Crown Mechanical Consulting

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Hello, My name is Duane Michael Tilden, PEng. And I am about to offer you a golden opportunity to start with a new venture, or business which is guaranteed to EARN YOU A ROI (return on investment)!!!

As a professional engineer, I do not guarantee anything lightly, so I must warn you this guarantee does come with some conditions.

Before, I go into the offer which I propose to you, I will first tell you a little about myself, and why you may wish to consider a partnership with me and my company. Also, as you are reading this proposal on my website, I invite you to look around. I apologize that it is very incomplete, however, I have been focussing on putting together this proposal and ironing out all the details before I could put together this offer.


About Duane Tilden:

I am a professional engineer, located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I currently operate my own engineering consulting firm, Crown Mechanical Consulting, for which I offer a small client base a wide variety of Professional services.

I received my education as a metallurgical engineer at the University of British Columbia, completing my BASc. in 1984. I continued my education under the MASc program, which I left without thesis. Bill Gates was a drop-out too! ;-)

In 1990 I gained employment with a company, Yoneda & Associates, who were a group of mechanical consulting engineers who specialized in HVAC, and plumbing design of buildings. We worked with other engineers and architects to design plans and administer construction for new buildings and development.

After quickly rising through the ranks, I came to a dead-end in 1997, when combined with the prospect of being a first time dad, and being penniless, I took the plunge and went on my own.

In 1998 I received my Professional standing, and have been working on my own ever since.


Engineering Marketing:

I quickly found out, being on my own, how difficult life can be as a sole proprietor, in an information marketplace. The market for the skills which I had learned during my 7 years at Yoneda & Associates, were not in high demand, and I found that I could not charge an appropriate fee for my services. A lot of the work that I took in the beginning was generally low paying hourly work as a contract employee. Now I was able still to charge more per hour than I made as an employee, however, there was a lot of hidden work and expenses associated with my independence. Also, there was far less security.

In order for me to raise my rates I realized that I had to develop a specialty or niche market. Over the past four years I have developed two such niches for myself. Unfortunately, I spent so much of my own time developing these markets, and they are so specialized that it is very difficult for me to capitalize on them, especially in the current construction market downturn.

Another difficulty that I constantly face is the opposition and competition to my new methods. One market that I have developed is the application of an epoxy compound which is injected into water piping systems to stop leaks in copper and steel water piping systems. I have given this market huge credibility because of the expertise I have in corrosion (metallurgy) and mechanical engineering.


The Copper Piping Repair Market:

The plumbing repair and replacement market is very big, and is also a closely guarded secret. You see, the industry does not want you to know they have problems. They quietly blame some factor or another, while selling you a complete building piping replacement system, that probably fail within 10 to 20 years. Now this may not seem like a big deal, but this industry is worth $10 to $20 million annually in Vancouver alone, and they sell the system as lasting 50 years. They bank on you not being around 15 or 20 years later when the building has problems, and even if you are, are you going to know there is a problem or take action to investigate. Considering that this leaking phenomenon occurs all over the world and you will start to get the idea of what future market potential we are talking about here. As a matter of fact, I published and released an expose report on this phenomenon, which has attracted considerable attention. (I will be making this report available to those who subscribe to my future newsletter (enter subscribe in the subject line: d_tilden@attcanada )

My first repiping project was a 20+ storey highrise apartment building which had been experiencing major copper piping leaks. However, only had funds to repair the first 7 floors of the building, so I had to design a new system that would replace the existing water system, allow functioning of both systems, and would allow for complete future conversion..

As a first project of this nature, I was very careful in my materials specification. You see, most other mechanical engineers would quickly specify a replacement piping system of copper, and simply replace all the piping. Instead, I chose a different system which involved a high tech materials system of cement lined cast iron for the 4 and 6" diameter pipes, connected to CPVC piping which comes with a 25 year no fault guarantee.

Since I was aware of the corrosion problems that copper pipe was experiencing with our water, I was more assured that properly installed, our client would get a much better, and longer lasting system than simply replacing with copper. And, we managed to do this for 60% of the cost of a copper piping repair. The final cost without taxes for this project was in the order of $130,000 + taxes.

