By: Elektra


Captain Vincent K. McMahon
First Officer, Commander Shane McMahon
Chief Engineer, Commander Stephanie McMahon
Chief of Chiefs, Commander Linda McMahon
Chief of Security, Commander Kane
Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Taker
Communications Officer, Lieutenant Rock
Counselor Al Snow (assisted by H.E.A.D.)
Diagnostics Officer, Ensign Jericho
Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Commander Austin
... And many more!


    "Captain's Log, stardate 445566.99. All is going well. We have a two day stop-over on the planet of Kanata. We will have one day of promotion, and the next night we will appear at the sold-out Trawna Spacedome. Everything should go smoothly..."

    Captain McMahon closed his log book, and headed out to the Bridge.



    Emotionless automatons walked back and forth along the cold silver metal floor of their ship - a ship with no name.

    Names were irrelevant.

    Personal choice was irrelevant.

    All would be assimilated to their ways and their beliefs.

    Resistance was futile.



    Ensign Jericho, Ensign Test, Ensign Edge, Ensign Val Venis, and Ensign Christian all took a deep breath as they set foot on their home planet, "Ahhhh... it's good to be home!" Ensign Test began.

    "Yes. Perhaps I can take a trip to Win-a-peg City and visit the factory in which I was created!" Unit Y2J said happily.

    Test and the others looked at him, then shook their heads and headed to their hotel rooms.


    The Trawna Spacedome was sold out as the crew of the Titanprize made themselves ready to entertain the fans.

    Little did they know something was closing in on their ship.

    Something that could destroy everything they had worked for.



    The emotionless automatons readied themselves to board the WWF TITANPRIZE.

    No one would be safe



    Terri mixed a special drink for visiting Admiral Mae Young, "Here you go! Now drink it slow. It's very powerful!"

    Before the Admiral could even take a sip, a surge of energy shot the glass out of her hand.

    "Drinking is evil..." A strange echo of voices filled the popular bar.

    Terri turned to the entrance way only to see three shiny white automatons aiming what looked like energy weapons at the now demolished drink, "What the hell!" Terri gasped.

    "Swearing is evil..." the voices spoke again.

    The automatons then raised their weapons, and aimed at Terri.



    Ensign Angle looked at the readouts on the screen before him, "What's this?!" he gasped. He quickly hailed the Trawna Spacedome, "Ensign Angle to Captain McMahon! We need you back on the TITANPRIZE immediately, sir! It's an emergency!"


    Captain McMahon quickly made his way onto the bridge. The crew had all been beamed back to the Titanprize and their Spacedome show had been canceled, "What the hell is going on here, Ensign?! What is so damn important that I had to refund 100,000 credits worth of tickets?"

    "We've been boarded, sir!" Angle replied.

    "WHAT? By who?! And WHY didn't you prevent this?! ANSWER me, Mr. Angle!" The Captain demanded.

    Angle replied, "We don't know who they are! They evaded our sensors originally, sir! But now, we're getting a reading of a large cube-like ship!"

    "Life signs?!" McMahon asked.

    Angle scanned the cube ship, "No signs of life, sir... "

    "How is it possible that a ship that big has NO life signs?!" McMahon demanded.

    "I don't know... but it's TRUE, sir! Your Olympic WrestleFleet hero wouldn't lie!"

    "They're robots!!" A slurred voice shouted as the turbolift doors opened.  Everyone turned to see a very drunk Admiral Young making her way onto the bridge. "I saw'em... they're robotsssss... they hit Tera... or.... Toby... er...  Terri..."

    "What the hell are YOU going on about, old woman?" McMahon asked.

    "Shhhhhhhsssshhhh.... swearing is evil! Not allowed to swear.... not allowed to drink.... not allowed...." Admiral Young then passed out on the floor of the bridge.

    "Damnit, someone get that drunken sloth out of here! And go see what the hell is happening in The SMACKDOWN!" McMahon snapped.

    Ensign Jericho, Commander Kane, and Lieutenant Commander Austin quickly headed off to the Smackdown.



