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Manual Updating your passports using Renderchat.
**This is a very simply method.

To start......

  1. Join your group room or paid room with Internet Explorer Browser.

  2. Enter the following link in the address bar of the chat page:
       **make sure you use the same window as the chatroom is open in, 
         or else renderchat will not work.


Grabbing Passport info using RenderChat...

  1.  Renderchat will cancel your chatroom page, 
      by opening a white 'renderchat page in its place. 
  2.  On the Renderchat page, right click, and choose 'view source'

  3.  view source will allow you to see your passport numbers.  

  4.  Look through the code until you find the following 2 names:

      *If you are a subscribed chatter, also look for:

      They should look something like this: 

  5.  Copy only the number: 7D1kiyoOVBSmBCMgLFiTsGdB5Tem5en1prV4e

  6.  Make sure you copy all three numbers: 
        subscriberInfo (available for paid chatters only)

Entering Passport info into Christianethics/vinculaEZR...

  7.   Now open your bot (script).
         *Make sure that you are set to use the vincula connection.
  8.   type in: /msn.setup 
         and from the passport tab, choose to EDIT your passport.

  9.   Copy and paste the passportProfile, PassportTicket, 
       and SubscriberInfo numbers into your passport.

**10.  Make sure that the box that says: 
         'Automatically update passport every -- hours' 
             is UNCHECKED...otherwise vincula will keep trying 
             to auto update the passport,and never revert 
             to the manual passport info.

**11.  You can still update your userrole 
       automacially by typing in: /urole or /urole2

 You will have to re-grab and enter your passport 
  info every 12-24 hours.  

 Currently the userrole number auto updates on its own.  
  So if you are not able to join a group room.

Make sure to update your userrole by typing in: /urole or /urole2

*Update: It now looks like the userrole number is obsolete.  
         As far as I can tell, the group rooms now 
         authenticate using the PassportTicket number. 
         So you might not have to update your userrole at all anymore.

More About Groups
  1.  You cannot have both your Nickname and MSNREGCookie filled 
      in at the same time--it will prevent you from joining group chat.

  2.  To use your profile nickname fill in MSNREGCookie spot.

  3.  To use custom nickname, fill in the nickname spot.

  4.  Either MSNREGCookie OR Nickname MUST be empty.

  5.  Copy and save your MSNREGCookie number to a save spot,
      in case you want to use it again.


