Hey what's sup this is my website I have some links and some other cool stuff so you have to check this site out! I also got a work site so you should stop reading and start looking!

                                           Here Is Some Hobbies And About Me

Well what I like to do as a hobby is golf I started to golf when my Dad showed me how ever since I started to golf and I started to like it I have been golfing for about three years and I got a new driver and golf case for Christmas I am not sure but I think I want to be a pro golfer. And maybe get some newer and better clubs. Well I like golf I grew up with pets so I really like pets. I have like 2 horses, 15 cats, some dogs, fish, and some turtles. I live on a acreage and I have a big family. I have moved quit a bit but I think I am going to stay at the house I am at know because its really cool and not crowded like Calgary.