Building a New Market:

So, in 1999 one of my clients asks me to check out this new system of epoxy injection for repairing leaking copper water pipes. So, I called the contractor and asked to see their system in operation. At the time their were two contractors who were involved in this relatively new process. After seeing the operation and what they were doing I was very interested.

Also, I could understand why they were having great difficulties marketing this new procedure. At the time, these companies were having great difficulty generating new business. The problem was that they lacked credibility as a new company. Also, they were receiving significant opposition from the established pipe replacement market, not to mention the engineers and plumbing officials.

The engineers, such as myself, had a problem because if this system truly did work, they faced a significant loss in revenue in design and engineering services. They lacked the expertise involved with epoxy coatings, and were unfamiliar with the issues and technology.

The plumbing and building officials were just too wary to get involved, because of fear of lawsuits, and the appearance of lending credibility to the process. On one hand they recognized the potential, and yet had no way of verifying how it worked or if the system was properly installed. They decided to opt out of this form of repair, by taking the position that the system did not fall under the jurisdiction of the "codes" and thus it was "caveat emptor".

I saw huge potential in the market, however, as a professional I also had to perform considerable "due diligence" and research prior to getting involved in the process. After about eight months of research and development, I finally accepted my first project to oversee an "installation". This particular lining project involved an old 8 storey building with around 60 rental units. The owners of this building wanted to minimize cost, and disruption to their tenants so they chose this system. This owner has 9 other similar buildings which he is considering the same procedure, and I have already overseen a second building installation for him.

There were two other mechanical engineers who would oversee such projects, however, the scope of their review process was very limited, and as their understanding of the process. Not to cast aspersions on my colleagues, however, they just did not have the same experience or knowledge of corrosion or linings that I have.

Copyright and Intellectual Property:

As I have been involved in these projects, and I carry significant liability (I have insurance), and I wanted to ensure that no one else could duplicate the system, I created a very tight and rigorous specification. I eliminated one of the previous epoxy compounds that they were using, because of poor physical material properties, and tightened up the complete installation process.

I also changed the installation procedure to include for many modifications which the contractor could make at very little cost, which would work to ensuring a better installations based on engineering and coatings fundamentals.

Also, built in to my specification are very strict inspection criteria, and check points which demand that qualified third party inspection and review be performed to ensure that the contractor does not cut corners.

The Market Explodes:

In the very short time that I was involved with the procedure, the market started to see significant improvement. Many people who were previously undecided, made buying decisions in the process based on my endorsement. Unfortunately, in most cases I do not see any compensation for my work because the installations did not require the services of an engineer (even though my endorsement specifically states that engineering services are required for any validation).

The contractor, contrary to previous verbal agreements, does not insist that an engineer be involved, or (I am sure) even mention this. They have marketed themselves so well, that I have very little control over the market. You see, it is easier and cheaper for the contractor to build without me being involved, and cheaper (first cost, not life cycle cost) for the client (my services range from a minimum of $4500 up, depending on project size) they were often convinced by the contractor that they did not need me. And as long as the local officials do not require an engineer, I am left out of the loop.

When I first started investigating the procedure back in 1999, the current local contractor, has grown from one crew struggling for work, to three full time crews and a growing market. They currently have one crew in Seattle, and two (maybe three) working here in Vancouver. I would estimate that they are now capable of performing 15 to 25 total repairs per year with a gross revenue average of $100,000/building. So I figure that they are returning about $1.5 to 2.5 million/year and growing. This process is now growing to other markets in North America based upon local success, and greater understanding of the copper corrosion problem.

High and Dry:

Last year (2001), I worked on two of these projects, which returned for me a grand total, of $11,500. This amounted to approximately 40% of my total income for the year. So, my gross business income amounted to $28,000 for the year!!

When I started this venture, I calculated that my time and efforts for all the work and promotions that I did for this process would be returned to me, and thus my "buy-in" was my ability, my company, and the massive "sweat equity" that I put in to this enterprise. While I did not expect to get rich off of my work, I did anticipate that I would get my share.

