

28 Movements

Definition: was the monk who introduced Buddhism to Korea in the Silla Dynasty, in the year of 686 A.D.


Starting Position: Closed ready stance A

1. Move the left foot to B and execute a twin forearm block in a right back stance.

2. Perform a right knife hand strike to the neck while pulling the left hand to the right shoulder. (Maintain the right back stance.)

3. Pull the left foot half way back and move out towards B into a fixed stance while performing a left lunge punch towards B.

4. Move left foot to right foot, turn clockwise 180° towards A and move the right foot towards A into a left back stance while performing a twin forearm block.

5. Perform a left knife hand strike to the neck while pulling the right hand to the left shoulder. (Maintain the left back stance.)

6. Pull the right foot half way back and move out towards A into a fixed stance while performing a right lunge punch towards A.

7. Pull the right foot to the left foot and execute a right bending stance towards D.

8. Execute a left midsection sidekick towards D.

9. Execute a left knife hand guarding block in a right back stance towards D.

10. Execute a right knife hand block in a left back stance while stepping forwards towards D.

11. Execute a left knife hand block in a right back stance while stepping forwards towards D.  

12. Execute a right spear finger thrust in a right walking stance towards D.

13. Turn 270° counter-clockwise towards A and execute a twin forearm block in a right back stance.

14. Perform a right knife hand strike to the neck while pulling the left hand to the right shoulder. (Maintain the right back stance.)

15. Pull the left foot half way back and move out towards A into a fixed stance while performing a left lunge punch towards A.

16. Move left foot to right foot, turn clockwise 180° towards B and move the right foot towards B into a left back stance while performing a twin forearm block.

17. Perform a left knife hand strike to the neck while pulling the right hand to the left shoulder. (Maintain the left back stance.)

18. Pull the right foot half way back and move out towards A into a fixed stance while performing a right lunge punch towards A.

19. Move the right foot to left foot. Move the left foot forwards towards C into a walking stance and execute a low right scooping block towards CB.

20. Execute a right snap kick to C and land in a walking stance.

21. Execute a left reverse midsection punch. (Maintain the walking stance.)

22. Execute a low left scooping block towards CA while maintaining the walking stance.

23. Execute a left snap kick to C and land in a walking stance.

24. Execute a right reverse midsection punch. (Maintain the walking stance.)

25. Execute a left bending stance towards C.

26. Execute a right midsection sidekick towards C.

27. Bring the right foot to the left foot, turn 270° counter-clockwise towards B and execute a guarding block in a right back stance.

28. Bring the left foot to the right foot, turn 180° clockwise towards A and execute a guarding block in a left back stance. (Kiyap)



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