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Serv-U FTP Help

Setting up a FTP Server

Download and Install the Serv-U Ftp Server onto your computer. The build in wizard will handle most problems.

Open up the administrative tools and scroll down to highlight users.


From the Tool Bar Menu Select the Picture with the face on it.

Give your new User a name and a password

Step 3 is where you decide what files your new user has access too it is recommended that you lock your user in one directory that you have set up just for file sharing.

You also have options to allow them to write to the directory or just let them read the files. Select the user you have just created find the tab for DIR Access

On the right hand side choose the level of access you are giving this user.

From the administration screen choose help and local ip address. You can also get it directly by clicking here.

Once you have your User Name, Password and IP address you can start sharing your files. Sent an email to your new user and give him your location. ftp://enterusername@youripaddress when your user logs into your computer the U in the system tray will turn blue.

You user will need and File Transfer Protocal Program such as WS-FTP or CuteFTP however your user is able to access your files from his internet explorer browser.

To turn it on:

From Internet Explorer Select Tools, Internet Options, Advanced, find enable folder view for FTP Sites. Restart the browser.

As long as you are connected to the internet and your FTP server is running your users can access your shared files.


This Page will explain how to set your computer up to allow users to access your shared files.


Copyright ©2005 Viperzone.com Last update: March 29, 2005

February 8, 2005