You see, the average engineering fee for projects of this type are typically, 10 to15% of construction costs. Thus if I was involved in 75% of 10% of 1.5 million, I should have returned a projected minimum of $112,500 for engineering and inspection of these projects.

Now What?:

Two weeks ago I got a phone call from a gentleman, and a fellow engineer, who represented a condominium apartment complex which has over 200 units, and is suffering from this pipe leak phenomenon. He described the problem and asked me if this was something I would be interested in considering.

I asked him how he found out about me, and to my surprise he said that the I came highly recommended from the engineering department of the City of Burnaby, a suburb of Vancouver. I was very pleased to hear that the City of Burnaby considers me "The Expert" and the one to go to when dealing with this phenomenon.

However, now I am reconsidering my position with respect to the lining procedure. Do I opt out of this process, because I have been burned in the past? Please note, that I am also very concerned that many people may be mislead by the contracting company, and downplaying the role of the engineer. I have no way of controlling this, except by marketing my own services. Another concern of mine is that it is my work and literature that are influencing these people's buying decisions. Much of my literature is out of my hands now, and I have very little control over reproduction even if it is illegal.

Examining the Bottom Line:

The bottom line is that I have come to the decision that I must start a new venture and business. The first motivation is because of financial necessity, as explained above.

However, the question is, Doing What?

Internet Marketing:

In the past, I have had very little time to spend on the internet, restraining myself to the odd information search on somebody else's computer. Why would I stay away, you ask, because I saw that working with the internet as something speculative, unsure, and lacking direction. I have been on and off the internet in the past, and saw how it could become very time consuming.

Many of my friends were constantly touting the internet, and how all these people were making a "killing" in the stock market. Many of my friends were investing and constantly wanted me to get in on their latest scheme. Well, I always stood back, because I kept on wondering, How are they Making Money? And, how could you invest money in ventures that only held promise and no return.

Well, boy am I glad that I took my advice and not theirs, because many of my friends have lost a bundle in the last year in their dot com and technology investments.

So, anyway, since things have been very slow for me, as I explained earlier, I have been spending the last 5 months back on the internet, and in a big way! My research is paying off, and I am now ready to start a new project!

As I have been doing all this work on the internet, and interacting with the internet community, I can see that there is a lot of confusion. Many people want to establish an internet presence, but do not know how to approach the problem. Often, I run into the misconception that it is simply a matter of putting up a website, however, We know that this is not so.

Even most established companies, webmasters, and even established internet marketers are only now beginning to develop and understand, what is required for growth and profitability on the internet.


The Next Step:

To me the next step is to start to activate my plans to establish a bonafide, creditable internet marketing team on the internet. And, I want you to join me and 48 partners in establishing this goal. Yes, I will only be limiting first enrollment to 50, including myself. This is to ensure that you as a partner will have the time to learn and establish your business.

As a member of this team you will have and own your own business. You will be trained to establish a profitable internet marketing strategy, c/w all software tools, marketing strategies, web host, list building capabilities, email accounts with autoresponders, web site templates and instructions, order taking and e-commerce enabled, ongoing support and training and much, much more.

Are You:

  • Eager to learn, have fun, and make money?
  • Interested in learning how to establish a life long income that is better than any retirement plan or insurance policy, without the cost?
  • Interested to learn how to own and operate your own business?
  • Interested in learning how to expand your existing business into new markets?

If this is you then I urge you to subscribe to my new weekly newsmagazine at no obligation to you at: (enter subscribe in the subject line: d_tilden@attcanada )

Note: I will not be accepting any partners at this time until I have all the necessary requirements established. I am working fast and furious to complete all this and will keep you up to date when this opportunity will become available.

If you want to know more, please subscribe to my newsmagazine, and I will fill you in on the developments!



Subscribe Me Now!! (enter subscribe in the subject line: d_tilden@attcanada )


a Crown Mechanical Consulting, Friday, December 7, 2001: last modified Monday, December 31, 2001
