Photo ID Contest!

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Last Winner: Monia

Last Orca Photo: Nakwakto (B12), Slingsby (B10), Yuculta (B13)

Clues: A Northern Resident male who's almost 40! This guy is pretty well known and a favourite for many.

Once again, follow the rules below! I've actually changed it a bit; there's only one winner now instead of three.

Contest rules: They're pretty simple! Look at the photo above, find the whale (IF YOU CAN, lol), and EMAIL ME! with the answer. If you win (and its whoever emails me with the correct answer first), you'll get a nice banner (see below)! So good luck!

And finally, here is the lovely prize! If you have a website, you can put it up there for all to see! If you don' can keep it on your computer or...print it out! lol or do whatever you want-its your prize! I've recently changed the banner, so be amazed at the newest creation.

(Oh yes, and your name (or your website's name if you want) will go underneath 'congratulations' with the name of the orca you identified.)