March 13, 2008


Today’s class is cancelled.  Although I am away, the time and classroom can still be used by you and your presentation partner to work on your presentation.  


You must be scheduled for a presentation date by March 20, 2008 or you will receive a grade of zero.

If you haven’t been scheduled for a presentation date, it is due to your topics either not being submitted or, if you did submit them, there was something deficient about them such as: 1) The Topics did not have any or enough relationship to information technology; 2) The topics were too similar; 3) The topics’ information didn’t include all of the information required: 1) Each topic’s name/title; 2) Under each topic, an explanation of why you want to do that topic; 3) Under each topic, what you intend to cover for that topic.


I will be revising the Submitted Presentation Topics and Presentation Assignment Information Topics Schedule as I receive further information from students.  Check those web pages every day for revisions which may pertain to you.