This guide was made entirely by Yun Qi.

Have you ever wanted GMs and subGMs?
Have you ever wanted certain GM commands to be unusable?
Have you ever wanted your users to be able to use some GM commands, but not all?

The ALBGM system allows for all of those things, and more! Even at the same time!
(for this guide, key ideas will be highlighted in blue)

The ALBGM system of commands is a useful method of access levels, unique to Fusion. ALBGM is an acronym meaning "Access Level Based Game Master" that allows server owners to designate which Game Master commands any specific person is allowed to perform. 

One of the server files that are shipped with Fusion is a file called gm_commands.ini. Inside of this file are listed all of the possible GM commands available in Fusion. Currently, there are 123 total GM commands. The gm_commands.ini file also lists the access level associated with each command -- the access level that a user must have in order to perform the command is the numeric value listed after each command name. 

Please, note that there are command access levels (the level a user must have to perform the command) and user access levels (the level that a user actually has). The access levels for both commands and users range from 0 to 255. 

The default access level for most commands is one(1). This "1" means that a user must have an access level of one(1) in order to perform the command. Similarly, if you set the access level of a command to any number between 1 and 225, a user must have the corresponding access number in order to perform the command. For example, if you set ALIVE=4, then all users with an access level below 4 (3, 2, 1 or 0) will not be able to perform this command; however, all users with an access level of 4 or higher (5 through 255) will be able to. Also, if you set ITEM=4, then the user(s) with an access level of 4 or higher will be able to perform both #alive and #item. In gm_commands.ini, an access level of 0 for a command means that everyone will be able to perform the command regardless of their access level.

Note that the default access level for all users is 0. This means that, by default, the user will not be able to use GM commands of 1 or higher. While 0 is the lowest possible access level (meaning use of only the commands set as 0), 255 is the highest (meaning use of every command that is set as 1 or higher).

In order to change the access level for commands:

[1] make sure that Fusion is OFF
[2] open the gm_commands.ini file
[3] locate the command(s) you want to set
[4] change the access level associated with that command
[5] save the file
[6] turn on Fusion

There are two ways to set the access level of a user.
Change access level for a user (approach one):

[1] make sure that Fusion is OFF
[2] open the desired user's Account.txt file (Inside gamedata/Accounts/)
[3] locate the ACCESSLEVEL line
[4] change the access level associated with the user
[5] save the file
[6] turn on Fusion

Change access level for a user (approach two):

[1] make sure that Fusion is ON
[2] click on the Administration tab and select Accounts
[3] locate and select the account that you want to edit
[4] locate (on the left, near the bottom) the ALBGM Access Level text box
[5] change the access level associated with the user
[6] click the save button
[7] continue happily running your server

