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Photos of B3

Bare Facts: Male ~ Born est.1958 ~ Died 1982 ~ Mother B11 ~ Father Unknown ~ Children Unknown ~ ID Unknown

B3 was born around 1958, most likely to B11. We're not entirely sure because he was born over ten years before the study, and was probably sprouting when it started.
When the study started, B3 was one of three males, the other two being his older brother Hooker and his uncle Baronet. They also traveled with his mom and his sister Scarlett.
In 1963, B3 got another brother, B5. The next year, Scarlett had her first calf, a male named Izumi.
B3 and Hooker and Baronet spent lots of time playing. They'd also wander up north and explore the inlets along the Strait.
In 1973, when we first began to know the Bs, B11 had Bauza, B3's third brother. Sadly, the same year, B11 died, leaving B3 and his four siblings motherless.
Somehow the pod must have stepped in to care for Bauza, because the little orphan survived.
In 1979, Scarlett had her second calf, Slingsby. B3 now had four other males to play with: Hooker, Baronet, B5 and Izumi. Bauza and Slingsby were still too young to join in the rough games of the fully grown males.
In 1982, B3 sadly and unexpectedly passed away. He was only 24 years old, so we don't know why he died.
B3 was identifiable when he spyhopped, because he had a spot on his chin.