1) Lary Kildall, president of Digital Research, invented, developed and marketed the dominant commercial business oriented computer operating system, Control Program for Microcomputers (CPM), but did not became fabulously wealthy because Lary Kildall Proved how the desktop CPU has developed and functioning in today's century. He was also the inventor of the first operating system that PC had developed. By Lary Kildall's invention Bill Gates had a successful software program, BASIC. Lary Kildall is not wealthy today in this century because others were able to access his software and use it to upgrade it and find improvements in the software. So others took that chance and succeeded in the technology development business.

2) The modern personal computers innovations that were invented and developed at Xerox PARC, which was developed in 1973 as one of the first computers invented. Why the Xerox didn't commercially exploit the technologies it developed was because it was the first real developed computer, which was attached with a mouse on the screen to guide you through the computer screen. The other technology company that failed to commercially and exploited an innovative opportunity/invention, and had the opportunity, and why didn't the company develop it was Apple 2, which never successfully came through in the computer world. Apple 2 never stayed within the company because it wanted to go on its own to make more income. The company Windows was being trying to be bought out from Steve Jobs because they had the technological advancements.

3) Steve Jobs competitive Motivation for developing the Macintosh and his achievement and goal was the success of the company he had invented and developed which was his pride and joy IBM. Macintosh was more impressive of all technologies that had been out on the market back then and still is now to this date. In the computer world today Steve Jobs wanted the computer to have an easier access towards users on the computer at their workplace and at home. IBM had been the more successful out of all the technological advancements in the computer market.

4) The first Apple- Macintosh computer that were commercially unsuccessful, by contrast, and the first IBM PC that was commercially successful was the Macintosh's because IBM had been well known and more computer friendly in the technology of the world. IBM is easier to access compared to the new COMPAQ that competes with their computer today. The IBM was less expensive and came with more computer programs than the Mac. None the less Mac had GUI technology but the computer nerds and individuals wanted it to be kept simple and easy to use by everybody. No one wants difficult computer tasks it has to be easy to access and not complicated.

5) Microsoft and WIntel were able to become so well known and successful because Microsoft Windows was user friendlier compared to the other competitors that were out on the market today. It was easier to understand the commands and programs that were used in the computer system. Microsoft did all the work the user just had to point and click to get to another document or program folder.

6) Microsoft become dominant over Apple, then IBM, in the personal computer industry this is so because Microsoft became user friendlier then Apple's GUI. Macintosh's graphics is well known and used more often by society and individuals. But to use everyday Microsoft is used more often because it has office applications that are used in today' s businesses and individuals that are in school. Microsoft's applications and programs have become well known and used worldwide and probably on every desktop used today.

7) The best technology does not always become the most commercially successful because people in today's society compare to what others have and use the same. Some computer users find that if another individual has upgrades on programs on their computer they themselves will go out and grab it because it has been by word of mouth or marketed on television or magazines. The computer industry is best known for brand names, if you don't have the name that others have its not good enough and the market for that computer company will go down hill even if it does the same application and has the same software base programs used. Computer technology advancements are always being upgraded and people find it difficult to keep up with technology because it becomes expensive for their pocket.

8) The Triumph Of the Nerds documentary series ends with Steve Jobs (Apple) and Steve Balmer (Microsoft) expressing their opinions about the relative merits of the Macintosh and Windows. The personal computers systems, out of Mac or WIntel, that I have used, and prefer is, WIntel because I find it easier to use, also I am not familiar with Mac I haven't actually used the program to compare the two. But as for myself it is user friendly and I am able to do most of my schoolwork and use it for my everyday use such as using EXCEL for my financial statements in banking. I also find WIntel is mostly used in most households and school facilities.