    Kane, Austin, and Jericho rushed into The Smackdown, phasers ready to fire.

    They saw what Admiral Young had been talking about. Three automatons had taken the patrons of The Smackdown hostage.

    "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated..." the automatons spoke.

    "Assimilate THIS, ya stupid bastard!" Austin shouted, and fired his stunner at the things standing before him. He knocked one down, and aimed for the next one.

    Unfortunately, the second one created an invisible shield and deflected Austin's attack.

    Kane fired at the second one with his own weapon. It was unable to adapt, and soon fell to the ground in a heap.  He attempted to attack the third one as well, but it had adapted to his weapon's energy signature and shielded itself.

    The third one was busy scanning the computers of the Titanprize. It turned to the armed crewmen, "You will be assimilated,"

    "I don't WANT to be assimilated, you big pile of metallic excrement!" Ensign Jericho shouted.

    "Resistance is futile..." the automaton replied. Then it paused, and walked up to Jericho. It looked at him and Unit Y2J could feel it scan him. He scanned it in return, slowly finding out information.

    It didn't seem to care.

    "You are different," the automaton began. "You will be easier to assimilate. We will reprogram you..."

    "Reprogram MY beautiful positronic matrix? I don't think so!" he replied, and tackled the automaton to the ground.

    Jericho's titanium no-selling metal body hit the automaton hard. The automaton was stunned for the moment, and  Jericho quickly reached behind it's back and pulled it's self-destruct mechanism.

    Unit Y2J then jumped to his feet and watched as the automaton turned to dust.

    Austin tapped his comm badge, "Austin to sickbay. Is the barkeep all right?"

    Dr. Taker's ever calm voice replied, "Terri is alive. She is recovering from a flesh wound. She was able to duck the enemy weapon on time..."

    "Ensign Jericho to the Bridge. Captain, we've destroyed the invaders... for now..."

    "Return to the bridge," Captain McMahon replied.

    They did so.



    "Captain, the enemy ship's roody poo candy ass is hailing us!!"

    "On screen, Mr. Rock!" McMahon ordered.

    An inside view of the ship showed up on the Titanscreen.  It was a frightening sight!

    Rows upon rows of shiny white metal hallways filled the cube ship. Along the walls of the hallways were alcoves upon alcoves. Each filled with an automaton.

    McMahon was in awe at what stood before him. He turned back to Ensign Angle, "I thought you said there were no life signs, Mr. Angle!"

    Ensign Angle checked his readouts again, "Like I said before, it's true! These automatons have NO life! I mean... they're not registering as life forms!"

    "They're robots, sir," Ensign Jericho spoke up.  "And they can adapt to our weapons..."

    "Crew of the WWF TITANPRIZE..." The automatons spoke as if they were one, "We are the PTC!"

    "The PTC?" Captain McMahon asked his crew. No one seemed to be familiar with them. McMahon addressed the enemy, "PTC, why have you targeted our ship?! We mean you no harm!!"

    "We have decided your ways are unacceptable. Your ways are evil! You must be made to understand. You must be assimilated!" the PTC replied.

    "What do you mean assimilated?? If you plan to take away our free will," McMahon was interrupted.

    "Free will is irrelevant. Personal choice is irrelevant! We have seen your broadcasts! We have deemed then unacceptable!"

    "If you don't like our show, change the damn channel!!" McMahon replied.

    "Changing the channel is irrelevant! You must all be assimilated!! The behavior of your crew must be censored!"

    "What right do you have to---" McMahon was interrupted again.

    "We are the PTC! We will decide what is acceptable and what is unacceptable! You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile!!"

    "If you attack our ship, then I'll have to retaliate!!" McMahon replied.

    "We will attack those that support you! They will be assimilated!!" The many voices of the PTC replied. "We will meet again, Captain Vincent K. McMahon..."

    With that, the PTC cube ship sped off at warp speed.

    All was silent on the bridge.

    Finally, McMahon spoke, "Mr. Rock... send communications to all Starbases, and information services.  We have a new enemy.  One that may be a great threat to all of Wrestlefleet!"


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