or Storm go on about how seriously Jericho should take his duties, or heck, even Christian yap about how dull his hair looked in the fluorescent light of the holographic skating rink.

    If only Jeff was still talking to him---but what did it matter? Lita and The Hardys could be damned for all he cared! THEY were the ones with the problem, not HIM! They should be grateful to be friends with an officer like Commander Jericho! An officer who would sacrifice almost anything for the right cause! He was a HERO, and if his so-called friends couldn't see that, then forget them!

    Besides, it's not as if he missed them. Not at all!


    "Sir Hardy," Princess Stephanie began, "How do I look? Truthfully now!" she asked her royal protector as he walked beside her.

    "You look beautiful, Princess!" Sir Hardy replied.

    "It seems no one wishes to say anything other then compliments. And everyone is so very agreeable.  It is a tad dreary not to have anyone to verbally spar with, Sir Hardy,"

    "If you wish me to verbally spar, I shall. A debate, perhaps? What would you like to debate, highness? And what position should I take in the debate?"

    "You should not need to ask ME what position to take! You should have your OWN position!"

    "My position is whatever my highness's position is," he replied.

    Stephanie was silent, curious to find herself waiting for someone to make an off-colour remark about what Sir Hardy had just said. But there was nothing.  Princess  Stephanie sighed, "Why does no one challenge me, Sir Hardy?" She asked. Before Sir Hardy could answer,  the Princess was hit by something hard, and soon found herself knocked to the ground

    "You should bow and offer your appologies to her Highness immediately!" Sir Hardy ordered as he assisted Princess Stephanie from the ground.

    "The hell I will!" An angry voice snapped. Princess Stephanie looked up to see a handsome blond man glaring at her royal protector.  "And did you just call Skankanie 'her highness'?" the man asked, then eyed Sir Hardy curiously, "I know you have no fashion sense, Jeff, but that getup is just ridiculous!"

    Sir Hardy was ignoring the blond as he attended to the Princess, "Are you all right, highness?" Jeff asked.

    "I am fine, Sir Hardy! I am able to stand on my own!" she stepped away from her doding protector and stared at the rude man before her, "Surely this civilian could learn a few manners!"

    The man smirked, "So you're a princess tonight, Steph? When did YOU grow such an ego? Oh wait, you've always had one. I forgot!"

    Stephanie's eyes went wide as a gasp of shock escaped her. How could this man have the audacity--

    "How DARE you speak to the Princess that way, Citizen Jericho!" another voice spoke up. The now identified Jericho turned to see who spoke to him. The man was wearing a green tunic, green leggings, and a long green cape. He showed off the "H" embroidered on his chest as he stood with both his hands on his hips, accompianied by a similarily clothed female in pink.

    "And what are YOU supposed to be, Helms?" Jericho asked.

    "You will address me as Sir Hurricane of Helms!" the green clad man replied, then indicated the woman beside him, "And you will address my companion as  Lady Molly of the Mighty Hollys!"

    "Note to self," Jericho started, "Never play hockey on the holodeck alone eeeeeeever again!" he felt his head, "I wonder if I got hit with the puck. I hope not! A bump would mess up my good looks!"

    "Good looks you have, good manners you do NOT!" Princess Stephanie snapped, then headed off angrily with Sir Hardy.

    "What the HELL happened to the Titanprize since I've been on the holodeck?" Princess Stephanie heard Jericho mutter to himself, but she chose to ignore him.

    Besides, nothing he said could be of any importance, could it?



    Jericho entered the Smackdown, smoothing out his WrestleFleet dress uniform -- it being the only formal wear he owned. He quickly found, however, that he wasn't quite fitting in with the rest of the officers.

    Everyone was dressed to the nines. Ladies were wearing gowns, men were wearing tuxes. And each outfit had a distinct Medieval appearance to it. He looked around and noticed the security officers were dressed in chain mail, swords at their sides.

    The Smackdown itself was decorated differently. Golden candles and silver ribbons lined the walls, crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling.  The room looked as if it had been decorated right out of a fairy tale.

     Maybe he shouldn't even be here. Maybe he should be off investigating the strange change in the ship and it's occupants.

    Then again, maybe he'd feel better after a synthehol -- if anyone knew what that was anymore.


    Princess Stephanie noticed the blond man right away. Jericho. What was he doing here? And how DARE he insult her earlier! Was he not one of her loyal subjects?

    Well, obviously not... though for some reason, the Princess couldn't help but find that fascinating. No, this Jericho wasn't loyal. Not at all. He was rude and crass --- and so unlike the others, who always behaved as they were expected too!

    So why did she have the urge to confront this man when she could simply ignore him and speak to those who were more agreeable?

    "I do not believe you were invited... Jericho, was it?" Princess Stephanie spoke as she came up to Jericho.  "I would kindly ask you to leave,"

    "And I would kindly ignore you!" Jericho replied, "As your Commanding officer, I DEMAND to know what the hell is going ON here, Steph!"

