Bauza (B6)

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Above; Bauza's ID photo, from Killer Whales 1st Edition by John Ford, Graeme Ellis, and Kenneth Balcomb.

Bare Facts: Male ~ Born 1973 ~ Died 1992 ~ Mother B11 ~ Father Unknown ~ Children Unknown ~ ID tall, thin fin

Bauza was born in 1973 to B11. He was the first calf in the B1 pod that we were certain about the mother. Sadly, his mom died the same year, leaving the little whale orphaned.
Bauza was probably still nursing when his mom died, so either he was forced onto an all fish diet early, or maybe his sister let him nurse, since she was mature.
Either way, most likely, the whole pod pitched in to raise him. He was the youngest wahle in the family for the next six years, and researchers wondered what would happen to him, since they hadn't seen such a young whale orphaned before.
Bauza did survive. He didn't really have any playmates around his age for a while, since the youngest orca in the pod besides him was Izumi, who was nine years old at the time.
In 1979, he gained the playmate who was the closest to his age, Slingsby, Scarlett's second son.
Around 1988, Bauza began to mature. He could finally join in the rambunctious antics of his older brothers and uncle.
Bauza was a very playful whale. He was probably the calf that early researchers called 'Rusty' because he was still orangish when they first saw him. If so, then he was a very hyperactive calf!
In 1992, Bauza passed away, at the young age of 19. We'll probably never know why he died so young, after surviving against so many odds.