

24 Movements

Definition: The pen name of Ahn Chang  Han, an independence freedom fighter. The 24 movements represents the number of years he dedicated to the independence movement.

Starting Position: Ready Position facing D

1. Turn 90° counter-clockwise towards B and execute a left outer form block in a left walking stance.

2. Execute a right reverse punch towards B while maintaining in a left walking stance.

3. Move the left foot clockwise so the foot is inline with the right foot. Moving the right foot, turn 180°  to A and execute a right outer form block in a right walking stance.

4. Execute a left reverse punch towards A while maintaining a right walking stance.

5. Move the left foot towards D and execute a left knife hand guarding block in a right back stance towards D.

6. Execute a right spear finger thrust in a right walking stance towards D.

7. Twist the right hand 90° counter-clockwise to break an imaginary grip while shifting into a parallel stance. Turn 270° counter clockwise towards D and execute a left back fist strike to the temple in a left walking stance.

8. Step forward towards D and execute a right back fist strike to the temple in a right walking stance.

9. Turn 270° counter clockwise towards E and execute a left outer form block in a left walking stance.

10. Execute a right reverse punch towards B while maintaining in a left walking stance.

11. Move the left foot clockwise so the foot is inline with the right foot. Moving the right foot, turn 180°  to F and execute a right outer form block in a right walking stance.

12. Execute a left reverse punch towards A while maintaining a right walking stance.

13. Move the left foot towards the right then move the left foot in a 45° direction towards CB and execute a two arm wedging block in a left walking stance.

14. Execute a right midsection front snap kick. Place the right foot forward in a right walking stance.

15. Execute a right midsection punch while maintaining the right walking stance.

16. Execute a left midsection reverse punch while maintaining the right stance. (Perform the punches in a consecutive motion.)

17. Move the right foot clockwise towards CA and execute a two arm wedging block in a right walking

18. Execute a left midsection front snap kick. Place the left foot forward in a left walking stance.

19. Execute a left midsection punch while maintaining the left walking stance.

20. Execute a right midsection reverse punch while maintaining the left stance. (Perform the punches in a consecutive motion.)

21. Move the left foot towards C and execute a left high block in a left walking stance.

22. Move the right foot forwards to C and execute a right high block in a right walking stance.

23. Turn 270° counter clockwise towards A and execute a left knife hand side strike in a sitting stance.

24. Move the left foot to the right foot and move the right foot out into a sitting stance while executing a right side strike. (Kiyap.)



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