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Photos of B11

Bare Facts: Female ~ Born est.1927 ~ Died 1973 ~ Mother Unknown ~ Father Unknown ~ Children Scarlett, Hooker, B3, B5, Bauza ~ ID Unknown

B11 was born around 1927 and was fully grown when the study started. When we first began to observe the B-pod, everyone focused on Hooker and his fellow guys, but B11 was the matriarch and in charge!
We don't know who B11's mom was, because she died before we got to know the whales. However, we're pretty sure the male Baronet was her brother.
Around 1947, B11 probably gave birth to Scarlett. Then four years later in 1951, she gave birth to the famous Hooker. Another seven years and she gave birth to her third calf, B3, another male.
B11 wasn't very well known, but she seems to have been a good mother. In 1963, she had her fourth calf and third male, B5. The year after, Scarlett gave birth to her first son, Izumi, around the age of 17.
In 1973, the study began, and the pod was made up of 8 members, under the matriarchy of B11. The pod was made up of B11, her probable brother, her four calves, and Izumi.
The same year, B11 had her last calf, and the only calf we are sure was hers. This calf, Bauza, was also male. If her age of birth is near correct, this means she had a calf around the age of 46, which is usually thought to be post-reproductive. However, her date of birth is probably incorrect, and she was possibly a bit younger, which is more normal. It should be noted, however, that other whales in their early forties have given birth to calves.
The same year, sadly, B11 passed away. We only knew her for a year, so she was never a well known whale. Thankfully, the rest of the pod raised the orphaned Bauza, and he survived his first few years with their help.