Shopper Maps

These are the Shopper maps. Talk about my maps here. Click on the pictures to download them.

The Abd Shooper

My first shopper map. It's a bit tight, somtimes spacy and quite weird.

TUS Tourney Round 1

I made this for the clan I started. It was for the tourney that JamesBond won. This was round one. Not very good.

TUS Tourney Finals

A very strange shoppa map. I find it fun. Bounce off the box for moe fun.

TUS Tourney Semi-Finals

A shopper in the sky. Have fun. It's not too bad. Just stay off the clouds.

Words Shopper

A shopper that was for Born To Worm a site that closed down. This is a map that isn't too horrible.


This is a map I made for the Pixel Map pack at BlameThePixel. It's not as annoying as it is supposed to be.


This one is a fun shopper, but completely annoying. It was made for BornToWorm but it couldn't be there cuz it was closed down.

Final Fantasy X-2

This is my first color map (png format), based on FFX-2. This map feels uncomplete (it's a bit spacey), but it isn't too bad.