    "You do not have permission to address me so formally! I am daughter of King McMahon, Princess of the realm Titanprize!  I am to be treated with the respect due to someone of my standing!"

    He laughed harshly, "If anyone should be treated like royalty, it's ME! I saved the ship! I am the first officer. And I should be given the respect due to someone with my achievements! But that didn't stop Jeff, or Terri, or YOU from turning on me, now did it!"

    "Princess! Why are you speaking to such a man?" Sir Hardy said as he quickly came to Stephanie's side, "I shall get him to leave!" he turned to Sir Farooq and Sir Bradshaw, who were currently mingling with Lady Torrie and Lady Trish, "Good Knights," he called out, "Please assist this intruder out of the gate!"

    Bradshaw and Farooq quickly came up to Jericho, daring him to resist.

    "I'm not leaving until I know what's going on! Or until all of you... ANY of you, admit that I deserve my just dues for what I did!" Jericho shouted.

    Sir Bradshaw and Sir Farooq grabbed Jericho by the arms, pulling him towards the doors. He resisted, his inhuman strength catching the so-called Knights off guard.

    Jericho grabbed Stephanie by the arms, "Tell me what's happening here! Tell me what I did to deserve ANY of this! Tell me--"

    "I shall TELL you to GET OUT!" Stephanie shouted angrily, looking very un-princess-like. Bradshaw and Farooq grabbed at Jericho again, pulling him away from Stephanie. Jericho refused to let go of the satin material of her dress... and in the struggle, an audible rip was heard, followed by an embarrassed scream.

    Suddenly, everything shifted. The clothing of the partygoers melted and reformed into modern dress. The music, which was previously a classical waltz now became hard rock. The decorations, which were once so elegant, were replaced with gaudy rainbow streamers, glitter, and snowflakes.


    Everyone froze, trying to make heads or tails of what had just happened.

    Stephanie glared at Jericho, lower lip trembling along with the rest of her scantily clad body as she tried to stand proud despite being stripped down to her lacy black undergarments. An uncomfortable silence hung in the air.

    "Uh.... HEY," Jeff broke the silence, "It's almost the New Year!" he turned everyone's attention to the large clock on the wall as he threw his tuxedo jacket over Stephanie's shoulders.

   The crew of the Titanprize let out a collective cheer, the current drama unfolding before them forgotten for now.

    "Get the hell out of here, COMMANDER!" Jeff spat, "Before I--"

    "Jeff--" Stephanie gave Jeff a pleading look as she hugged the jacket around her. He took the hint, reluctantly walking over to join Helms and Molly in the countdown.

19, 18, 17, 16, 15

    Jericho looked at the remains of Stephanie's dress in his hands, "It was THIS!" he said, "THIS is what---" he stopped when he caught Stephanie's angry eyes. He had just literally torn her dream world away from her.

14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9

    "SHUT UP, JERICHO!" Stephanie hissed angrily, "Just SHUT the HELL UP!"  Jericho's face was then met with a hard slap, though the rest of the Titanprize seemed oblivious to anything but their New Years countdown.

8, 7, 6, 5

    Stephanie grabbed her torn dress from Jericho and stormed out of the Smackdown -- though Jericho could have sworn he heard sobbing as she rushed past him.

4, 3, 2, 1 --  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!  Should auld acquaintance be forgot---

    "Yeah, Happy freaking New Year!" Jericho muttered to himself, then quickly headed out of The Smackdown, not looking back.



    Stephanie sat on her bed in a towel, staring at the dress in her hands. It had been nice while it lasted. The life of a Princess. A new life to fit in with the new year. It was what she had wished for only days ago. And her wish had been granted.

    But now -- now she was lost in space again, on a ship full of people who could either tear out her heart, or turn on her in a second.

    Damn it.

    She would have liked to be a Princess for a little bit longer. She had no worries then. No one who could hurt her with a harsh word or a cold glare... or a phaser. Everyone was so kind and agreeable...


    Except Jericho.

    But then again, First Officer Jericho had recently become an arrogant, egotistical jackass who thought the world owed him something, so that didn't count.

    Stephanie stood up and looked in her mirror, running a hand through her wet hair. She threw off her towel and pulled on her white 'Property of WrestleFleet' tank top and flannel pants she used as pajamas. Stephanie sighed, then turned back to her bed.

    The silver dress lay there, as if challenging her to mend it and put it on again. She picked up the satin material and held it for a moment, reluctant to let it go.

    When she was a little girl, she had wanted to be a princess. A REAL Princess. And her dream had come true... briefly. Stephanie's fantasy world had freed her from her duties and worries and fears for a few hours, but....Stephanie also realized one could not live in a fantasy world.

   As much as she was loathe to give Jericho credit for anything, it was better that he had torn her illusions away and brought her back to reality. If she had stayed in that fantasy for much longer, she would have lost herself in it.


    With a resigned sigh, Stephanie tossed the torn dress down the disposal chute. She allowed herself one last look in the mirror and smiled sadly, "Happy New Year... Princess,"