Baronet (B2)

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Photos of Baronet

Above; Baronet's ID photo from Killer Whales 1st Edition by John Ford, Graeme Ellis and Kenneth Balcomb.

Bare Facts: Male ~ Born est.1952 ~ Died 1998 ~ Mother Unknown ~ Father Unknown ~ Children Quatsino ~ ID Notch near top of the fin

Baronet was born around 1952. We don't know who his mother was, because she died before the study began and was never ID'd. We suspect, however, that his older sister was B11, the matriarch when we first met them.
When Baronet was born, the pod had three other members that we know of: his probable sister B11, and her two kids, Scarlett and Hooker. Hooker was only a year older than Baronet, so they had lots of fun playing together.
When Baronet was six, he and his nephew gained another playmate when B11 had her third calf, a male called B3. Five years later brought another male, B5.
In 1964, Baronet became a great-uncle, when Scarlett had her first calf, Izumi.
Around this time, both Hooker and Baronet started to sprout and mature. They played all the time, rolling around like the rambunctious teenagers they were. When they were fully mature, around the age of 20, B3 sprouted too, and you can bet those three had lots of good times!
In 1973, B11 had her last calf, also a male, named Bauza. The same year, she died, and the rest of the pod stepped up to take care of the little orphan.
In 1979, Scarlett had her second calf, Slingsby, and at the same time, Izumi and B5 sprouted.
Now there were FIVE grown males in the pod! The whole matriline was a goofy bunch, always playing and moving around at top speed. Baronet had a great time with his three nephews and one grand-nephew.
In 1982, they lost one of the guys when B3 passed away at age 24. In 1984, they gained a family member when Scarlett had her third calf, Nakwakto. The year after, B5 passed away at the age of 22, leaving Baronet with Hooker and Izumi to play with.
Within the next few years, Bauza joined the full-grown-males' play. Younger whales don't usually play with fully grown males, because the guys can get a little rough.
In 1987, Scarlett had her FOURTH calf, Yuculta, and four years later, she had her fifth, a girl *gasp* named Klaskish.
At this time, Slingsby had probably started to sprout, bringing the number of big fins up to five again.
Sadly, the next year, Bauza, the orphan they'd raised into a rambunctious guy, died.
In 1995, Scarlett had her last calf, Raven. And by 1998, the pod had an astonishing number of full grown males, since Nakwakto and Yuculta began to sprout. That meant that there were six full grown males: Baronet, Hooker, Izumi, Slingsby, Nakwakto, and Yuculta!
Baronet is also a confirmed father. Genetic testing revealed that he was the father of Quatsino (I47), who was born in 1985.
Sadly, in 1998, Baronet and his close nephew Hooker both passed away, leaving a legacy in their wake.
Baronet resembled Hooker a bit, in that his fin hooked forward as well, though not as prominately. It was rounded, but didn't have the distinctive notches that Hooker had.